Super Magic Surgery System

C1964 Business Operations

C1964 Business Operations

Zheng Hao sat in a wheelchair he didn't even need, pushed by his sister. He wanted to find an excuse to take a breather outside, but he didn't dare. The reason he attended today's seemingly small-scale ceremony was that he was actually a backdrop tool person. Or to be precise, it could be considered the result of the latest genetic targeting therapy.    


However, as an otaku, seeing all sorts of luxury cars with names and unknown names appearing outside this medical building that only had eight floors, plus a group of beautiful nurses with blond hair and blue eyes standing in two rows at the door, he felt that perhaps this was more likely to be shooting some sort of movie.    


"Little Zheng, didn't you always worry that your brother will have schizophrenia? You should be relieved now, right?"    


"Sister Huang, your complexion today looks really good. It's completely different from what I saw a month ago. It looks like home is the warmest place. It's better than recuperating in the ward."    


Huang Xiuyun smiled and revealed a sincere smile. Just as she was about to reply, she saw Chen Qun and Chi Hong, the two saviors, walk out from the corridor. She quickly gave Little Zheng an apologetic look and turned to greet the main character of today, Dr. Chen.    


Actually, today's ribbon cutting ceremony was a little strange. Many of the heavyweights who participated in the ceremony were sitting in wheelchair. A few of them were in good spirits and had professional care. As for the guests, it could be said that almost none of them were present. The only person who was in charge of the ceremony was the dean of Xiangyun Hospital, old Man Liu Yang.    


"Director Liu, didn't you say that Zhang Mayor is coming? Why isn't he coming?"    


Chi Hong saw that the old leader was coming alone and was a little surprised. She went up and asked.    


"He probably won't be able to come. Something happened in the northern city area. He found two symptomless infected people with the mutated virus and rushed over to preside over the work."    


There were a few patients who were infected without any symptoms in the city, and the hospital unanimously agreed that it was only a matter of time. After all, this was not only the Special Economic District. It was also one of the international anti-epidemic goods ports. Every day, all kinds of cargo ships would come in and out of the city. It was only a matter of time before the patients were discovered.    


However, there was already a mature response mechanism in the country. In addition to the large data analysis here, as long as a local blockade was placed, the virus could be strangled in the cradle.    


This way, there was not a single guest at the opening ceremony. There were only doctors and patients. When he thought of this, Chen Qun felt relaxed for no reason.    


Liu Yang knew what this proud disciple was thinking. He patted his shoulder and chuckled as he gave the order.    


"Dean Schneider is here. Let's begin. This is your small ribbon cutting ceremony! "    


Director Schneider, who was dressed in formal attire, walked to the entrance and gave a short speech to the many patients present who were attending to the guests at the same time. He handed a small surgical incision to Chen Qun and gestured with his hand. Alisa and Joan used two exquisite and elegant plates. A very narrow red silk thread was carried to Chen Qun's two sides and he slightly put on the cart. They pulled the red silk thread that was adorned with golden silk straight.    


Chen Qun held the silver-white surgical scissors and quickly pulled the straight silk thread in the middle and waved it around. At the same time, a high-definition picture of scissors cutting the silk ribbon appeared on the big screen behind him. Three high-definition high-angle without any blind spots displayed it, letting everyone know that the ribbon cutting this time was not simple at all.    


However, Chen Qun did not cut the ribbon for a long time. It did not seem to last for less than half a minute. The ribbon broke from the middle at the same time. A beautiful, common international medical "Snake Staff" also flew out from his surgical cut. Two small wings that looked like angel wings flew out from the top. He had just laid flat on his palm and raised it diagonally. The complete picture appeared on the big screen in the hall.    


"Today's small ribbon cutting ceremony also shows that human medicine is improving day by day. But no matter how science and technology changes, the core ideology of medicine will not change. It is to drive away the disease and save the patient. So our hospital's logo is to use atomic patterns that represent science, in addition, the central tradition represents medicine, and the wings that represent personal hard work, it has become the emblem of our little medical research institute. I hope to bring hope and treatment to everyone. Thank you, everyone! "    


As soon as Chen Qun finished speaking, the gold-red badge was sprinkled with water by Alisa with a willow branch. Under the nourishment of the water droplets, the golden-red ribbon turned emerald green. It was not much different from the traditional medical imagery. It also showed that his technique had changed no matter what. But the core of medicine would not change.    


As for this ribbon that could change color, the guests present were all experienced and knowledgeable. They knew that it was just a small chemical trick, so there was nothing strange about it. However, with such creativity and effort, coupled with the superb skills when cutting the ribbon, it gave everyone a sense of peace.    


"Alright, today's ribbon cutting ceremony ends here, wang Yao said. I will perform two interventional surgeries for the two patients. The guests who are interested can stay here and wait for the results. If you are not interested, the medical staff will send you to your respective wards. You can also click on our website to check the real-time situation. As for the surgery itself, for the sake of the patient's privacy, it will not be announced to the public. If you have any needs, you can inform us at any time, dean Schneider. He will provide all the help he can. Thank you for attending this small ceremony."    


A few minutes later, when Chen Qun started to prepare for the surgery in the operating theater, Chi Hong could not help but feel a headache when she saw that the Therapeutic Regimen was obviously made by someone behind the scenes that Chen Qun did not dare to provoke.    


"Do the discharge procedures for these two people at five o'clock in the afternoon? You guys seem to be a little too bold, right? Even if the two patients are both patients with tumors, isn't it not good to be discharged directly? "    


Chen Qun raised two fingers and gave two reasons.    


"First, these two surgeries were not arranged by me. It was Dr. Dudley who suggested it. Dr. Schneider also agreed. That's why we can't go against the hospital director and the board of directors on the first day! "    


Chi Hong looked at Chen Qun's strange smile and felt that things had gone beyond her normal understanding.    


"Secondly, these two patients actually don't need to pay, or you can understand that they are the legendary medical entrustment, just that their level is higher. This is also the classic operating model of Hawaii, we are only responsible for the surgery. The business part isn't under our control. We just need to focus on the surgery."    


" Wait, these two are billionaires. Is there still a need for this bit of money? "    


"Nominally, billionaires are actually considered to be poor children who eat old money. Of course, this information was gathered by Xin and had nothing to do with Old Du's side. "    


Chi Hong instantly understood why Su Wantine was unwilling to attend this ribbon cutting ceremony. Actually, it was because she was not interested in it from the bottom of her heart. Alright. This was actually a hospital with the goal of profit. Those rich people liked this kind of private hospital, so the fees were low.    


Fortunately, he was the leader, and he could do whatever he wanted after merging with this hospital in the future!    


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