Divine Magic Doctor

C560 Evil Woman

C560 Evil Woman

"Su Yi?!"    


Hearing this name, Su Ming's expression turned cold.    


It seemed that Xu Ao wasn't the only one who sent people to follow him; even Su Yi sent people to follow him.    


Otherwise, it was impossible for this middle-aged man to know his exact route.    


But why had he not seen the man he had sent to follow him?    


This confused Su Ming.    


"Where is he?"    


Su Ming asked darkly when he mentioned the middle-aged man.    


The middle-aged man could not help but feel a chill as he released his killing intent.    


It was as if he was in a cave of ice.    


At this moment, he felt as if his blood had frozen.    


"He's in the Heavenly Falls Pavilion!"    


"How do you know where I am?"    


"You have a tracker in your car!"    


The middle-aged man answered honestly, not daring to hide anything.    


As expected, under the middle-aged man's instructions, Su Ming found the tracking device at the bottom of the car.    


After removing it, he threw it away.    


"Su Yi told you to kill me. Since you didn't complete the mission, he probably won't let you off. If you want to live, then immediately leave Nanning. "    


Su Ming swept a cold glance at the middle-aged man before driving away.    


The middle-aged man struggled to get up and looked at the indiscernible figure of the car. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva.    


This was the first time he suffered such a severe injury since he had set foot on this path.    


To be sure, there were at least eight broken ribs.    


"How do you drive?"    


At this moment, the driver that was hit by the middle-aged man walked over and looked at the middle-aged man with an enraged expression.    




The middle-aged man swept a cold glance at the driver before turning around to leave.    


The man's ice-cold gaze frightened the driver so much that he did not dare to say anything else. He could only watch as the man left.    


… ….    


Heavenly Falls Pavilion!    


Su Yi looked at the woman kneeling to serve him and laughed out loud.    


For some reason, Su Yi had never felt so comfortable before.    


Maybe it was because this woman was related to Su Ming.    


"Su Yi, why did that person call back?" Wu Tie asked impatiently while holding a glass of red wine.    


Su Yi hummed with his eyes closed.    


Slightly shaking his head, he said, "Doctor Lin Ze, you can rest assured. He is an expert in this aspect. I have already dealt with a lot of people with him. Su Ming would also become one of those ghosts. "Hahaha..."    


When Lin Xiaoman heard Su Ming's name, she was shocked and stopped in her tracks.    




"F * ck, did I tell you to stop?"    


Su Yi slapped Lin Xiaoman's head.    


Caught off guard, Lin Xiaoman's head crashed violently to the left.    


With a bang, he crashed into a nearby table.    


Blood immediately dripped from his forehead.    


Lin Xiaoman lowered her head and looked at the drop of blood on her forehead.    


Fury flashed through his eyes.    


"Are you a fucking dead man? Continue! "    


Su Yi grabbed Lin Xiaoman's hair and pulled it back before pressing it down.    


Lin Xiaoman slowly approached and served Su Yi once again.    


The night before, until now.    


Lin Xiaoman had been tormented to the point of losing her temper.    


Although she felt hatred in her heart, she didn't dare to resist.    


Because of her resistance, what awaited her was even more cruel torture.    


Lin Xiaoman admitted that she wasn't a good woman, but she had chosen the men willingly.    


To be exact, it was for his own purposes.    


The man before her had not only tortured her physically, but had also traumatized her mentally.    


Lin Xiaoman's body couldn't help but tremble when she thought about Lin Xudong being thrown out with his tendons and hands broken.    


"Su Yi, are you that sure that Su Ming will walk this path?" Lin Ze asked in puzzlement.    


When Su Yi heard this, he smiled, "Of course, I have installed a tracker in his car. At the same time, Lin Xudong has been saved by him. Do you think Lin Xudong will tell Su Ming that Lin Xiaoman is here? "    


"So that's what you got your people to throw Lin Xudong near the First Hospital the other day!" Su Yi, what you said is too smart! "Haha …"    


Lin Ze suddenly came to a realization and raised his thumb at Su Yi.    


"Doctor Lin Ze, you're too kind!" If he wants us to make a fool of ourselves, then he can forget about it. His price is his life. "    


Su Yi laughed.    


After that, he reached out and hooked Lin Xiaoman's lower forehead, making her raise her head.    


"Lin Xiaoman, Su Ming saved you!" However, he might already be dead on the road now. Are you surprised to hear this news? "    


"I know that the two of you have a grudge against each other, but you are, after all, a Lin Family. As expected, everything made me guess correctly. This Su Ming is truly loyal to his friends. When you guys fought to such an extent, he was willing to risk his life to save you.    


Lin Xiaoman didn't reply, but her heart was shocked. A trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.    


Su Ming actually came to save her?    


Is that possible?    


Lin Xiaoman could not accept this fact.    


