God Prison



According to the offensive collaboration formation provided by Xuanyuan Xue, everyone had a special position.    


Based on the unique locations of the formation, everyone quickly took their positions, forming a massive offensive collaboration formation.    


And then, everyone used their full strength to release their own Qi, which was like a small stream.    


It flowed towards Xuanyuan Xue in the middle and gathered at the top of her head. Suddenly, a terrifying formation was formed.    


Xuanyuan Xue lightly tossed the Xuanyuan Sword in her hand into the air. With a flash of purple light, the Xuanyuan Sword instantly appeared above everyone's heads.    




Xuan Yuan shouted as the power of all the Sinful Gorge geniuses instantly gathered onto her body.    


Then, she drew all of her strength into the Xuanyuan Sword.    


The Xuan-Yuan Sword immediately released a violet light, exuding an Emperor's Qi that could destroy the heavens and the earth. Waves of a sharp Qi pierced through the heavens.    


Instantly, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering violet divine sword hovered in the air. Its sharpness seemed as though it could pierce through the heavens.    


The entire world was trembling from the aura of Xuanyuan Xue's Xuanyuan Xue's sword, and her gaze turned cold.    


The tip of Xuan-Yuan Sword suddenly aimed at the blood-red pillar of light.    


Within the blood-red pillar of light, Hun Yi's brow instantly creased into the shape of a river.    


The other Soul Devouring Race geniuses were also apprehensive.    


They were all terrified as they watched the combined attack formed by Xuanyuan Xue and the others beneath their feet.    


They could all sense Xuanyuan Sword's terrifying aura. The aura Xuanyuan Sword was exuding right now was terrifyingly powerful, to the point where they felt as though the death god was looking at them.    


They had all sensed a thick aura of death and everyone was staring at Xuanyuan Wentian with incomparable fear. The ones who were weaker had their bodies quivered.    


"Soul One, what do we do!"    


Hun Er, who was beside Hun Yi, looked at Xuanyuan sword with a worried expression as he faced Hun Dao who was in front of him.    


"They want to cut off the channel that will lead us away, so that we won't be able to leave successfully. However, this passage is not something that can be cut off by ordinary people, even if they are the top geniuses of the Sinful Regions."    


Soul One calmly analyzed. However, his eyebrows didn't loosen the slightest bit.    


In his heart, he was not certain, nor was he certain that this passageway was able to block the Xuan-Yuan Sword.    


After all, the current Xuan-Yuan Sword was a terrifying attack formed by the combined power of the hundreds of strongest geniuses in the sinful regions.    


He did not know if the passage would be cut in half from this one strike. His heart was pounding.    


However, he was Soul One, so he couldn't panic on the outside. Everyone was looking at him.    


He appeared to be calm, and the other Soul Devouring Race geniuses also felt at ease. The most important thing was to stabilize everyone's minds.    


As for whether or not Xuan Yuan would be able to break through this passageway, that would depend on his luck.    


After listening to Hun Yi's analysis, the second and the others nodded in relief.    


However, there was one person who didn't think so.    


Nine Thousand Souls stood at the edge of the passageway as he looked down at the Xuan-Yuan Sword with a frown.    


He had personally experienced the terror of the Xuan-Yuan Sword and he knew how terrifying it was.    


The current Xuanyuan sword, was several times more terrifying than the one he had felt before, and this caused him to feel extremely uneasy.    


Soul One indifferently looked at the nine thousand souls, as if he could feel his unease.    


"Don't worry, we can leave safely!"    


Soul One's voice calmly rang in his ears.    


The 9000 souls raised their heads to look at Hun Yi, only indifferently nodding their heads.    


"It's time to attack!"    


Hun Er said in a deep voice.    


Indeed, Xuanyuan Xue and the others below finally used everyone's power and formed a horrifying combination attack.    


The Xuan-Yuan Sword was like a divine sword that could pierce through space and time, passing through ancient and modern times, piercing through the heavens.    


In an instant, he transformed into a streak of purple light that streaked across the horizon, stabbing the blood-red pillar of light with his sword.    


"Boom …"    


Within the blood-red pillar of light, the bodies of Soul level experts shook violently, as if they were unable to stand firmly.    




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