CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C118 Don't Have Any Other Purpose

C118 Don't Have Any Other Purpose

Yu Ruoqi could not go to the company to settle accounts with Yu Xiaowen and was even chased out by the bodyguards. She had lost all face and was so angry with Yu Xiaowen that her teeth itched but there was nothing she could do about it.    


She gritted her teeth and drove home. Just as she got off the car, she saw Su Huizhen's gloomy face at the door of the house.    


"Mom, you, why are you standing here?" She thought in her heart that it was not good and stuttered when she spoke.    


Su Huizhen sneered, "What do you think I am standing here for? Where did you go?"    


"I, where else can I go? I was just wandering around nearby. " Yu Ruoqi's gaze shifted, looking left and right as she talked to her.    


She could lie to others and sometimes she could still live like a tiger, but Su Huizhen was her mother. No matter how perfect her lie was, Su Huizhen could tell at a glance.    


Su Huizhen narrowed her eyes and said, "Is that so? Then why did I receive a call from the company saying that you went to make a big fuss today?"    


Yu Ruoqi felt that her lie had been exposed and instead, she said righteously, Then why did I receive a call from the company saying that you went to make a big fuss today?" Yes, I went to the company! Yu Xiaowen, that slut, was so shameless. Mom. . . You can bear it, but I can't. I have to teach her a lesson no matter what. "    


Su Huizhen was so angry that her head hurt. She roared in a low voice. "You can shout a little louder. That way, your father will know. Look at how he would react if he knew that you went to the company to cause trouble. "    


"Me. " Yu Ruoqi's words were tied and her voice unconsciously shrunk.    


She was still very afraid of Yu Tao.    


Su Huizhen was angry and did not argue, "I have told you more than once. Don't provoke Yu Xiaowen at this time. Why don't you listen?"    


"Who said I didn't listen? I just. . . "    


"You just what?" Su Huizhen interrupted her excuse and said, "Are you saying that you just don't blame her for being frivolous and want to teach her a lesson to vent your anger?"    


Yu Ruoqi puckered her lips and did not refute.    


She knew that she thought that way. Su Huizhen was already so angry that she was speechless and scolded, "You, you should grow some brains, right? Even if you really want to take revenge on her, can't you use a more advanced method?"    


Yu Ruoqi muttered in her heart, Advanced? How advanced? If you have a good idea, why do you have to watch that slut enter the company?    


Her thoughts were written all over her face. Su Huizhen saw it and blue veins popped out on her forehead. Why did she give birth to such a useless daughter? Did she not even have a brain?    


. . .    


Yu Xiaowen got off work when it was time. When she left the company building, she paid attention to the situation at the front desk and did not see Yu Ruoqi's figure.    


It seemed that Zhao Lu did as she said. According to Yu Ruoqi's narrow-minded thoughts, this matter would not end so easily. But what could she do? She could only block when the army came, and when the water came, the earth would cover it.    


She did not have the mood to care about Yu Ruoqi. At this moment, she only wanted to go home early to accompany Yu Tong.    


On the way home, she received a call from Lau, the assistant of the magazine.    


She said, "Boss, do you have time now?"    


Her voice sounded a little urgent. Yu Xiaowen frowned and replied, "Yes, why?"    


"That is really great. " Lau was relieved as she explained. "It's the designer R. After our hard work, he finally agreed to give our magazine an interview. "    


Yu Xiaowen was also happy when she heard that. She said, "That's good. Didn't we give you and Xu Liang the task of interviewing him recently? Why did you call me? You can handle it with full authority. "    


" No, boss. It's that R said he can only take an hour to be interviewed tonight, but Xu Liang and I are in the suburbs now, so we can't rush back. We have also asked Chief Editor Yao, but Chief Editor Yao also has an interview to do. The others aren't professional enough, so we can only trouble you. "    


Lau knew about Yu Tong's illness and that she still had to deal with her own business. She was also very busy, but she really had no choice.    


At the end, she pleaded softly, "Boss, I beg of you. Please, please. "    


"Alright. " What else could Yu Xiaowen do? Naturally, she agreed. She said, "Send me the address. I will go now. "    


"Yeah! That's great. Thank you, boss. I'll send it right away. " Lau happily thanked him and hung up the phone.    


One minute later, Yu Xiaowen received an address message on her phone.    


She showed the address to the driver and said, "Uncle Li, can I trouble you to send it to this place?"    


"No problem, Madam!"    


The interview venue was arranged to be at the hotel where R stayed. Yu Xiaowen followed the address to the hotel room 2213. After confirming that there was no mistake, she coincidentally remembered the door.    


After a while, someone came over and opened the door. It was a seven or eight-year-old boy, and she had met him before.    


The boy also looked at Yu Xiaowen in surprise, "Beautiful sister, why are you here?"    


Yu Xiaowen still wanted to ask him, was this Designer R's room? Could he have found the wrong place?    


"Lucas, who came?" A familiar voice came from inside the room.    


Yu Xiaowen couldn't help but think, Could it be such a coincidence?    


She saw the little boy shout into the room, "It's a beautiful sister, Day. "    


Then, she heard the sound of footsteps. Then, the father of Lucas, whom she had seen the other day, appeared in Yu Xiaowen's line of sight.    


