Bloody Doomsday: I Became A Tyrannosaurus Rex

C815 The Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

C815 The Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

On the Overlord battleship, all the beasts on the ship were cheering after seeing the Blade Beast die in such a humiliating manner.    


Chen Chu nodded as well, "It seems that with them on Earth, I can rest assured."    


Chen Chu thought that way, but the All Knowing Beast on the deck of a boardship of the Gamma fleet did not think that way.    


The All Knowing Beast blinked its eyes, "Impossible! Impossible! There are clearly no living creatures above the dead bodies! How can they deceive my eyes!"    


"If those two creatures can deceive your eyes, it means that there are even more creatures that can deceive your eyes." A creature with a snow-white body and a height of 10,000 meters said.    


"Young Master, do you want to go?"    


"Hehe, it's not easy for me to get out of hiding from the old man. How can I not have a good time? You know, Endless Gem can be sold for quite a lot of money in our interstellar market."    


"Ah Da, Ah Er, you guys protect the young master! Quickly find the Endless Gem and destroy this low-level planet!"    




The two black creatures responded.    


Two black and one white figures flew towards Earth.    


"Buzz ~ ~"    


Just as they were about to move, the trajectory of Planet Earth changed!    


This was a planet moving!    


"What is going on!"    


"Hu ~ ~"    


A huge leg that was like a pillar of heaven stood in front of them, blocking the three beasts in front.    


"It's best not to get involved with the creatures above the Super Origin Body on that planet." A Mental Energy Wave was emitted from Planet Jupiter.    


The snow-white creature was shocked, "I didn't think that there would be a living creature on this planet!"    


This was too shocking for the beast.    


The detection of the Galactic Fleet, other than Earth, were all dead stars. How could a creature suddenly appear on this planet! Moreover, it was not a low level creature.    


"How dare you! Ignorant creature! Do you know who you are blocking!"    


"Who cares who you are! Even if the Ancestral Dragon comes, I can still kick him twice."    


The three fierce beasts were shocked.    


Their tone was too arrogant!    


Although they still did not know what the creature on Jupiter was, the words "Ancestral Dragon" were taboo in the Galactic Market.    


A long time ago, the Galactic Market was already a powerful force in the universe.    


The fierce beasts that entered the Galactic Market wanted to buy things, but they had to give face to the Galactic Market.    


However, one day, a dragon suddenly appeared!    


After this dragon entered the Galactic Market, it would snatch whatever it wanted, completely disregarding the rules of the Galactic Market.    


Many powerful fierce beasts surrounded the dragon in the Galactic Market.    


That dragon was very shameless. He only said seven words, "I am the Ancestral Dragon! I have no money!"    


Thus, a great war broke out in the Galactic Market.    


There was not a single fierce beast in the entire Galactic Market that was a match for the Ancestral Dragon!    


In the end, the Ancestral Dragon ate everything in its way, and it only left after swallowing all the precious things in the Galactic Market.    


This caused the Star System Market to be in a state of depression for a long time.    


Thus, the Ancestral Dragon became the taboo of the Star System Market.    


Because it was a type of humiliation.    


The other party had eaten a 'Overlord's Dinner', and he couldn't even beat him, let alone eat a second 'Overlord's Dinner'.    


Who would have thought that they would actually be able to hear the Ancestral Dragon here?    


"You know the Ancestral Dragon?"    


"Hmm? You also know the Ancestral Dragon?"    


"You have a grudge with the Ancestral Dragon?"    


"I wish I could kick him to death!"    


The snow-white little master laughed. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. "The Ancestral Dragon is also our enemy! I think we can work together."    


"Work together? Haha, who do you think you are?"    


"Gaia Galaxy! The Star System Market! Right now, we have already gathered a lot of high-level creatures! If we find the Ancestral Dragon, we will definitely capture him."    


"Hahaha..." The Kui Cow laughed loudly, "Just you guys? Alright, if you want to work together with me, go and get me the Dragon Whip of the Ancestral Dragon."    


The little master's forehead was covered in sweat, "But, we are going to Earth to get something. If we get it, not to mention the Dragon Whip, even the two dragon pills will be given to you."    


On the Overlord Battleship.    


The Mirror of Kunlun projected a multi-angle image.    


Among them, there was such a segment.    


The Wuyi Black Pig had a look of disbelief, "Damn it! The Kui Cow wants the Dragon Whip!"    


The black dog tilted its head, "Why do you want the Dragon Whip?"    


The Wuyi Black Pig slapped him, "What are you talking about! How many years has the Kui Ox grandmother been lonely on Jupiter! It's so awesome!"    


The other beasts laughed loudly.    


"Don't forget, there are still two Dragon Pills!"    




Chen Chu's forehead was covered in sweat when he heard this. Were these guys plotting against the Ancestral Dragon and the Kui Ox behind his back?    


"All of you, shut up! If you want to see, then watch carefully! If you continue to plot against others behind my back, I will pull out your whips and pills first!"    


Chen Chu's words immediately calmed the beasts down.    




On the front of the giant leg.    


Little Master's face was gloomy, "I am determined to obtain the things on Earth! If you still want to stop me, then you have to be offended! Ah Da, Ah Er!"    




Ah Da and Ah Er let out two loud roars, and their bodies swelled at the same time.    


The two beasts were 100,000 meters long, and their backs were covered with dorsal fins that looked like blades.    


"Ah Da and Ah Er are two Heavenly Demon Lizards. They are extremely difficult opponents among the Super Source Form. As long as there is a little time, they can surpass the Super Source Form," Little Master said proudly.    


When Chen Chu saw this scene, he immediately sent a message to Zhang Dapai, "Zhang Dapai, tell your Kui Ox grandmother that I want the meat of these two lizards."    


"Alright, Father."    


On Jupiter.    


The Kui Ox said, "So troublesome. It seems that I have to take some strength."    


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