Super Asura System

C52 They Are Here to Denounce Me

C52 They Are Here to Denounce Me

Zhao Yiming and Li Wenwen chatted for a while longer. Li Wenwen happily bought all the First and Level 2 mechanical beast. This caused Zhao Yiming to suspect that she was just a supervisor. How could she have so much power?    


However, Zhao Yiming did not investigate further. After all, everyone had their own privacy. Perhaps when she wanted to tell him, she would naturally tell him!    


Zhao Yiming bought some more materials. Unfortunately, he did not buy any Level Three Demon Beast or Blood Essence. If he wanted to continue developing his mechanical dinosaur army, he still had to rely on his hard work!    


Zhao Yiming had just returned to his courtyard when he saw Zou Xiaoyun arranging a maid to tidy up the tables and chairs to prepare dinner!    


Just as they sat down, they heard a loud shout from outside!    


The courtyard door was violently smashed open and a very rude man walked in with more than ten people.    


Yu Jingbo immediately went up to them. "Who are you? What are you doing here? Don't you obey the law? "    


The man said fiercely, "I am Third Elder of Huang Family: Huang Ming. Who do you think you are? How dare you speak like that in front of me? I think you want to die!" As he spoke, he threw a palm at Yu Jingbo!    


Yu Jingbo was shocked. He never thought that there would be someone in the city who would dare to completely ignore Qiao Wei's orders and kill him in public!    


Yu Jingbo looked at the palm approaching him in horror. He suddenly felt his body quickly move backward. That palm almost touched his nose and hit the ground.    


Huang Ming really wanted to kill Yu Jingbo. This palm wind smashed the Bluestone board into pieces on the ground! If this palm hit Yu Jingbo's head, Yu Jingbo would definitely die.    


Just now, Zhao Yiming had used the Tracker Step to quickly get behind Yu Jingbo in the nick of time. He grabbed the back of Yu Jingbo's neck and threw him out!    


Zhao Yiming looked at Huang Ming with a gloomy face and said, "What do you mean by this? You broke into my yard and wanted to kill my people? How can the Huang Family be lawless? "    


Huang Ming said casually," From today onwards, in the Feng City, the words of our Huang Family are the law. You must be that Zhao Yiming! Don't you know why I am here today? Do you think you will be fine after you kill my nephew?"    


Ever since Zhao Yiming accepted the mission, he had been mentally prepared for this day! However, he would never admit it. After all, no one saw that he was the one who did it!    


Zhao Yiming pretended to be puzzled and said, "I don't know what you are talking about. Is your Huang Family really lawless? First, that Huang Wei came to my house to tease my sister, and now you came to my house to kill my housekeeper! Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"    


Huang Ming said arrogantly," What do you think you are? I bullied you because I appreciate you. No matter how many people begged me to bully them, I wouldn't bully them. I know you killed my nephew!"    


Zhao Yiming deliberately put on a shocked expression and said," Don't slander me, even though your nephew was beaten into a pig's head by me. But I didn't kill him. I was afraid of dirtying my hands! "    


Huang Ming said carelessly, "Don't argue with me here. You went to Demonic Beast Forest some time ago! My nephew brought people to deal with you, but you came back! He died in Demonic Beast Forest. How dare you say that his death has nothing to do with you? "    


Everyone loved to hear interesting things. Although they were afraid of the Huang Family, they couldn't stop them from watching from afar. When everyone heard Huang Ming's words, they all felt that Huang Ming was an idiot!    


Huang Ran was in a restaurant far away. He shook his head and scolded, "Why is Huang Ming talking nonsense there? He just needs to kill Zhao Yiming."    


Huang Ying nodded his head in agreement. In fact, it was just a reason. They wanted to use this to establish the dominance of Huang Family!    


Zhao Yiming had just become Qiao Wei's brother with a different surname. If they killed him just like that, who would dare to oppose Huang Family in the future?    


This was a plan that could kill two birds with one stone. If Qiao Wei dared to stand up for them! Old Master Huang would kill this City Lord with his palm. The Feng City was the Huang Family's property!    


Although Huang Ming was the Huang Family's Third Elder, he was the one with the worst abilities! He was only a Ninth level of Qi Condensation, and his cultivation realm was equal to Zhao Yiming's!    


Huang Ming seemed to be listening to something. He shouted loudly, "Kid, you don't have to quibble here. Today, I will kill you and avenge my nephew!"    


After saying that, Huang Ming launched an attack. Zhao Yiming's body did not move, and he also struck out with his palm. In order to establish his power, he used the Ice Palm!    


Because Zhao Yiming's cyclone was different from the others, the power he could unleash far exceeded the power he could unleash with his current cultivation realm, and he wasn't afraid of continuous palm strikes.    


When the two of them exchanged their first palm strikes, the Ice Palm's cold energy had already invaded Huang Ming's meridians. Zhao Yiming didn't give him the chance to return the first palm strike. He struck out two more palm strikes in a row.    


When Huang Ming received the third palm strike, the power of Zhao Yiming's attack had doubled. Due to the invasion of the cold air, the Palmar Strength that Huang Ming could unleash was only forty to fifty percent of its original power. It was killed by Zhao Yiming.    


"Congratulations to host for killing Huang Ming. Because he is a quest character, his experience is increased by 30%. The drop rate is increased by 20%. You have obtained 4000 Experience points and 4 Asura Value. You have also obtained 3 Low-grade Spiritual Essences, 100,000 Gold Banknotes, and a pair of Special Items!"    


Zhao Yiming was still satisfied with himself, especially the last Special Item, which seemed to be quite interesting. The change in the situation shocked everyone. Huang Ran also did not expect Zhao Yiming to be so powerful. He had actually killed Third Elder with just three palm strikes.    


Just as Huang Yan was about to attack and was about to be pulled back by Huang Ran, Huang Ying let out a cold snort. He was like a huge bird spreading its wings, flying down from the ninth floor. After two consecutive leaps, he arrived at the courtyard.    


Huang Ying was an Essence Converting Triple Stage. He stood in the courtyard and looked at Huang Ming's corpse. An imposing aura suddenly rushed towards Zhao Yiming and shouted, "How dare you kill an elder of our Huang Family!"    


After experiencing the pressure of Xuan Tiansheng and Cheng Zhenxiang's Qi, Zhao Yiming didn't care about the Qi of a Transformational Stage warrior.    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and said, "Let's not beat around the bush here. Weren't you watching from afar just now? If you want to take revenge, I'll do it right away!" Huang Ying was instantly enraged. He took a step forward and was about to attack!    


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