Bloody Doomsday: I Became A Tyrannosaurus Rex

C765 Immortal Execution Sword and Raphael

C765 Immortal Execution Sword and Raphael

When he saw the sword, he was instantly shocked, "That is something from the Sword and Sword Divine Realm!"    


Chen Chu pointed, "Where did your sword come from?"    


Raphael raised the broken sword in his hand, "Hehe, where did it come from? I don't know either."    


Raphael seemed to have fallen into a trance.    


In order to become stronger, he constantly wandered in the void.    


In the void, time seemed to have lost its meaning.    


He didn't know how long he wandered for.    


Until one day, he felt a weak Mental Energy Wave.    


Thus, he began to search.    


Finally, he found the Immortal Execution Sword embedded in the back of a huge meteorite.    


Raphael was very curious.    


It was just a weapon, how could it emit Mental Energy Wave?    


He wanted to pull out the Immortal Execution Sword.    


When his hand came into contact with the Immortal Execution Sword, the blood in his body boiled.    


At the same time, a voice appeared in his mind.    


"Do you want to become stronger? Accept me!"    


Raphael, who was seeking strength, did not refuse and directly accepted it!    


The huge energy invaded his body.    


His pure white wings turned black...    




Raphael laughed strangely and turned his head to look at the back of the sword.    


"I didn't expect that there would be a living being who knew about the Sword and Sword Divine Realms."    


Chen Chu's eyes flashed. He stretched out his hand and directly revealed his three-pointed double-edged spear.    


"Oh? Hehehe, so that's how it is. You are the descendant of those refugees from the Sword and Sword Divine Region."    


"That Feather People was lucky. That sword was broken, and his strength was greatly reduced. Otherwise, his entire body would have long been invaded."    


"No!" Raphael roared angrily, "No invader! He was only providing me with a powerful strength!"    


Chen Chu shook his head, "In the end, you have still fallen."    


"I have never fallen! I, Raphael! I will forever be an eternal Holy Angel! Evil Dragon, die!"    


"Crack crack!"    


The moment Raphael raised his sword, lightning actually appeared in the entire void!    


This shocked all the beasts.    


How could lightning appear in the void!    


Zhan was shocked, "Be careful! Many things in the Sword and Saber God Domain have been bestowed with special attributes! Even in the vacuum space, they can be released, which is their ability!"    


"Hahaha, God Sword Lightning-Controlling True Technique!"    




A bolt of lightning directly smashed towards Chen Chu's body.    


Chen Chu's right wing blocked it.    


After an explosion, a charred hole actually appeared on his wings!    


"Eh? It's really strong."    


"Evil Dragon, in front of this sword, all of your domains are useless. You can't even use your most outstanding ability. What else do you have left?"    


"Buzz buzz buzz!"    


A wave of energy rippled around Chen Chu's body, and then he stretched out a finger.    




A ray of energy shot towards Raphael.    




Raphael's body turned into a ray of light as he raised his sword and slashed at Chen Chu.    


The energy beam was split apart by the Immortal Execution Sword and shot out in two directions.    




When the Immortal Execution Sword reached Chen Chu's face, a metallic sound could be heard.    


A jet-black broadsword was already in front of him. It was the Infinity Edge!    


"Hehehe... A very hard weapon. It's a pity that it's a weapon without a soul!"    


Raphael exerted his strength with both his arms.    




The blade of the Immortal Execution Sword actually cut into the blade of the Infinity Edge!    


"Fuck you! You only know how to trick me!"    




Chen Chu extended his arm from under his ribs and punched at Raphael's chest.    


Raphael's sixteen wings blocked the attack.    


After a loud explosion, the sixteen wings were smashed into pieces by the punch.    


The huge force caused Raphael's body to shoot backwards in the air.    


When the Azure Hundred-Armed Ox Ape, the Gold-Eating Beast, and the Nether Dragon Centipede saw this, their hearts sank.    


In the previous battle with Chen Chu, the other party did not reveal his true strength!    


Raphael was forced to retreat tens of thousands of meters!    




A mouthful of black blood was spat out from his mouth.    


"Chi Chi!"    


After the black blood was spat out, it turned into specks of black light that were absorbed by the Immortal Execution Sword.    


"What a powerful force!"    


Chen Chu held his sword horizontally. "I wonder what my blade will become after it devours your sword."    


"Star Filling!"    


The black light around Raphael's body shone brightly. Then, he pointed the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand at the fifth planet.    


When the Azure Hundred-Arms Ape saw this, it was enraged, "Rafia! How dare you!"    


However, it was already too late.    


After Raphael released his ability Star Filling, the energy on the planet gathered towards his body like an ocean.    


At the same time, the entire planet's vitality was also gathered!    


The azure-colored planet actually dimmed a few times in an instant!    


Chen Chu could not give the opponent a chance. With a Void Travel, he appeared behind Raphael.    


The Infinity Edge slashed down.    


Raphael grinned sinisterly, turned around, and slashed upwards with his sword.    






Chen Chu smiled, "Do you think that my blade is only like this?"    


The Infinity Edge's blade actually opened up like a ferocious beast opening its mouth. On both sides of the blade were dense sawteeth, blocking the Immortal Slaying Sword.    


"I'll take you!"    


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"    


Countless black furs appeared on Chen Chu's chest and swept towards Raphael.    


"Heavenly Skill! Star Explosion!"    




The energy that he had absorbed from the fifth planet was released at this moment! It was comparable to the explosion of a small planet!    


At the same time, Raphael retreated with his sword in hand.    


"Bastard, after absorbing the energy, you need to release it through me!" Raphael roared with a sinister expression.    


Raphael’s ferocious face turned cold. “I know!”    


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