The other party had also seen her. His first reaction was to frown.    


Yu Xiaowen was afraid that he would misunderstand and quickly said, "May I ask if you are Mr. R. ? I am Yu Xiaowen and I am meeting you today to meet the chief editor of the magazine. "    


The man did not respond. He was as aloof as before. He walked to the door and ordered Lucas, "Go inside. "    


"But Ducky, it wasn't easy for me to see my beautiful sister again. I want to talk to her," said Lucas.    


The man glared at him and called out his name, "Lucas!" His tone was very stern.    


Lucas should be very afraid of his father, so he pouted and lowered his head, feeling wronged as he went in.    


When he walked further away, the man stared at Yu Xiaowen with a vigilant face and said, "What is your purpose?"    


It also meant that he admitted that he was the famous Asian designer, R. But he seemed to have misunderstood something. Yu Xiaowen smiled and said, "Mr. R, I don't understand what you mean. You agreed to our magazine's interview, so I came. "    


R sneered. He crossed his arms in front of him and looked arrogant. He raised his chin and said, "Do you think I will believe you?"    


Yu Xiaowen bit her lips and forcefully maintained a polite smile as she replied with a question. "Then what do you think I have in mind, Mr. R?"    


R directly said, "I think you are deliberately getting close to my son to gain my favorable impression and want me to take over your interview. "    


Yu Xiaowen was a little speechless, thinking that this R was a bit too arrogant, right?    


Since when did she deliberately approach his son? Furthermore, it was clearly him who agreed to the interview first. Before this, he did not even know that she was the person who helped, right?    


However, R didn't give her a chance to explain. He said, "Please leave. I won't be doing this interview anymore. If you dare to stay here, be careful. I'll find a security guard and throw you out. "    


After saying that, he slammed the door shut.    


Yu Xiaowen stood at the door and was really amused and angry! Wasn't this designer a little too weird?    


He had already said what he wanted to say. She was so thick-skinned that she continued to stay in the hotel. There was a sense of disappointment when the interview didn't succeed. However, for someone with such character, even if she did an interview, she didn't want to publish it. Otherwise, she would be a nobody!    


It was already eight o'clock when Yu Xiaowen returned to the villa. Su Qiyang sat alone on the sofa downstairs and read.    


"Where's Tong?" The first thing Yu Xiaowen did when she saw him was to ask about Yu Tong's situation.    


Su Qiyang felt a little jealous in his heart. He gestured for her to come to his side. Yu Xiaowen's mood was not very good. She did not think too much over there and walked over.    


When she stood beside him, she asked again, "Where is Tong?"    


Su Qiyang reached out to grab her hand. He gently pulled her and pulled her into his embrace. He kissed Yu Xiaowen on the forehead before answering, "The little fellow is sleeping. Don't look for him now. "    


"Oh. " Yu Xiaowen replied and did not struggle. She quietly leaned on his firm chest and her gaze was in the void.    


Su Qiyang enjoyed her from resisting the touch of his skin to relying on him now. Seeing that she looked tired, he asked, "What is it? Not in a good mood?"    


"Yes. " Yu Xiaowen answered dispiritedly, "I messed up an interview. "    


"That designer R?" Su Qiyang was smart enough to think about the designer she mentioned last time.    


Yu Xiaowen nodded, still not in high spirits.    


"Our Xiaowen is so good. What's the matter with that R? Is he blind? He actually dared to reject such a good interview opportunity. " Su Qiyang deliberately exaggerated his words, wanting to shake Yu Xiaowen.    


Unfortunately, it did not succeed. Yu Xiaowen gave him a cold look and conveyed with her eyes, "Are you alright?" Four big words plus a question mark.    


Su Qiyang smiled awkwardly and changed the topic. " Tell me what happened. I'm curious. "    


Yu Xiaowen thought for a while and told Su Qiyang everything in detail. Su Qiyang frowned when he heard that. His attitude was the same as hers. He decided that if this R's character was like this, it would be better not to interview him!    


"How about this?" Su Qiyang thought for a while and said, "You interview me!"    


His purpose was very simple. Even though this R was not reliable, Xiaowen did not want to interview him, but her mood was affected because of this.    


She needed an interview, so she could directly interview him. She could guarantee that it would be more commercial than that R.    


Yu Xiaowen knew that he was helping her and did not want her to worry about the interview anymore. She was very touched in her heart. In addition, during this period of time, he had been busy working for Yu Tong and had done a lot of things without any complaints. That was why she did what she wanted to do without any hesitation.    


Thinking like this, her heart became soft.    


She raised her head slightly and kissed Su Qiyang, although it was rare for her to take the initiative to kiss him, even though it was on his chin.    


But in Su Qiyang's eyes, this was a heaven and earth improvement. Her black eyes flashed with ecstasy. She was the one who took the initiative to seduce him. He flipped over and pressed Ran down on the sofa.    


His movements were so fast that Yu Xiaowen only felt that the world was spinning before she was pressed down on the sofa by Su Qiyang. This scene very quickly evoked the absurdity of the two of them not long ago on the sofa.    


Yu Xiaowen's old face turned red. She reached out to push him and scolded in a low voice. "Don't mess around. Quickly get down. "    


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