CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C141 His Soul Never Left Him

C141 His Soul Never Left Him

"Yu Ruoqi, are you childish?" Yu Xiaowen looked at her coldly as if she did not put the matter of the photos in her eyes.    


She was a clear person. If Su Qiyang provoked her, he would truly trust her and would not be deceived by Yu Ruoqi. Furthermore, she believed in Su Qiyang's intelligence very much.    


Her reaction made Yu Ruoqi's face a little uncomfortable.    


The corners of her eyes hesitated a few times and said sarcastically: "I am childish, I do not know, but some people really do not know shame. They are already married and even have illegitimate children, yet they still do not forget their old lovers. No matter how childish I am, I will not do such shameless things!"    


Yu Xiaowen felt disgusted when she heard him say shameless things.    


"Yu Ruoqi, how did you talk to your sister?" Peng Yichen was one step ahead of her and spoke to Yu Ruoqi in a lecturing manner.    


Yu Xiaowen looked at him and felt even more disgusted that he stood up for her.    


"Hehe. " Yu Ruoqi laughed twice and walked to Peng Yichen's side. She looked like she was doing it for his own good and said, "I say Peng Yichen? I advise you to give up early. That bit of wealth of yours is not enough for my sister to like?"    


" Don't you agree, sister? " She would only call Yu Xiaowen sister when she ridiculed her. "Because of this, you chose Su Qiyang. "    


Yu Xiaowen held back the urge to roll her eyes and said, "Yu Ruoqi, you should save your acting skills on your performance. "    


The two people standing in front of her did not want to have anything to do with each other.    


She put down her words and turned around to walk into the company. Staying outside for a second longer felt like a waste of time and energy.    


Yu Ruoqi did not understand her hint at first. When she understood, her back was already very far away. She was so angry that she stomped her feet and cursed. "You actually mocked my poor acting skills! You, just you wait! Explain clearly to me! "    


How could Yu Xiaowen wait for her? As she spoke, the person had already passed through the revolving door and entered the hall.    


"Peng Yichen, this kind of woman, how did you. . . " Yu Ruoqi turned her head and wanted to pull Peng Yichen to speak for her. She wanted to mock his eyes and Yu Xiaowen's lowliness.    


But there was no shadow of Peng Yichen by her side.    


Peng Yichen saw that Yu Xiaowen had left and felt that there was no need to bring her down. He did not even greet Yu Ruoqi and also turned around to get in his car.    


Boom, boom. . .    


The engine rang twice. Yu Ruoqi did not even have time to ask him if he was polite before his car drove out like an arrow from Li Xuan!    


"One, two, you only know how to bully me!"    


Yu Ruoqi was so angry that she stomped her feet on the ground, but there was nothing she could do.    


. . .    


Yu Xiaowen thought that since they were already here, she might as well enter the company to deal with some business. Currently, no one knew that she was not only the boss of the magazine, but also the general manager of the Yu's Group.    


The matter of all the magazines was still not enough to affect the company. To be safe, she still needed to do some unexpected measures to avoid accidents.    


Pushing open the office door, She found a person sitting in her office chair. Because his back was facing her, she couldn't see his face?    


Zhao Lu did not know where she was? Did she know that someone had swaggered into her office?    


Yu Xiaowen was on guard and did not close the door. She just stood at the door and asked: "Who are you? Who let you in?"    


Just as he finished speaking, Her office chair turned around, so she could clearly see the other party's appearance.    


"Dad?" She called out in confusion.    


Yu Tao smiled gently at her and said, "You're back. Have you settled everything?"    


"Yes. " Yu Xiaowen frowned and entered the room. She did not directly answer his question and asked him, "Why did you come to the company today?"    


Yu Tao smiled and said, "The doctor said that I was fine, so I came back to take a look. "    


"Oh. " Yu Xiaowen answered and did not reply. However, she thought of a lot in her heart. Didn't he say that he would need at least three to four months of recuperation? But now, he was back in less than two months. What happened?    


The office was exceptionally quiet because there was no voice.    


After a while, Yu Tao broke the silence and asked with concern, "You must be tired from work, right?"    


Yu Xiaowen did not know if she should answer that she was tired or not. He would not care if she was tired or not. If he asked that, he must have other motives.    


"It's alright, right?" She chose an ambiguous answer.    


"I heard from Zhao Lu that you have been very busy in the company. You must be very tired. You have also worked hard. I will give you a few days off. You should rest well. " When Yu Tao said this, he smiled and narrowed his eyes. He looked very kind.    


But he really felt that she was tired. Did she need to rest?    


Zhao Lu was his spy in the company, so he had no reason not to know that he had skipped two days of work two days ago and went to France.    


Then the reason why he wanted her to rest for the time being was self-evident.    


It was like a basin of cold water had been poured over her head. She thought that she would no longer be sad and sad for anyone in the Yu family. However, she was still shocked by Yu Tao's sudden scheme.    


He was not concerned about whether she was tired or not. He knew about the magazine and was afraid that her matter would implicate the company. That was why he let her go back and rest.    




Yu Xiaowen, Yu Xiaowen!    


Now you know how naive and ridiculous you are, right?    


She scolded herself in her belly and digested all her emotions. She would never let herself show any weakness in front of Yu Tao.    


Not long after, Yu Xiaowen recovered her mood and said with a faint smile: "Good. Yu Tong is not in good health these few days. I can go home and take care of him. "    


Yu Tao squinted his eyes and looked at Yu Xiaowen, as if he wanted to push away the true thoughts behind her smile.    


