God Prison



Therefore, they had to kill Niu Thirteen today.    


Immediately, the Soul Devouring Tribe experts ordered the army of the Soul Devouring Tribe below to kill Niu Thirteen no matter what.    


The army of the Soul Devouring Tribe received the order. Their first mission was to kill Niu Thirteen.    


Next, they did not need to attack Dali City, they only needed to kill Niu Thirteen.    


Suddenly, all of the Soul Devouring Tribe received this order and their hearts trembled. Niu Thirteen was a serious threat to them, so they had to kill him today.    


Afterwards, all of the Soul Devouring Races stared fixedly at Niu Thirteen. Everyone was looking forward to see him being killed by the Thunderbolt Guards.    


However, under the assault of the Thunderbolt soldiers, Niu Thirteen was still alive and well.    


The Heaven Calamity Bead had devoured all of the attacks of the Thunder Soldiers, and had also devoured countless of them.    


Furthermore, after the Heaven Calamity Orb had devoured enough soldiers of lightning, it had once again spat out those soldiers of thunder.    


These soldiers that had vomited out thunder began to fight with the surrounding soldiers. Through this method, it had consumed countless of them.    


At the same time, Niu Thirteen also released Little Black and the 18 Taiyi Guards.    


The moment Blacky appeared, it spat out a sealing power at the surrounding Thunderbolt soldiers. This sealing power instantly sealed a large number of the nearby Thunderbolt soldiers.    


The 18 Tai Yi Guards frantically attacked these thunderous soldiers that were sealed by the small black seal. Under the dual efforts of the small black seal and the 18 Tai Yi Guards, countless thunderbolt soldiers also perished.    


At the same time, while Niu Thirteen was undergoing his tribulation, the seventh child of the Soul Devouring Race was also resisting the attacks of the thunderbolt soldiers.    


He was also surrounded by countless thunder soldiers. He crazily released his small world, devouring the thunder soldiers that attacked him.    


After finishing off the Thunderbolt soldiers in the small world, he was locked on by the Thunderbolt soldiers.    


Niu Thirteen suffered more thunder soldiers than he did. He had only suffered a few attacks, but he wasn't as powerful as Niu Thirteen. He wasn't strong enough to fend off all the thunder soldiers.    


Under the assault of the Thunder Soldiers, he was surrounded by danger, and could be killed at any moment.    


At this moment, the difference between him and Niu Thirteen was obvious. Although his offensive capabilities were extremely powerful, his ability to group battles was extremely weak.    


Niu Thirteen was not as strong as him. Not only did he have formidable offensive power, his ability to fight in a group was also extremely terrifying.    


In terms of attack power, Niu Thirteen was about the same as the seventh son of the Soul Devouring Race. However, in terms of group combat ability, he could throw the seventh child of the Soul Devouring Race into the countless streets.    


The seventh child of the Soul Devouring Race could be killed at any moment under the attack of the thunderous soldiers.    


Right now, he relied on his own small world to block the attacks of the thundersoldiers. When he blocked the thundersoldiers' attacks, everyone in the Soul Devouring Tribe below was filled with worry for him. They were worried that he would be killed by the thundersoldiers.    


However, looking at how difficult it was to resist the soldiers, everyone sighed in their hearts. Right now, he was only forcefully holding on. It wouldn't be long before he was killed by the soldiers.    


These Thunderbolt soldiers were too terrifying. It was likely that only Niu Thirteen could withstand them.    


If it were anyone else, no one would be able to withstand it. Everyone would be killed by these soldiers; it was just a matter of time.    


Therefore, most people could understand that he could die at any time from the attacks of these lightning soldiers.    


After all, if it was them, they would also die. In fact, they would have already died, and they would not be able to persist for such a long time like Chu Feng.    


The reason why he could persist for such a long time was because of the miniature world. If it wasn't for the miniature world, he would have died long ago.    


Even so, the small world was unable to protect him. When the time came, the small world would be destroyed and he would die.    


Therefore, how long he could live depended on how long his small world could endure.    


However, at this time, under the attack of the Thunderbolt soldier, his small world was riddled with holes and could break at any time.    


If the small world were to shatter, he would be severely injured and killed by the surrounding lightning soldiers.    


At this time, the seventh child of the Soul Devouring Tribe had already given up all hope. He knew that he couldn't hold on any longer, but he wasn't willing to die here.    


He looked at Niu Thirteen, who was standing next to him, and felt unconvinced in his heart. Why was it that Niu Thirteen could block the lightning soldiers so easily?    


However, he couldn't do so. Hence, he held back his anger and attacked the surrounding Thunderbolt soldiers with all his might, hoping to destroy all of them.    


In fact, he even played his trump card. A terrifying black hole appeared behind him, one that seemed capable of devouring everything in the world.    


