God Prison



Its nose twitched as if it had smelled something. It was the smell of a living being left behind by Niu Thirteen.    


"Roar …"    


Smelling the scent of living people, its strange black eyes let out an excited and bloodthirsty glow. Then, it turned into a gray shadow as it chased after Niu Thirteen.    


At this moment, Niu Thirteen was running at top speed. His speed was several times faster than before. The image of the map flashed through his mind as he headed towards the place of refuge in his plan.    


Although he was delayed for two hours, his speed had increased by several times. He could reach the place of refuge within the time that he had planned.    


He did not know that there was a frightening fellow chasing after him. However, it was fortunate that he was fast enough and did not stop at all.    


The horrifying guy behind him had not been able to catch up to him. However, the moment he stopped, he would be caught up to very quickly.    


"Ah …"    


After he had run for an hour, he suddenly heard a scream from the demon qi.    


When Niu Thirteen heard this desperate scream, he wasn't afraid. On the contrary, he was a little excited.    


An hour had passed, and he had finally heard something, even though the sound was a sign that its owner was experiencing despair.    


However, Niu Thirteen still rushed towards the owner of the voice. He wanted to see what exactly had happened.    


When Niu Thirteen rushed out of the demonic energy and reached the ground where the sound came from, he only saw a pool of blood and a few pieces of clothes on the ground. Everything else was gone.    


He looked at the blood on the ground and the thick smell of blood. He could smell the blood on the ground and the strange smell of the clothes on the floor.    


He felt a sense of unease. What was going on here? Why was there only a pool of blood here? Where were the people?    


"We can't stay here for long!"    


He decided to leave this place and continue heading towards the location where the map was located.    


Not long after he left, a grey shadow arrived.    


When Gray Shadow saw the blood on the ground, he excitedly laid on the ground and licked the blood with his festering tongue.    


However, its blood had already dried up quite a bit. It didn't lick much and got up from the ground in anger. Its nose twitched a bit before it finally locked onto the direction of Ox Thirteen and chased after him.    


Niu Thirteen pondered over the previous scene gravely. However, after walking for a short while, he actually encountered a few pools of blood. This time, there were actually bones on the ground — bones of the hands of humans.    


The pale bones of his right hand were lying in his blood. It was so eerie that a timid person would faint from fear if they saw this scene.    


Even though Niu Thirteen had seen many dead people and even killed people himself, he had never seen such a terrifying scene.    


His entire right hand seemed to have been eaten up by something. There were still a few bite marks on the bone. The bite marks were not big and were almost the same as a human's.    


There were bits and pieces of flesh and bones in the blood. Niu Thirteen took a deep breath and his heart was filled with fear.    


He felt as if a pair of eyes were staring at him from all directions. He looked around vigilantly before quickly leaving the place.    


Right now, his mind was filled with the human hand that had its flesh and blood devoured. Perhaps he was afraid, but he could no longer remember the route of the map.    


He was lost, in a place he didn't know, and the map in his head blurred.    


He looked around, feeling someone staring at him, fear growing in his heart.    


"Phew, I need to calm down …"    


Cold sweat soaked his back, and he tried to breathe deeply, forcing himself to calm down.    


In such a strange place, if one was not able to calm down, he would end up as terrifying as the owner of the arm bone.    




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