God Prison



Therefore, as time passed, the sword intent's power was slowly being depleted.    


As the blood from his heart continued to flow, it became more and more numerous. Finally, the sword intent surrounded Niu Thirteen's dantian.    


After being surrounded by the blood of his heart, he was making his final struggle, wanting to destroy Niu Thirteen's body.    


However, the blood in his heart quickly rushed forward and surrounded him, forming a sphere.    


In addition, the blood in his heart was frantically consuming the power of the sword intent, and the aura of the sword intent was also becoming weaker and weaker.    


Seeing that the blood in his heart had completely surrounded the sword intent at a fixed location, Niu Thirteen heaved a sigh of relief.    


He had to fight with this sword intent for a very long time before he managed to completely trap it in one place.    


The power of this sword intent was too strong. There were several times where it had almost reached where he was unwilling to give up.    


If the sword intent reached the place where he was unwilling to give up, then, his unwillingness to give up would be destroyed by the sword intent.    


At that time, he would die. Fortunately, he managed to block it every time.    


In the end, he had locked the sword intent at his Dantian. This way, the sword intent would not be able to reach the place where he did not want to give up.    


As long as he slowly consumed it, he would be able to completely use up all of the sword intent. At that time, he would be able to end this wave of heavenly tribulation.    


In his mind, he also thought of that person. That person was truly too terrifying. It was just an ordinary sword attack, but it almost took his life.    


If this person continued his second strike, he would undoubtedly die. Even if he did not give up, he would not be able to live.    


Fortunately, that person had only chopped at him once before disappearing.    


He was also very happy. This time, he really did have a narrow escape from death. As long as he completely used up all the sword intent, he would be able to survive this wave of heavenly tribulations.    


His aura could also grow, and he could feel that the Eye of Heaven outside was preparing for the next heavenly tribulation.    


The eye of the heavens could know whether he was alive or dead. Thus, after determining that he was not dead, the eye of the heavens continued to prepare for the next heavenly tribulation.    


He had to destroy this sword intent as soon as possible, and then adjust his condition to its peak before he could block the next attack from the Eye of Heaven.    


Therefore, he controlled the blood in his heart and destroyed that sword intent.    


Under his attack, the sword intent was slowly consumed. Very soon, the sword intent was completely destroyed by him.    


At the same time, a terrifying aura also emanated from his body. His realm had once again increased a little.    


At the same time, his injuries were also rapidly recovering.    


In next to no time, he recovered to his peak state.    


In the next second, he instantly flew out of the pit and soared into the sky.    


The moment he flew out of the crater, everyone saw him.    


"The Young Lord has come out!"    


"The Young Lord is still alive!"    


"This is great, the young master is fine. He will definitely be able to survive the upcoming heavenly tribulation."    


Everyone cheered when they saw that Niu Thirteen had come out.    


The rest of the people in the Great Li City were also extremely excited. If Niu Thirteen was still alive, they, the Great Li City, would have a chance at resisting the Soul Devouring Tribe.    


Also, looking at Niu Thirteen's current appearance, he would definitely be able to withstand the upcoming heavenly tribulation.    


It was because he didn't seem to be hurt at all. He didn't look like he was seriously injured at all.    


Niu Thirteen charged into the sky with vigor. He coldly looked up at the eye of the heavens, waiting for the next wave of heavenly tribulation. However, his heart was also very heavy.    


Because that person just now had almost killed him with a single sword strike. In that case, the heavenly tribulation lightning would definitely be even more terrifying.    


Therefore, he waited with a serious expression. After seeing that Niu Thirteen had come out, the Soul Devouring Race was the most displeased.    


All of the Soul Devouring Races stared furiously at Niu Thirteen. They never expected him to appear completely unharmed in the air.    


This was completely different from what they had imagined. They all thought that Niu Thirteen had died, but they never expected him to still be alive and completely unscathed.    


"Dammit, who the hell is this human?" Why is it so scary? "    


"Just which power is he a genius from?" Why have I never heard of him? "    


"Since when did the Ancestral Prison have such a terrifying genius!"    


All of the Soul Devouring Races were furious beyond belief. They were furious beyond words. They could not accept the fact that Niu Thirteen was still alive.    


However, the truth was that Niu Thirteen was still alive. Furthermore, he was still alive and kicking, ready to go through the tribulation.    


The 10th Elder of the Soul Devouring Tribe was the most furious. He was so angry that even his beard had turned white. He never thought that Niu Thirteen would still be alive.    


Looking at how lively and vigorous Niu Thirteen was, he had no problem surviving the rest of the heavenly tribulation.    


"Tenth Elder, should we retreat now?"    


The Soul Devouring Race expert at the side spoke in a low voice.    