After a long time, he looked away. He searched Yu Tong's image of that child's illness in his head. They were all vague and unclear.    


He gave up and comforted him directly, "Child? Just like that, it's normal to have a small illness or a small disaster. Don't spoil the child too much, it will cause a problem. "    


A small illness or a small disaster?    


He had forgotten that the reason why she married Su Qiyang so quickly was because she did not have money to treat Yu Tong's illness.    


"Got it. " She replied without any sadness or joy, "If there is nothing else, then if there is nothing else, I'll be going back today. "    


Yu Tao nodded and did not stop reminding her, "Remember to communicate with Zhao Lu regarding the handover. "    


"Yes. " Yu Xiaowen answered softly and turned around to leave without any hesitation.    


She had already gotten her mother's shares. As for the real estate and car in Su Huizhen's hands, she would get them back sooner or later.    


If Yu Tao could get her to manage the company once, then there would definitely be a second time. She was not afraid. It was still a long way to go. The Yu's would be hers sooner or later.    


As she thought of this, Her mood improved a lot.    


After leaving the office, Yu Xiaowen did not leave immediately. Instead, she went to the bathroom. She wanted to wash her cold face and wake herself up.    


People who made others dislike them always had the ability to be haunting them!    


The moment Yu Xiaowen entered the bathroom, she saw Yu Ruoqi, who was fixing her makeup on the glass. Didn't she already get off work and go home? Why did she come out again?    


Yu Xiaowen decided to ignore her. After washing her face, she directly left.    


But how could Yu Ruoqi let go of the opportunity to ridicule her? When she saw her face in the mirror, she was extremely happy in her heart.    


Previously, she was ignored by Yu Xiaowen and Peng Yichen downstairs. She could not catch up to Peng Yichen, but she could catch up to Yu Xiaowen.    


With her character, she would not swallow her anger when she was scolded. She would naturally chase after Yu Xiaowen upstairs to cause trouble for her.    


When she chased to the door of the General Manager's office and was about to kick the door and enter, Yu Tao's voice came from inside.    


She hid in the corner of the wall and listened curiously.    


Yu Tao let Yu Xiaowen go home to rest, but in fact, he took back his power from her. She heard it very clearly from the beginning until the end, otherwise Yu Xiaowen scolded her so much, how could she welcome him with a smile.    


Yu Ruoqi happily touched her lips and looked at the mirror to admire her beautiful face before turning around and leaning against the washing table.    


She gloated and said, "Yu Xiaowen, Yu Xiaowen, you also have today! It does not feel good to put in effort but not to please others, right? Serves you right!"    


Yu Xiaowen paused when she turned on the tap. She guessed that she must have overheard her conversation with Yu Tao when she came to find trouble with her.    


After thinking for a while, she continued with her actions.    


What was the use of knowing? It was just a few words of ridicule, but if he really wanted to argue with her, it was simply going against his own intelligence!    


Yu Ruoqi saw that she was silent and continued to wash her face. Thinking that her thoughts had been hit by her words, she felt even more pleased in her heart. She said again, "I advise you to recognize your identity as soon as possible. Yu Tao has long not treated you as his daughter. You are just a tool that can be used at any time. There will be such a thing as help in the future. You'd better not come, lest I get annoyed when I see you!"    


It was the end of autumn. Although the weather was not that hot, it was still a little dry.    


Cold water splashed on her face. The cool feeling made people feel very comfortable. Yu Xiaowen's mood also improved a lot. She threw a few cups of cold water on her face.    


As for Yu Ruoqi's ridicule, she only treated it as the buzzing sound of mosquitoes by her ears.    


Yu Ruoqi did not have a good sense of self either. Yu Xiaowen's disregard, she tacitly agreed that Yu Tao's kind of blow was too great. She felt that she could not win against her and chose to give up.    


After she finished talking about the company, she continued to talk about Su Qiyang.    


It was still a full sentence from time to time. The careless thing was to let Yu Xiaowen know better and leave Su Qiyang as soon as possible. What was worthy of him? Only she could say such things.    


After Yu Xiaowen washed her face, she took out a tissue from her handbag in an orderly manner and wiped away the water on her face bit by bit.    


No matter how slow Yu Ruoqi was, she also realized the reality that she was being ignored. She felt that she was provoked and pointed at Yu Xiaowen's nose and scolded, "Don't give me face and don't be shameless. I was kind enough to advise you and you treat me like this. "    


Yu Xiaowen gave her a look of charity and said brightly, "Put away your good intentions and take care of yourself. No one cares about you!"    


After she retracted her gaze, she looked at herself in the mirror one last time and confirmed that she did not have any indecent appearance.    


From beginning to end, she treated Yu Ruoqi like a transparent person.    


Yu Ruoqi was so angry that she really wanted to go forward and smash her stinky mouth. She wanted to scratch her emotionless face.    


Yu Xiaowen seemed to have guessed that she was going to make a move. Her eyes were sharp as she looked at her and warned, "If you dare to make a move, then don't be afraid that I will cause the entire world to know. We will see if your public image, which you have painstakingly built up, will fall apart overnight!"    


"You!" Yu Ruoqi, who had her leg grabbed, was so angry that her face twisted. She also did not dare to do anything to Yu Xiaowen. She could only watch helplessly as she calmly left.    


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