"Blame it on you and Lin Xudong for eavesdropping on my plan to deal with Su Ming, so you will have to pay the price." Continue! As long as I am satisfied, I will make you satisfied. Lin Ze, do you want to try it out? Her technique is really not bad. "    


Su Yi laughed and turned to Lin Ze.    


"No, I don't like this kind of thin woman. I like fat women. This is pretty good! "    


Lin Ze shook his head and pointed at the woman in front of him with a smile.    


Twenty minutes passed.    


Su Yi felt something was wrong, he took out his phone and pressed the middle-aged man's number.    


His phone was turned off!    


Su Yi frowned.    


Only after calling out the tracking software on his phone to check the location was he able to let out a sigh of relief.    


"Lin Ze, I think Su Ming is already dead. Look, his position hasn't moved for half an hour! "    




Lin Ze shouted excitedly when he heard that.    


Grabbing Su Yi's phone, he stared at the screen without blinking. After a minute, he laughed out loud: "Great, this is great! "Su Yi, let's celebrate by toasting to clear our shame!"    


"Doing what you want!"    


Su Yi also raised his glass.    


After Lin Xiaoman heard the news, she continued with her work. Her eyes seemed to have lost their last bit of life.    


Even though she hated Su Ming, she couldn't wait to kill him herself.    


But at this moment, she suddenly felt something piercing her heart.    


It was very, very painful!    


Just as they were celebrating upstairs, Su Ming also walked into the Heavenly Falls Pavilion.    


The Heaven Water Pavilion was not big and the decorations were luxurious.    


The lights were dim and there was heavy metal music playing. The devils on the dance floor were dancing in a frenzy. The windy woman kept twisting her body in an attempt to attract the attention of the men.    


"I'm sorry, sir. The second floor is a non-business district!"    


When Su Ming headed to the second floor, he was stopped by Su Yi's bodyguard.    


"Young Master Su asked me to come. The matter has been settled. My big brother's phone is broken. He told me to come over and tell Young Master Su personally." Su Ming said calmly.    


Su Ming looked calm on the surface, but he was very nervous inside.    


Because he was not sure if the middle-aged man would listen to him.    


If he called Su Yi, then he would be walking right into a trap.    


If it was only him, Su Ming wouldn't be afraid at all.    


But with Lin Xiaoman in their hands, what should he do if Su Yi threatened him?    


Su Ming had promised Lin Wanrong that he would bring Lin Xiaoman back safely.    


"Why didn't he come himself?"    


The bodyguard frowned slightly and looked at Su Ming in confusion.    


Su Ming couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he heard that. He pretended to be sad and said:    


"My big brother is injured! One of his legs is broken!" At the clinic, if you don't believe me, then just tell Young Master Su that the one called Su What is dead! "My big brother said that I must personally tell Young Master Su. Since you don't want me to go up, then forget it."    


Saying that, Su Ming turned around and left.    






… ….    




Stop me!    


Su Ming shouted anxiously in his heart.    


Finally, just as he reached the door, the bodyguard caught up with him.    


"Brother, you can go up! Young Master Su and Doctor Lin Ze are in three six rooms! "    


"Thank you!" I'll buy you a drink when I have time! "    


Su Ming smiled, turned around and walked upstairs.    


When he reached the second floor, Su Ming couldn't help but let out a breath of air.    


He was right again.    


Who knows where Su Yi got his confidence from, all the bodyguards were on the first floor, but not a single one on the second floor.    


However, this was also convenient for him to do his job.    


Su Ming didn't directly walk towards the three six rooms. Instead, he went along the corridor and checked every room one by one.    


There were a total of seventeen rooms. Apart from the three six rooms, there was no one else.    


Perhaps it was because Su Yi was inside that the second floor wasn't open!    


Before he even reached the door of the three six rooms, he could already hear the woman's happy cries from inside.    


Su Ming pushed the door open and walked in. Then, he locked the door behind him.    


"S-Su Ming?"    


Seeing Su Ming enter, Su Yi and Lin Ze were both stunned.    


Tears gushed out of Lin Xiaoman's eyes the moment she saw Su Ming.    


"Ahh …"    


At this moment, Su Yi cried out miserably.    


"Smelly thirty-eight, hurry up and let me go!"    


Su Yi was in so much pain that he broke out in a cold sweat. He raised his fist and punched towards Lin Xiaoman's head.    


Suddenly, a sharp pain came from his wrist.    


He didn't need to scream again.    


Lin Ze and the woman in front of him were completely stunned.    


Su Ming swung his fist and punched Su Yi on the head.    




Su Yi's head hit the wall behind the sofa.    


"Lin Xiaoman, let him go first. If you really cripple him, it won't only be you who will suffer, but your family as well."    


Su Ming looked at Lin Xiaoman, whose mouth was covered in blood, and felt his whole body go cold.    


Lin Xiaoman hated him too much.    


This meant that his Su Family was truly going to end his legacy!    


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