He felt that they had to leave now. Otherwise, if they wanted to leave, they wouldn't be able to come here when Niu Thirteen succeeded in his tribulation. Many of their Soul Devouring Race's army might even be killed by him.    


After all, Niu Thirteen's ability to fight in a group was extremely terrifying.    


If Niu Thirteen broke through to the Divine Emperor Realm, then his group battle prowess would rise to an even more terrifying level.    


By that time, the thirteen cow-heads would have to take a detour within the army of the Soul Devouring Race, and their losses would be disastrous.    


Even if it was them, they wouldn't be able to stop Niu Thirteen.    


However, the tenth elder spoke in a deep voice.    


"If he doesn't leave, I'll watch him transcend his tribulation. I refuse to believe he won't die!"    


The tenth elder glared at Niu Thirteen. He didn't believe that Niu Thirteen would be able to withstand the thunder of heavenly tribulation.    


After all, Niu Thirteen had almost been killed by a single sword strike just now. Now, the heavenly tribulation lightning would be even more terrifying. He didn't believe that Niu Thirteen would be able to continue living.    


Therefore, he decided to stay.    


When the Soul Devouring Race expert next to him saw that the tenth elder had decided to stay, he couldn't help but sigh. He couldn't decide whether or not the army would stay.    


Only the tenth elder of the Soul Devouring Tribe had the qualifications, so he could only obey.    


Even though he disapproved of the tenth elder's idea, he still had to obey the tenth elder's order.    


The rules of the Soul Devouring Tribe were very strict. The tenth elder was the commander of this mission, and he had to obey.    


As a result, he could only follow the Soul Devouring Tribe's army as they watched Niu Thirteen pass through the tribulation. His heart felt more and more uneasy.    


He had always felt that as long as Niu Thirteen could survive this time's divine retribution, it would be very difficult for them to leave. There might be many people that would die here.    


However, he had no way of persuading the Tenth Elder of the Soul Devouring Tribe. He could only follow him and watch as Niu Thirteen underwent his tribulation.    


At the same time, Niu Thirteen raised his head and looked at the eye of the heavens in the sky with a serious expression.    


After the Eye of Heaven had been brewing for a while, lightning started to fall from the sky as well. Instantly, a terrifying lightning bolt descended from the Heavenly Tribulation Vortex.    


After the lightning descended, it gave off a shocking pressure. In fact, even the sky instantly turned dark.    


When he saw the true face of the bolt of lightning, Niu Thirteen sucked in a breath of cold air. He never imagined that his own lightning tribulation would be so terrifying, because this was an entire planet.    


This planet was incredibly huge, covering the sky and covering the sun, immediately enveloping the entire sky.    


This planet looked like a light blue planet, it was crashing down towards him.    


The moment this planet appeared, everyone below was shocked. None of them thought that Niu Thirteen's heavenly tribulation lightning would actually be from this planet.    


On top of the walls of the Great Li City, Uncle Gui and the others were all stunned. None of them thought that Niu Thirteen's heavenly tribulation would be so strange.    


Uncle Gui was also dumbstruck. At his level, he had never heard of this kind of heavenly tribulation lightning. Moreover, no one else had. Everyone else was dumbstruck.    


"Young master's heavenly tribulation, isn't it too strange? What kind of heavenly tribulation is this?" I have never heard of a planet with thunder! "    


"This thunderbolt planet came here to smash the young master to death. This planet's size is too huge, I'm afraid the young master can't hold it off and will be killed by it."    


"This is simply not giving the Young Lord a chance to live. Who can block this?"    


The Ancient Heavenly Court's officers were all stunned by Niu Thirteen's Lightning Star. They never would have thought that his Lightning God's Tribulation would be so strange.    


When the Soul Devouring Tribe army saw this planet, they were all shocked.    


However, following that, they all revealed looks of pleasant surprise, this planet was huge after all.    


How could he possibly block the attack? Even if Niu Thirteen had an indestructible body, he still wouldn't be able to block it!    


This planet could kill anyone. Even the Da Li city in front of them would be smashed into smithereens by this planet. How could Niu Thirteen defend against it!    


The 10th Elder of the Soul Devouring Tribe was extremely excited. He finally saw hope in killing Niu Thirteen. He felt that he wouldn't be able to stop this planet.    


Anyone would be smashed to death by the lightning planet. He had taken a huge risk and stayed behind to watch Niu Thirteen undergo his tribulation. He wanted to watch Niu Thirteen die.    


He knew the consequences would be terrible, but he was not at ease if he did not personally witness the death of Niu Thirteen.    


Even if he went back, he wouldn't be at ease.    


So, he had to see with his own eyes that Niu Thirteen was killed. Now, after seeing this planet, his heart was filled with anticipation. He hoped that this planet would crush Niu Thirteen to death.    


At this moment, he too was staring at Thunderbolt with anticipation as it descended.    




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