Super Asura System

C94 Undercurrent Movement

C94 Undercurrent Movement

As soon as Ximen Rou's voice faded, the thoughts of the few people present stirred. Everyone had their own thoughts, but they didn't say it out loud.    


Nangong Jian hesitated for a moment and said, "Could it be that someone from Upper Realm seized it? It's not like this has never happened before in this world."    


Ximen gently shook his head and said, "Even if someone from Upper Realm came down to possess someone, that person would not be able to change a person's Root Bone. It's said that this kid is a rare white Root Bone that only appears once in a thousand years. However, his cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds. He's stronger than any other genius.    


It's a pity that my people have arrived late. The Zhao Family has already been annihilated. It's said that it was done by the Asura Sect, but according to the insider information, the Asura Sect has not come to our Luoyue Empire for two years."    


Dongfang Jun pondered for a moment and said," Could it be that someone wanted to hide something, and that's why he killed Zhao Family? If the Upper Realm was excluded from the possibility of someone possessing him, then he must have a big secret.    


However, this isn't something we should be concerned about. We don't want to get ourselves into trouble when the time comes. If we get ourselves into unnecessary trouble, then the gains won't make up for the losses!"    


The other three nodded in agreement. However, Dongfang Jun had never thought of giving up.    


Bei Mingxue continued, "That is the White Eyebrow Sect mentioned in the report. I think what the Crown Prince said is right. This White Brow Cult will definitely become a huge threat in the future.    


Our various families should also pay attention to it. We can treat the civilians better. That brat is right, these civilians are our water. We better not go too far."    


Dongfang Jun nodded and said," Then this matter will be temporarily put here. We will do as we discussed. " The other three nodded.    


Prince Rong's Estate was in the northwest corner of the capital. The high gate courtyard had an extraordinary atmosphere. Prince Rong and Liu Kelei were Liu Dan's younger brother. Although he was also from the Small Family, he had a good life because of his elder sister.    


Currently, he was throwing a tantrum in the main hall, smashing the white jade cup in his hand into pieces. A lady dressed in palace clothing walked into the main hall with light steps.    


She was their birth mother, Lu You. She said with a cold expression, "Who made you angry and made you so angry?"    


Liu Kelei bowed and said, "I am angry with elder sister. You don't know what she did in Huainan County? She actually attacked the aristocratic families."    


Lu You's face darkened and said," Don't you dare speak nonsense here. If it wasn't for your sister, you wouldn't have today's status. I have already received your sister's family letter. This time, when she returns to the White Cloud Valley, she will become a true disciple.    


At that time, our status will naturally rise. Not to mention that your sister is going to deal with those small families in Huainan County, with her current status, even if she is going to deal with the four big families, why not?"    


Although Liu Kelei was scolded, his face revealed a joyful expression as he said, "If my sister can become a true disciple, then I will have the chance to become the Crown Prince!"    


Lu You shook her head and said, "You don't have to think about that. Your sister is working with the Crown Prince this time to lay a trap for you. In the future, when the Crown Prince ascends the throne, you can be a prince.    


What's so good about the throne? Look at you, Royal Father, who has been exhausted all day long! Why don't you just become a free and unfettered prince and live a happy life?"    


Liu Kelei said respectfully," I will listen to your teachings. "    


Although he said so, his eyes were filled with unwillingness.    


Lu You saw it and sighed. She was also helpless.    


Liu Keyuan and Liu Keqing were brothers. Now, their mother, Nangong Xiaoyu, had called them into the Palace. She said that they had something to discuss.    


Nangong Xiaoyu came from the Nangong family, and she was given the title of Consort Rong. She also held a high position in the harem.    


After Liu Keyuan and his brother paid their respects to their mother, they sat on both sides and listened to her teachings.    


Nangong Xiaoyu waved her hand to dismiss the palace maids, drank a mouthful of fragrant tea and said, "I called the two of you over this time because something big is going to happen.    


I believe you have heard of what the Crown Prince did in Huainan County. Your uncle just sent a letter over, and Chief attached great importance to this matter. The four great families will surely make a move, and I'm afraid that the Crown Prince's position will not be guaranteed.    


I hope that the two of you can be patient. Remember not to rush in front. I don't know who ordered the Crown Prince to make such a move. If we misunderstand, then we won't have a chance to turn the tables.    


So you can add fuel to the fire behind the scenes, but you must cut off all relations in time. Even if the Crown Prince is defeated this time, the two of you must insist on keeping his position. With my understanding of your Royal Father, he really wants you two to be on good terms with each other and have a deep relationship with each other."    


Liu Keyuan nodded and said, "I understand, mother. However, what do you think is the probability of the Crown Prince falling? "    


Nangong Xiaoyu thought for a moment and said, "I think it's impossible for him to keep his current position. After all, he is too young, and he is too impatient. However, you two brothers have to pay attention to the person called Zhao Yiming next to him. He is not an ordinary person."    


Liu Keqing said from the side, "We know, Mother. If the Crown Prince falls, I will fully support Big Brother in fighting for the position of Crown Prince. "    


Nangong Xiaoyu nodded and said, "If the two of you can work together, we can still succeed!"    


The two brothers nodded and agreed. But what the two of them were thinking now, no one knew.    


Scholar Prince and Liu Keru had also arrived at Ye Jingsheng's mansion. Although Ye Jingsheng was not an official in the court, most of the civil servants were his students. It could be said that his influence was enormous.    


Ye Jingsheng was sitting in the study, holding a book of poetry. His whole aura was natural and natural. He had mastered the Cultivation Method of Confucianism, so he definitely had the cultivation of Grand Master.    


He looked at Liu Keru and said, "Why did you come here instead of reading poetry in the mansion?"    


Liu Keru said respectfully, "I came here to ask you for help. What should I do now?"    


Ye Jingsheng said with dissatisfaction, "I have heard about what the Crown Prince has done. His actions had gone against the rules of etiquette. He had been bewitched by Zhao Yiming.    


The Emperor was the master of the world. That ignorant fellow had actually treated the Emperor as a boat, and the common people as water. He even made a false statement that water could carry a boat, and it could also capsize a boat.    


This was truly outrageous. He and all his family members should be executed. The Crown Prince was actually close to such a vile person. He was not worthy of being the Crown Prince of the Luoyue Empire.    


I have already informed a few of my students that they will publicly impeach the Crown Prince during the morning court tomorrow. But you are my close relative. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, don't go to court tomorrow."    


Liu Keru was overjoyed and bowed to Ye Jingsheng to thank him. At this moment, another prince went deep into the military camp.    


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