Super Magic Surgery System

C1847 Burned Base Salary

C1847 Burned Base Salary

Chi Hong, as the leader of the group, felt the strange changes in the hospital after the surgery. Before she could figure it out, she heard the whole story from Xiao Qi. In the blink of an eye, she received another notice from Huang Haitao. He told them to strengthen their defenses and not run around. At the same time, he told her to stay in the hospital for the next few days to avoid being targeted.    


Chi Hong did not know whether to laugh or cry at such an outcome. However, Huang Haitao seemed to have adopted an internal and external method of dealing with the situation. He did not inform everyone and only arranged special security personnel for a few important figures. At the same time, he also strengthened the scale of the special police on duty outside.    


A new building in the hospital was handed over for use. There were more vehicles coming and going, and the increased patrol by the police did not attract much attention. They just treated it as normal duty.    


But when it was seven or eight o'clock in the evening, Chi Hong was called over by Su Wantine. In the room, she saw Su Wantine and the other three sisters leisurely eating their bento boxes. The relaxed manner made Female Bookworm feel much more at ease.    


"Ms Su, didn't you say that the suspect was arrested? Why would he be sent over here? What is the reason for this?"    


Chen Qun, who had already finished eating, did not wait for Su Wantine to speak and explained by the side.    


"The suspect is a shop owner in his fifties. When he was arrested, he was prepared to take poison to commit suicide. As the other side was fully prepared, they saw that the situation was not right and immediately sent him to the ambulance for stomach washing. Now, the person is being sent to our side and we will carry out the next step of treatment. "    


Stopping the ambulance at the side in case, it was Chen Qun's suggestion. Anyway, there was such a big accident there. The ambulance appeared there and it was not eye-catching. As for the candidate, it was the new assistant professor, ambulance number 274, who was sent out. The reason why he accompanied the old man there was because he was experienced and had encountered all kinds of troublesome situations. He was prepared to go there.    


However, even though Chen Qun was smart, he did not expect the suspect to be an old man in his fifties. He even used the poison. If it wasn't for the quick reaction of the special police, they probably wouldn't have been able to save him.    


However, this extreme method coupled with the information Chen Qun had obtained from System Space allowed Chen Qun to almost determine where these killers came from.    


Now, he would have to wait until he saw the suspect.    


"Aren't we going closer to the headquarters? Why did you send it here?"    


"The headquarters handled it and sent it here only after the situation stabilized. They originally said that I would rush over, but Director Liu did not allow it, so they sent the patient over. "    


Chi Hong obviously knew that if Su Wantine was threatened, then Chen Qun was also a secondary target. Of course, she would not let him run around.    


Ten minutes later, Chen Qun, Chi Hong, Doctor-in-Charge and a few assistants saw the suspect who was still unconscious in the operating theater.    


Chen Qun's eyes swept over the suspect, and the diagnosis panel gave him a result. It made him heave a big sigh of relief, and he immediately gave the order.    


"The patient did not wake up at this time. Plus, the signs on his body are almost the same as the conclusion of the emergency center. It can be determined that it is cobra poison. Inject the serum immediately and carry out the resuscitation. "    


The reason the patient was sent here was also because the other side was not sure, so they sent the patient here. Chen Qun took a look at the patient with his Fiery Golden Eyes and finally decided on the treatment plan.    


After Chen Qun finished speaking, he looked at Luo Yu.    


"I'll leave the patient to you. You should have rich experience in treating snake venom. Notify us when the patient wakes up! Dr. Qi, let's go back and wait for the news. "    


Chi Hong knew that there was another reason why Chen Qun left after a glance. Most likely because she saw something, she immediately nodded and gave some instructions. One of them walked towards the elevator with Chen Qun. After a thorough check, the elevator was used again. Chen Qun was still worried. He also checked the surveillance footage in System Space and found nothing unusual. Only then did he start the elevator again.    


But for Eldest Miss and Su Wantine, the two girls could only take the stairs today. It was impossible for them to leave Eldest Miss's office.    


When they got into the elevator, Chi Hong hesitated for a second before she could not help but ask the reason.    


"You have guessed who the mastermind is?"    


Of course Chen Qun could not tell Female Bookworm. He saw a note on the diagnosis panel that was full of lousy system's bad taste. He did not need to ask to know that the lousy system had actually told him the answer, so he could only find a new reason to talk about it.    


"There is a little speculation, but I still need to ask Ms Su later to find enough evidence. "    


Chi Hong knew such an important thing, so of course she would say it together in front of everyone. It was impossible to tell her first. But thinking about this matter, it was also indescribably strange. A matter that was related to life and death finally turned into a farce. If he was Su Wantine, he would probably be like her, grinning from ear to ear.    


Chen Qun just returned to the Eldest Miss's office when the twins had already been brought to rest. Only the two sisters were left talking. The moment he entered, Dongfang Wenxin looked at him in surprise.    


"Could it be that the patient has woken up and does not need your treatment?"    


Chen Qun shook his head and gave an answer that surprised the girls.    


"The patient was poisoned by a snake. The conclusion of the emergency center is correct. In addition, I saw the patient just now. I found out that he had a little bit of robin leg, plus taking drugs. I could almost come to a conclusion. This guy is definitely from a killer organization like the Black Dragon Gang, so we need to ask Grandma for help. We need Mr. Houzyou to help us track down the rest of the news. "    


Dongfang Wenxin's brows wrinkled and in the blink of an eye, she relaxed and jumped up and down. Chen Qun stared at her with a stiff face and only then did he stick out his tongue to act like a lady and announce her professional explanation.    


"You even invited my grandmother to make the decision for my sister. Clearly, you are certain of this matter. . . Wait a minute. Houzyou Guangyun can't be the murderer, so you still call him 'mister'. But you have to tell him. . . It meant that he was the insider, and this matter had something to do with Yangling! My sister is just another important target. A goal to take the root of the problem!"    


Su Wantine looked at her younger sister with some relief. Of course, she knew that this matter could be said to be interlinked. Under the instigation of an outsider, a certain illegitimate child who had no foundation walked out with a move that he thought was the best under the heavens. That was to destroy the cooperation between the Sanjing Consortium and the Liyun Group. As long as something happened to her, she would be frightened. This cooperation would be put on hold for an indefinite period of time, which would lead to distrust. Breaking the honeymoon period of the two families.    


Whoever was the biggest winner would be the suspect. Because this matter revealed an immature feeling, it was even more despicable than using other methods to detain the opponent, so it was impossible for her big enemy to do it. If everyone were to cross a certain bottom line, then there wouldn't be a real winner.    


But for an illegitimate child who did not have a foundation, he was also a beneficiary. He could even kill two birds with one stone, attack Houzyou Yangling, make her results become bubbles, and thus accumulate capital for himself. At the same time, this was also something that those fellows behind the scenes did not dare to do, which was why they pushed out a suicide mission.    


Even if the truth was revealed in the end, the other side could still push the blame away.    


However, in the end, this matter was still not calculated by the heavens. The plan could not keep up with the changes. An accident happened before the plan was implemented, and then it was completely exposed. Sure enough, Chen Qun's luck was invincible. Whoever stood in his way would die without knowing what happened!    


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