Super Asura System

C267 He Didn't Reject Any of Them

C267 He Didn't Reject Any of Them

Liu Kebai heard Wan Zihui's words and thought quickly. With a smile on his face, he said, "As long as they are willing to turn over a new leaf and sincerely work for me, I do not care about demoting talents.    


Now, I will give you the authority of the Dark Department. As long as you think you can use people, you can find them for me. I will set up a Dark Fragrance Hall and specially recruit such experts. At that time, they will be of use to me. "    


Wan Zihui was delighted when he heard this. Obviously, King Huainan wanted to create a force of one, the light and the dark. Although he didn't know what his final intention was, as the hidden force, he would definitely be able to make a name for himself in the future.    


He quickly stood up and cupped his hands. "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your generosity. I will not disappoint Your Royal Highness. He wanted to gather more experts for Your Highness, and these people could also be at ease. If they dare to have second thoughts, I will help Your Highness get rid of them. "    


Liu Kebai nodded and said, "In the future, if you need any money, you can directly look for Eunuch Sun. You are one of the hidden forces in my hands. You should know what to do. Also, I want to train those children. Do you have any good places to go? "    


Wan Zihui quickly said, "I know that there is a red rock island in the ocean. It is a place where the final sun erupts. The entire ocean is blotted out by the sun. Without an outsider leading the way, it is impossible to enter.    


I have always been close to the Sea Sand Gang. I think we can set up that island as a base and train these children there. It will definitely be a foolproof plan. "    


Liu Kebai thought for a moment and said, "Then I will leave these matters to you. Although all the gangs in the pugilistic world are below the two sects, there are still many things that can be taken care of. Take care of them for me."    


After saying that, he stood up and said to Wan Heshun, "You will follow me back to the prefecture. I will definitely not treat you badly."    


The few of them came outside, and Sun Shutao and the other two welcomed them. Liu Kebai pointed at Wan Heshun and said, "This is a newly recruited Fourth Grade guard with a saber in his hand. He is a Master Double Stage. From now on, the four of you will be my personal guards. "    


He returned to his study and sent the four of them out. Eunuch Sun said worriedly, "Isn't it a little too much for Your Highness to put the Blood Shadow Sect in such an important position?"    


Liu Kebai gently shook his head and said, "I have always firmly believed in walking on two legs. Now, on the surface, I am diligent in governance. I love the people like a son. I have three more powerful sworn brothers, and at the same time, I have also won over some small and medium-sized families and sects.    


Then, in the dark, I need a group of desperate people to do something inconvenient for me. Furthermore, these people are all selfish. When necessary, I will sacrifice one or two of them. The others will feel that it is only natural.    


As for the Blood Shadow Sect, I need some people to manage the hidden forces for me. Don't you think that these assassins are very suitable?    


They are always very calm, and they are very ruthless in their attacks. They can totally serve as a deterrent. Besides, if I use them, no one will suspect me, and no one will doubt me. So what if I bet on this?"    


Eunuch Sun nodded his head. Currently, Young Prince had become more and more like a noble family. He believed that one day, he would soar into the sky. He only hoped that the four of them wouldn't turn against each other and become enemies in the end.    


A few days passed in a flash. Liu Kebai was in the study room correcting the memorial to the throne reports from all over the place. Zhou Qing knocked on the door and walked in. He said, "Reporting to Your Highness, the caravan of Zhang Family has officially entered Huainan City. Do you want to summon them now?"    


Liu Kebai waved his hand and said, "Send someone to keep a close watch on them. There's no need to alert them for now. It's not too late to summon them after they have seen the situation in Huainan."    


The leader of Zhang Family's caravan this time was Zhang Jing's youngest daughter, Zhang Ying. She was Beiming Ru's daughter and inherited her mother's wise mind. The people of Zhang Family were used to calling her a female shopkeeper.    


A middle-aged woman in her forties was following beside her. Her aura was restrained, and it was obvious that she was an expert.    


She was Beiming Ru's personal maid, Li Xiangping. Her cultivation base had already reached the eighth level of the Master, and she had been sent to her daughter's side. Firstly, she had to take care of her daughter's daily needs, and secondly, she had to protect her daughter's safety.    


Zhang Ying looked around and said, "This Huainan is indeed worthy of being called the Free Province. It is indeed much more prosperous than other places. Look at the smiles on the faces of the people here. Their lives shouldn't be bad."    


Li Xiangping continued, "This King Huainan has always been known for his benevolence. Back then, he lost his crown prince position for the sake of the common people. He always thought that King Huainan was fishing for fame and reputation. Now, it seems like his reputation matches."    


Zhang Ying nodded and said, "Aunt Li is right. But we still need to observe for a few days to see how the situation here is. After that, we can confirm whether we should go and see King Huainan."    


A big man walked over from the side. He was the leader of the guards of this merchant group, Tie Youxia, who was known as the Armored Diamond in the Pugilistic World. This man was wearing a set of Primordial Heavenly Protection Genuine Qi, and he had already reached the realm of invulnerability.    


He cupped his hands and said, "Miss, the person who stood in front of us has already bought a courtyard here. Should we head over immediately?"    


Zhang Ying nodded and said, "This kind of matter can be decided by the Ironhead Leader himself. There's no need to ask me."    


The group quickly arrived at a very large courtyard. A fat man dressed like a businessman was already waiting there with a smile on his face. He stepped forward and said, "This lowly one, Ke Feng, greets Miss. Please come inside."    


Zhang Ying gently raised her hand and said, "Ke Headmaster, there is no need to be so polite. Let's go in and talk."    


After everyone entered the living room, Zhang Ying said with a smile, "I wonder how Ke Headmaster is preparing."    


Ke Feng nodded and said, "I have already bought three shops here. I plan to teach the local specialties of South China to be shipped here to be sold.    


King Huainan has made many policies. Among them, there are a lot of benefits for our business. The tax rate is only 15 to 1. At the same time, we guarantee that the families will not bully the business. "    


Li Xiangping frowned slightly and said, "King Huainan set the tax rate to be so low. How can he feed his own army and develop the economy here?"    


Ke Feng smiled and said, "Manager Li, I don't know. Although King Huainan set the tax rate to be low, this place is unusually prosperous. I have already calculated it carefully.    


But the volume of the local goods and the currency flow are almost as high as that of the capital. This tax rate is more than enough to double that of the capital, let alone feed the army.    


Most importantly, all the people here live and work in peace. This family has surplus grain, and everyone is grateful for King Huainan's kindness. If he were to raise his arm and shout, it would be a piece of cake for him to gather tens of millions of grains in a short period of time. "    


Zhang Ying was startled. She had never imagined that King Huainan would be so cunning as to hide troops in the people, making it impossible for them to guard against him.    


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