Countless Thunderbolt soldiers were devoured by the black hole, but there were just too many of them. After devouring countless of them, the black hole gradually lost control.    


In the end, after devouring a certain number of Thunderbolt soldiers, the black hole instantly exploded.    


Boom! A world-shaking sound rang out, and the black hole instantly exploded. At the same time, he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Black Hole was his ultimate move. After receiving such a heavy blow in an instant, he had also suffered heavy damage.    


His aura instantly dropped by quite a bit as he looked unhappily at the soldier in front of him. Then, the third eye on his forehead instantly opened.    


A blood-red beam of light shot out from his third eye. Countless of Thunderclap soldiers fell under the blood-red beam of light. He controlled the blood-red beam and destroyed countless of Thunderclap soldiers.    


All around him, an open space instantly appeared. All of the thunderbolts soldiers had been completely annihilated by the blood-red light beam.    


The power of this blood-red light beam was extremely terrifying. Everyone below was staring at his third eye in shock.    


The third eye of the Soul Devouring Race was extremely terrifying. They called it the Eye of the World, because it could destroy everything in the world.    


At this moment, in a situation of desperation, he opened his third eye. The effect was extremely terrifying, and more than half of the thunderbolt soldiers around him were instantly destroyed by him.    


He was relieved, too, but he could not keep using his third eye. After a while, he closed his eyes.    


He needed to rest. After using his third eye, his aura had declined by several folds. However, he had still managed to destroy the surrounding thunderous soldiers, barely able to survive.    


Now, all he had to do was rely on the small world to fend off the attacks of the surrounding thunder soldiers.    


At the same time, he was also frantically recovering his aura. In the previous battle, he had expended too much energy.    


Right now, he urgently needed to recover his strength in order to be able to withstand the upcoming heavenly tribulation.    


Although he knew he could not live, he still did not want to die here. He wanted to struggle, and he did not want to die like this.    


He needed to resist the rest of the heavenly tribulation. Not only that, but he still had a lot of soldiers of lightning around him and needed to defend against them.    


As a result, after recovering a bit of strength, he quickly went out to block the Lightning Soldiers.    


The small world was now riddled with holes. He felt that he wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer. He looked at Niu Thirteen, who was standing beside him, and discovered that he was growing more and more terrifying.    


The number of thunderbolt soldiers destroyed by Niu Thirteen alone was more than a hundred times that of his. Seeing the terrifying ability of Niu Thirteen to fight in a group, he sucked in a breath of cold air.    


"He's simply not human! How does he train? Monster!"    


He cursed in his heart. He felt that Niu Thirteen was not a normal person. He was not human at all. He was just too scary.    


Even if it was the Soul Devouring Race, no one could be as terrifying as Niu Thirteen. He felt that even when the Soul Devouring Emperor was young, he wasn't as terrifying as Niu Thirteen.    


Currently, most of the Thunderbolt soldiers were attacking Niu Thirteen. He had only encountered a small portion of their attacks, but he was already on the verge of death while Niu Thirteen was like a fish in water.    


He felt that there should be no problem for Niu Thirteen to block the attacks of these lightning soldiers. On the contrary, he should be the one who had a problem.    


Seeing how easy it was for Niu Thirteen to defend against the soldiers, and how much effort he put in, his heart felt extremely unbalanced. Why was his cultivation level the same as Niu Thirteen's? Yet, Niu Thirteen was so fearsome, and yet he was facing such difficulties.    


No matter what, he was still the seventh son of the Soul Devouring Tribe. He was still a super genius that stood out from the trillions of other geniuses within the Soul Devouring Tribe.    


In the future, he would have the chance to become a super genius at the level of the Soul Devouring Emperor.    


However, today, he had met his match. He felt that he was no match for Niu Thirteen. There had never been a moment of such despair before.    


Niu Thirteen was already so outstanding that even he felt despair. He looked around at the surrounding thunderous soldiers that were attacking him, and his heart was filled with even more anger. He was truly unwilling to accept this.    


He frantically controlled the small world to resist the attacks of the surrounding thunderbolt soldiers.    


At the same time, Niu Thirteen crazily rampaged through the ranks of the Thunderbolt Guards, destroying countless of them.    


This was a long battle. From the beginning until now, three days had slowly passed.    


In these three days, only half of the Thunderbolt soldiers remained. He alone had destroyed more than half of them.    


Everyone watching him undergo his tribulation was shocked to see how terrifying he was and how the number of Thunderbolt soldiers had shrunk by half.    


At first, no one believed that he would be able to survive this Heavenly Tribulation. However, he had killed so many soldiers so quickly, which surprised everyone.    


At this moment, everyone had a premonition that Niu Thirteen would be able to destroy all of the remaining Lightning Soldiers.    




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