Super Magic Surgery System

C1830 Multi-party Cooperation

C1830 Multi-party Cooperation

Although this was the first time Liu Yang had come into direct contact with Dr. Dudley, even in terms of cooperation, he found that Dr. Dudley was almost the most successful businessman in the world. He was smart, flexible, and very difficult to deal with. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a favor to ask. . . It was almost impossible for a coarse man like him to come to an agreement with such conditions.    


Everyone made do with lunch, but Liu Yang did not give them any special treatment. The professor opposite him was not particularly particular about food, which made him feel a little embarrassed. He prepared to treat them well for dinner in the afternoon, as a form of reciprocation.    


Just as he was about to call Chen Qun, it was Chi Hong who called back.    


"Director Liu, Chen Qun is operating on a patient. I am afraid he will not be able to come. The patient is a friend of his father-in-law, and his condition is very serious. Not only does he need to remove the huge mucus tumor in the left atrium, but he also needs to complete stem cell cancer and abdominal metastasis. So, I have to stay and help. I'm afraid I won't be able to come. "    


These few young people really had their own personalities. They directly took the lead. They did not even frown. For them, surgery was more important than eating and drinking. It was just that such a serious surgery could be done at will. In the world, only Chen could complete it. As for Qi, this was a big surgery that had the potential to look forward to the future. Without recording the data, he was afraid that he would not be able to eat anything.    


Dr. Dudley was not far away and could understand some Mandarin. He immediately sighed.    


"If I had known that there would be such an operation, I would not have come to discuss cooperation with your hospital. Cooperation doesn't need to be rushed, and surgery requires luck. It's the same for doctors and patients. Only when both of them have luck can they achieve a medical breakthrough. "    


Liu Yang and Ye Hanlin looked at each other. They somewhat understood why Chen Qun would choose to work with such a slippery guy. After all, besides being a very qualified businessman and capitalist, he also had another identity. He was a medical maniac, a true doctor who walked to the edge of a knife.    


Perhaps it could be said that his intention was not really for the patient, but the result he caused was to save the patient and bring him back to life. Therefore, since Chen Qun, this young man, wanted to chase after the world and achieve supercar, he naturally needed to cooperate with the most advanced medical institution in the world, and Dr. Dudley happened to be the leader in this regard.    


Even if Chen Qun could not get any benefits from him, But to the hospital and other people, they could get real things. That was why Chen Qun used his technology to exchange for Dr. Dudley's advanced science. To a certain extent, both parties took what they needed, and it was also a model of cooperation and win-win.    


Dr. Dudley was difficult to deal with. But Chen was not an easy opponent either. Both sides were evenly matched. Plus, both sides knew that there were benefits to working together. Therefore, it was beneficial for all the patients in the world to withdraw their strengths and walk together.    


Maybe we can wait for Chen?    


Liu Yang had just thought of this in his mind, but he gave up on it completely. Chen had never liked to appear at a table. Asking him to come over was actually making things difficult for him. Plus, he had to deal with his strange father-in-law, so he was afraid that he didn't have much energy left. He would just let him continue with the surgery, and he wouldn't even need to send him food.    


The restaurant where Eldest Miss was at was an existence that was even more high-end than this five-star hotel. She would not starve this fellow.    


However, even though Liu Yang and Ye Hanlin were both former deans, they did not expect Chen Qun to not only perform such a challenging surgery in the world, but also a few minutes after he finished the surgery, he took off his disinfectant suit. Before he walked out of the operating theater, Chi Hong called out to him.    


"Houzyou Yangling just sent a message. She brought back a patient in North America. He could be considered a meritorious elder of Sanjing Group. He was in the third brain of the brain. It was a tumor that was beyond the scope of the meniscoplasty. The only hope was to use the Hand of God to perform the Robotic Arm surgery. The information has been sent over. For the time being, only the two of us have the authority to read it. "    


Chen Qun did not believe that there was such a coincidence in the world. Of course, he instantly knew that it was actually Houzyou Yangling who was up to something. She continued to advertise her family's Robotic Arms to keep the popularity going. Furthermore, Houzyou Yangling chose the right timing. Of course, she knew that he would not reject this surgery.    


In other words, Houzyou Yangling's action was to act like she was trying to snatch Dr. Dudley away. She stepped in to show that their Sanjing hospital was their partner.    


Perhaps that was to say, Houzyou Yangling was prepared to use such a patient to establish a united front. She definitely knew all the news here. When she saw Dr. Dudley collaborating with them, she became a little anxious.    


However, the entire operating theater was built with him as the center. In addition, the Brain Department did indeed need Robotic Arms to operate on them. It was a very simple matter to pull Houzyou Yangling's power into the operating theater. After all, to Dr. Dudley, It was just to make use of his skills to stabilize the source of his patients. He would continue to provide the best service.    


As long as he insisted, Dr. Dudley would make some concessions. In addition, as a customer and rival of the Japanese side, he would not directly refuse. If the three of them worked together again and opened a world-class hospital, it would also reduce the pressure on Dr. Dudley's side by a lot.    


Sometimes, when smart people spoke, they would use actions to express their actions. Reality and strength were more pleasant than words.    


Chen Qun's thoughts flowed out of his mind in an instant. He naturally knew why Houzyou Yangling was being so reserved and gave Chi Hong a suggestion.    


"Department Director Qi, tell him that Dr. Dudley is preparing to cooperate with our hospital to set up a world-class brain surgery operating theater and ask if she is interested. If she is, come and settle this matter as soon as possible. After all, if the three of us work together to set up an operating theater, it definitely represents more than half of the world. "    


Chi Hong tilted her head and thought for a second or two before giving another suggestion.    


"Maybe we can call Professor Rotluv and turn this operating theater into a cardiovascular operating theater. Wouldn't that be even more impressive? Anyway, you only care about the surgery. Old Du only cares about your skills. If the others join, it won't affect you. Why don't the more the better? "    


Female Bookworm was indeed Female Bookworm. She was naturally sensitive to these tricks. Without thinking, she saw through the nature of the facts. It was precisely in the situation where each of them had their own ulterior motives that they carefully began to cooperate. Everyone needed to cooperate with this big flag.    


"Okay, but you need to tell Professor Rotluv about this. I'm afraid I won't be able to say anything after a few words. Everyone is embarrassed. "    


Female Bookworm didn't fall for it and directly gave another genius idea.    


"Maybe we can let Mr. Ichiro Anshan go and talk to Professor Rotluv?!"    


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