God Prison



"I promise you, as long as you let them go, from now on, I will no longer contact Jantai Yue'er!"    


After Niu Thirteen finished speaking, his heart was filled with grievance and a sense of powerlessness. If he was strong enough, he wouldn't have to be bullied like this and be so powerless.    


"Haha, you're the one who said this. If I find out that you and Yue Er are still connected, I can guarantee that the people behind you, as well as everyone in your village, will disappear in one night!"    


Yan Jie felt a burst of pride in his heart, but he still coldly looked at Niu Thirteen. Normally, he wouldn't even bother to speak with a country bumpkin like Niu Thirteen. If it wasn't for Yue Er, he wouldn't even bother to come and save Niu Thirteen.    


Niu Thirteen clenched his fists and tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart. Niu Jingtian placed his hand on his shoulder from behind.    


Niu Thirteen felt the powerful force coming from his grandfather's hand. Grandpa wanted him to not be impulsive. He turned around and smiled at Niu Jingtian, indicating that he was fine.    


"Alright, since we have reached an agreement, let's go. Yue Er is still waiting for us!"    


After Yan Jie finished speaking, he rode his warhorse down the mountain of corpses.    


The remaining twenty people from Niu Village were all looking as if they had just escaped from a calamity. They thought that they would definitely die, but who would've thought that they would be saved by someone else.    


Although the person who saved them was not very friendly to them, living was their happiness. Right now, they only wanted to return home.    


Yan Jie and the Great Bear Iron Guard rode their warhorses in front of them, while Niu Thirteen and the rest ran on the ground on their legs.    


Yan Jie purposely increased his speed. They easily left the villagers behind on their warhorses.    


"You guys go faster, what are you dawdling for!"    


Yan Jie teased Niu Thirteen and the others as he yelled at them. However, the speed of the war horses did not decrease at all.    




The hearts of Niu Thirteen and the rest were filled with rage. They were only walking while Yan Jie was riding. How could they keep up with him?    


"That pretty boy is purposely provoking us. He's really pissed off!"    


Niu Da looked at Yan Jie's back in anger. He wanted nothing more than to hack him into two.    


"We are fish and he is a chopping block. If we want to live, we can only listen to him. After all, our entire village's lives are in his hands!"    


Niu Jingtian sighed.    


Yan Jie saw that Qin Wentian was already in such a state, yet the people of Niu Village didn't even open their mouths to complain. He felt extremely unhappy in his heart.    


However, he could not act too arrogantly. After all, he and Niu Thirteen had already made an agreement. If they went too far, it would not be good if Niu Thirteen went back on his word.    


After all, he couldn't kill Niu Thirteen either. If he killed Niu Thirteen, then his position in her heart would plummet.    


That was not what he wanted. To him, killing Niu Thirteen was not worth it. It would be better to let him give up on his own.    


Just like this, they soon arrived at Niu Village.    


At the village entrance of Niu Village, Zhan Tai Yue'er sat on a large rock and was guarded by many Iron Guards.    


The villagers of Niu Village were all in their own houses, not daring to come out. The soldiers outside were all emitting killing intent, making it difficult to get along with them.    


When she saw Yan Jie ride out of the forest on his warhorse, as well as the cavalry following behind him, she was extremely happy.    


However, she was furious when she saw the people of Niu Village standing behind the cavalrymen in a sorry state with their hair all disheveled.    


When Yan Jie arrived, Zhan Taiyue'er loudly shouted at him, "Why don't you let them ride the horses?"    


Yan Jie dismounted from his horse and walked in front of her. Embarrassed, he said, "I don't have any more war horses. Moreover, my cavalry is not used to riding the same war horse as strangers!"    




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