Divine Magic Doctor

C472 Resurrection of the Dead

C472 Resurrection of the Dead

"Xiao, Xiao, Brother Ming, Xuanyi, Sister Xuanyi, are you alright?" Qing choked with sobs.    


"I don't know either." Su Ming was annoyed to the point that he was at a loss for what to do.    


Su Ming had known Wu Xuanyi for a long time, and through this period of interaction, he had already treated her as a family member.    


If it weren't for Wu Xuanyi's timely reaction, Qing and Aunt Mei might both have been in danger.    


Su Ming prayed in his heart again and again as he walked around the corridor with his fists clenched.    


After about an hour, the red light did not go out, and the door was pushed open.    


A doctor in a white coat hurried out.    


"Who is the patient's family member and who is the patient's family member?"    


"I am." Su Ming walked up to him.    


"I'm afraid the patient won't make it. Let's take one last look inside." The doctor took off his mask and spoke in a low voice.    


Su Ming pushed the doctor aside and rushed in.    


In the emergency room, nurses stood by the sickbed, their heads bowed as if in silence for Wu Xuanyi.    


A horizontal line had been drawn on the heart taker.    


Su Ming rushed to the bed. He looked at Wu Xuanyi's pupils and found that they had not spread.    


He was so excited that he couldn't give up. He still had a sliver of life left in him.    


Under the astonished gazes of the crowd, Su Ming carried Wu Xuanyi and quickly tapped on her upper acupuncture points.    


"Sir, sir, we understand your grief. The patient has passed away. Please do not be upset. "    


The doctor thought Su Ming was too sad and wanted to pull the dead family back. He didn't know that Su Ming was using his whole life's medical skills to save Wu Xuanyi's life.    


Qing noticed Brother Ming's actions and was shocked. She had seen her Master use this method to save a person before.    


"Prepare yourself, silver needles, silver needles." Qing shouted.    


The doctor was confused. Where did they get these needles from?    


"Qing, come here and help!" Su Ming shouted.    


Qing hurriedly ran over. Su Ming told her to support Wu Xuanyi as he clapped his hands behind her back.    


"Brain injury, bruised blood clogging blood vessels, compression of heart blood flow, soft tissue contusion all over, fractured lower leg." Su Ming muttered once and hit Wu Xuanyi.    


A few seconds passed, Su Ming continuously hit him a dozen times.    


Seeing that there was no reaction from Wu Xuanyi on the bed, he knew that the situation was not looking good.    




Su Ming suddenly thought of something and turned around to take a glance. Coincidentally, he saw the electrocardiograph on the side.    


Su Ming picked up the electric shock device and was about to give Wu Xuanyi a powerful blow.    


The doctor ran over and pulled Su Ming back, "Sir, he's already dead. Let the dead rest in peace."    


"Dodge! She isn't dead yet! She can save us!" Su Ming shouted.    


The doctor was stunned. "Sir, you are acting recklessly. Why are you still alive after your heart has stopped beating?"    


The nurse also looked at Su Ming in shock. She felt that this person was too sad and lost all reason.    


"I want to save her!" Su Ming roared.    


The doctor wouldn't let him go even if he died. Su Ming pushed him away with all his might.    


Knowing that Su Ming definitely had a solution, Qing turned around and stopped the doctor.    


"Believe him, Brother Ming will definitely have a way to save her."    


The doctor was so angry that his face turned ashen. How could a dead person be saved? Isn't this a joke?    


It wasn't just the doctor who didn't believe it. None of the nurses present believed that anyone who had stopped beating would be able to survive.    


"Wu Xuanyi, you'll be fine." Su Ming picked up the electric shock device, lowered the voltage to the human body's adaptive range, and quickly dropped his hands.    




The electric shock device landed on Wu Xuanyi's body and gently bounced her up.    


Once there was no response, Su Ming did it again.    


The second time there was no reaction, so it came the third time.    


