Super Asura System

C56 Modified Mechanical Dinosaur

C56 Modified Mechanical Dinosaur

The battle with the Huang Family had allowed Zhao Yiming to gain a firm foothold in the Feng City, and his name had become very famous! However, he didn't care about these false reputations. He just wanted to know how to improve his strength!    


Zhao Yiming once again came to the Myriad Treasures Pavilion. Li Wenwen, who had received a servant's notice in advance, welcomed him with a smile. Li Wenwen smiled and said, "Young Master Zhao, you are now very famous. Being able to become your friend is the wisest thing I have done!    


I will admit my mistake to you first. Actually, I am not the leader of Myriad Treasures Pavilion! I had nothing to do that day. I went to the door to experience life! I didn't expect that the two of us would really be fated, to actually get to know each other just like that."    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile," I had already guessed it long ago. If you can only be a leader because of your temperament, then those so-called rich young ladies will all become country girls. "    


Li Wenwen covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Young Master Zhao, you really know how to talk. I will not lie to you. Actually, I am Eldest Miss from Myriad Treasures Pavilion. I am here to check the accounts. I have almost finished checking the accounts. I want to go to the next place! I hope we can meet again if fate permits."    


Zhao Yiming was shocked in his heart. He had already thought that Li Wenwen's status would be very high, but he did not expect it to be so high. Eldest Miss of Myriad Treasures Pavilion was like a proud daughter of heaven!    


Li Wenwen lightly clapped her hands, and Zhang Hongying and a middle-aged man walked over. Li Wenwen pointed at the middle-aged man and said to Zhao Yiming, "This is the manager of Feng City's Myriad Treasures Pavilion, Zhang Kang. If you have any problems in the future... Just find him."    


Zhao Yiming nodded. Zhang Hongying said from the side, "Young Master Zhao and Eldest Miss are really fated. If you don't come today, then... You really won't be able to see each other. Eldest Miss, the car is ready. We can set off!"    


The few of them went outside together. They did not expect Li Wenwen to use the mechanical car made by Zhao Yiming. Li Wenwen smiled and said," Young Master Zhao, you are really talented. The mechanical car you made is very comfortable to sit on! It is much better than those Demonic Beast pulling cars. I want to promote it in the future and everyone will know your name. "    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said," Don't call me young master, and I won't call you Eldest Miss either! You can call me Yiming. How about I call you Wenwen? "    


Li Wenwen smiled and nodded. Zhao Yiming continued, "This kind of mechanical car is only the most primitive version. I am developing a new mechanism technology. In the future, I will get you a better one!"    


The two of them exchanged a few more words. Li Wenwen sat in the mechanical car and left, leaving Zhao Yiming there waving his hand gently.    


Zhang Kang smiled and said to Zhao Yiming, "What do you want to buy? Eldest Miss already told me that as long as it is something you need, we will definitely get it for you!"    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "You don't have to be so polite. This time I want to buy some materials to set up the formation! It is good that it is the lowest level ones. The price is not a problem!"    


Zhang Kang was secretly shocked in his heart and could not help but admire Eldest Miss's foresight! He did not think that this kid was not only artificer, but also dabbled in formations!    


After Zhao Yiming bought the materials and left, Zhang Kang immediately used the acoustic stone to report this situation to Li Wenwen. Li Wenwen was also very shocked! She made Zhang Kang pay attention to keeping it a secret and pay close attention to Zhao Yiming's movements!    


Zhao Yiming was still in the bamboo forest. The first thing he needed to do was to practice. He planned to use the array formation on the Mechanical Technique. If the mechanical beast's level did not increase, it would greatly increase its combat strength.    


This did not mean that no one on the Divine Martial Road had studied this kind of thing before. However, everyone's energy was limited! It was simply impossible for someone to simultaneously take care of mechanisms and array formations at the same time.    


Hence, after many failed attempts, people gave up on this idea! artificer turned his attention to how to create high level mechanical beast, while the formation master turned to study those large scale array formations!    


Because Zhao Yiming had a system, he was completely a bug. Therefore, only he could simultaneously take care of these two aspects!    


After a few days of practice, he finally raised the formation auxiliary system to Level 2. With this, the level of the two auxiliary system was the same. He began to modify the mechanical dinosaur!    


Zhao Yiming first chose the Vajra Formation. He set up 18 Vajra Formation on each mechanical dinosaur. These Vajra Formation were interlinked, just like putting a piece of armor on the mechanical dinosaur!    


Zhao Yiming concentrated all of his energy on using the Enraged Dragon Regrets to attack the mechanical dinosaur, but he could only leave a mark on it! He carefully felt it, and felt that even Huang Ying could not break their defense!    


He drew two Golden Light Array on the two eyes of each mechanical dinosaur. This way, when they were activated, their eyes would shoot out two rays of golden light. In a situation where the enemy was caught unprepared, this could produce the effect of a flash bomb!    


Zhao Yiming had placed Suspension Formation on the four legs of each mechanical dinosaur, making them even lighter. He had placed sharp array on their teeth and claws, making them abnormally sharp!    


Zhao Yiming focused on modifying the tails of these two mechanical dinosaur. Other than the Vajra Formation, he had also covered them with Rushing Thunder Formation. From time to time, there would be electric currents flowing on them. This way, after the enemy was hit, they would have the feeling of being electrocuted. They would have a certain chance of being paralyzed.    


Immediately following that, Zhao Yiming carved Flame Formation on the throats of the two mechanical dinosaur and installed two Middle Grade Spirit Crystal. This allowed them to spit out high temperature flames!    


Under Zhao Yiming's modification, the two mechanical dinosaur were fully armed! Although they were still Level 3 mechanical beast, their overall combat strength was not any weaker than Level Four mechanical beast.    


Zhao Yiming looked at these two mechanical beast with satisfaction, and his heart was filled with joy! If anyone dared to look down on these two mechanical beast, they would encounter trouble.    


Zhao Yiming happily put away these two mechanical beast. Inspiration from these two mechanical beast, Zhao Yiming created a few more First and Level 2 small machines and added some formations on them.    


He directly made grenades, combustion grenades, and flash grenades. He originally wanted to make a gun, but it was a pity that with his current level, he could not complete it!    


Zhao Yiming returned to the front yard in satisfaction. He gave Zou Xiaoyun a piece of his spoils of war with the acoustic stone. He planned to go to Demonic Beast Forest tomorrow to test the power of the mechanical dinosaur!    


While Zhao Yiming and his family were happily eating, Feng Lang came to a place!    


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