God Prison



"Roar …"    


When Niu Thirteen and the others broke out of the encirclement, Death had also healed. Its eyes peered through space and spotted the survivors who were trying to break out of the encirclement.    


The god of death, by controlling the army of the dead, already knew that the survivors were about to leave this demonic energy.    


The Death God had never been to a world other than the Demon Qi. After all, he had just woken up.    


However, this didn't stop it from chasing after the survivors. After the god of death recuperated from his injuries, it quickly chased after the survivors.    


At the edge of the demon qi, there was a troop of nearly 100 people, trying to break out of the encirclement.    


Suddenly, a blinding white light appeared in front of their eyes.    


Then they felt as if they had broken out of the darkness into a world of light, and the dead army behind them had vanished.    


"We're out. We've left that dark place!"    


It was a sunny beach, and across the beach was a vast expanse of water, but the water was black, like ink.    


By the time they reached the beach, everyone had regained their sight.    


Just now, in that demonic aura, many people could only see things within a hundred meters of them. It was pitch black outside.    


Now that they got out of the demon qi, they finally saw the real world, even though it was just a sea, and this sea was also very strange.    


"Look, a lone island!"    


Someone pointed excitedly at an island in the sea.    


The lone island was several hundred miles away from the beach. All they could see was a blurry black dot.    


"Look, are there any ships around?"    


Everyone spread out to search for a boat on the beach.    


The army of the dead, for some reason, vanished as soon as they arrived at the beach.    


However, after seeing the army of the dead disappear into the distance, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. They finally had time to rest.    


Niu Thirteen went alone to look for a boat, but after a long time, he still wasn't able to find one.    


Besides, there were no trees around him. Other than a beach, there was only a black sea.    


On the right side of the beach was the sea, and on the left side of the beach was a field of darkness.    


The dead were now, perhaps, in the darkness to the left of the beach, waiting for them to enter the darkness again.    


However, no one wanted to go in. Everyone was consciously distancing themselves from the darkness.    


In the demonic energy, the god of death stared coldly at the darkness in front of him. This was a dark curtain of light, and everyone on the beach could be seen.    


However, it wasn't just Niu Thirteen and the others who were one hundred people on the beach. There were also others, a total of nearly one thousand people.    


The thousand people on the beach were the final few who survived this time's exam.    


A hundred thousand people participated in the exam. In the end, a thousand people survived, and those 1000 people were still in the exam.    


Their mission was to reach the island in the middle of the sea. Now, they were all trying to figure out how to reach the island.    


Niu Thirteen was looking for a boat when he suddenly saw a group of people a few hundred meters in front of him. These people also saw him.    


Niu Thirteen found out from this group of people that they were another group of people that had broken out of the dead men's encirclement. They were currently searching for a boat on the beach.    


In the next moment, all the people on the beach met. There were about a thousand of them, and they were all gathered together with ugly expressions on their faces.    


Because they had already walked around the beach and found themselves on an island.    


In the middle of the island was darkness, the world where the army of the dead was located.    




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