The doctor could no longer stand it. Just as he was about to stop him, his heart monitor started beeping.    


A miracle!    


It was definitely a miracle!    


Wu Xuanyi's heartbeat recovered and she began to breathe!    


Su Ming threw down the electric shock device and took a breath. The worry in his heart had finally subsided.    


"He's back!"    


The tired Su Ming didn't seem to be able to sleep well for a few days and nights.    


Su Ming couldn't help but smile as he dragged his heavy body past the surprised doctor.    


The news that the patient had come back from the dead shocked everyone present.    


The doctor who came back to her senses gave Wu Xuanyi various tests. Now, besides the external wounds and broken legs, the blood clots in her head had disappeared. Her heartbeat had also returned to the range of a normal person's.    


"Godly Doctor, he's simply a godly doctor!" The doctor had just noticed Su Ming's technique. Although he was a western doctor, he still had a little understanding of Chinese medicine.    


The technique that the young man used just now seemed to be a miraculous acupoint in Chinese medicine.    


He didn't expect that there would be such a miraculous medical skill in the world.    


Half an hour later, Wu Xuanyi, who had a normal score, was admitted to the intensive care unit.    


When Aunt Mei and Qing came out to search for Su Ming, he had already disappeared.    


In a small park near the hospital, Su Ming curled up and shivered on the grass in the woods.    


At this moment, his face was sallow, as if he was a patient who had fallen ill.    


The stabbing pain within his body was akin to a knife slicing through the air, cleansing his body time and time again.    


Resisting the unimaginable pain, Su Ming recalled his Master's warnings from the past again and again.    


[Tripartite Needle Technique]!    


Using Qi to control the needles would not only consume the essence and spirit of the needles, but also cause backlash after acupuncture.    


Ever since he learned this needle technique, Su Ming was very careful to not use it unless he had no other choice.    


If it wasn't for Wu Xuanyi, he might have never made an exception this time.    


The backlash caused Su Ming to suffer an unbearable pain.    


The sky had already darkened, and unknowingly, rain began to fall.    


Drips of rain fell on Su Ming's body through the trees. He had already fainted from the excruciating pain. In his consciousness, he returned to his former home in the capital.    


The sky was covered in snow and the sounds of firecrackers could be heard.    


Every household had lanterns and decorations, and his petite figure was sitting alone on a stone block by the roadside.    


The snowflakes, as big as goose feathers, slowly melted on her small, red, frozen face.    


After an unknown period of time, he felt his legs go numb. He looked into the distance, as though he was waiting for something.    


Suddenly, there was a clap of thunder.    


Su Ming was jolted awake and the scene in his sea of consciousness was shattered into pieces.    


The cold feeling wrapped around his body, and Su Ming hugged his body as if he was in a dream.    


The whole night, Aunt Mei, Qing and Lin Wanrong were looking for Su Ming.    


Ever since they left the hospital, Su Ming was unable to contact them.    


His cell phone was in a state of emergency and no one answered. All the people that Su Ming knew didn't have a contact.    


After looking for seven to eight hours, Qing pointed at a small park near the hospital and said, "Let's try again." The three of them placed their last hope in the park.    


In the early morning, there were only a few old people in the park. The three of them split into three groups and headed towards the small road.    


On the flagstones after the rain, there was still water after last night's rain.    


Aunt Mei's mind was in a mess. She didn't know why, but the feeling got stronger and stronger.    


Su Ming's bit by bit had grabbed her by the heart. Aunt Mei was on the verge of collapse after a whole night of searching.    


If something really did happen, she would never accept the truth, nor would she stay alive.    


After walking forward for a bit, Aunt Mei's phone suddenly rang.    


When she picked up the phone and saw that it was Qing, Aunt Mei hurriedly picked up the call.    


"Any news?"    


"Sister Mei, come here quickly, Brother Ming fainted."    


Aunt Mei's head buzzed as she hung up the phone and ran in the direction that Qing had gone.    


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