Super Asura System

C293 Spider Cave

C293 Spider Cave

After these guys destroyed the spiders again, they just let out a sigh of relief and didn't want a huge spider web to fall from the sky,    


it directly covered them.    


They simply couldn't break free and were quickly dragged into the darkness. Following that, the sound of chewing could be heard, accompanied by their miserable screams.    


Everyone felt their hair stand on end when they heard this. Zhao Yiming raised his hand and shot out two flashlights. They saw that it was covered with spider webs.    


Zhang Xinglong hesitated for a moment and said, "Spider webs are very powerful and very tough. They can drag things ten times bigger than themselves, but the spider webs are not broken.    


Everyone must be very careful. They must not be covered by this spider web. I think there must be poison on it, making them unable to resist at all."    


Zhao Yiming thought for a moment and said, "Spiderweb should be afraid of fire, and spiders are more afraid of spicy smells. I don't know if Mr. Xu has such a thing."    


Xu Xiangqiang took out some straws from the Cosmic Bag and said, "These are Ai Grass. After lighting it, there will be a strong smell of stimulation. It should be able to make these spiders retreat."    


As he spoke, he lit the Ai Grass. The smell of this thing was extremely strong. Not to mention remembering it, even people who smelled it would feel very uncomfortable.    


Dongfang Stardust panted and said, "We don't know if this thing of yours can kill spiders. But it almost smokes us to death. This method won't work! "    


Xu Xiangqiang shrugged his shoulders and extinguished Ai Cao. He said, "Then I have no other choice. I only have poison left. I'm afraid that before the spider medicine dies, all of you will be wiped out."    


Zhao Yiming looked at Zhang Xinglong and said, "I know that centipedes can prey on spiders. I don't know if you have a centipede that can deal with this spider."    


Zhang Xinglong shook his head and said, "These spiders are really too big. If I send out my centipedes, it would be equivalent to adding food to them."    


Zhao Yiming spread his hands and said, "Then this is the only thing I can think of. Let's see what kind of countermeasures you have!"    


Ye Yu praised from the side, "Young Master Zhao is really knowledgeable. I don't even know a single one of these things that you know. I can't think of any countermeasures."    


Nangong Yan saw that this kid was very unpleasant to the eye. He snorted unhappily and said, "If you don't have countermeasures, why are you talking nonsense here?"    


Ye Yu was not a good person either. He directly replied, "Then you should come up with a countermeasure. Since you don't have any countermeasures, then don't just stand there laughing. You better shut your mouth obediently."    


Jie Jun snorted and said, "The two of you, stop quarreling here. If you really have energy and no place to use, then go ahead and clear the path."    


The two of them glared at each other angrily, then lowered their heads and didn't speak anymore. They were also people with status, so it was naturally not their turn to open up a path.    


The number two figure from the Haotian Sect, Xiao Tie, said with a smile, "Everyone, don't be so rash. Since our ancestors were able to pass this trial, we can naturally do the same.    


Actually, it was not difficult to deal with these spiders. What was difficult was the elusive spider web. If we can find a way to make these spiderwebs ineffective, we will be able to succeed by more than half. "    


The son of the Stellar Empire's Great General, Wei Yang, nodded and said," Young Master Xiao is right, but how are we going to deal with this spider web? "    


Xiao Tie said with confidence, "Our Haotian Sect also has our own Government House. We have developed a phosphorous fireball, and its function is similar to Young Master Zhao's flare.    


However, we are not using it to light up the spider web, but to set it on fire. With Young Master Zhao's flare, we can use the phosphorous fireball to burn the spider web. "    


Everyone did as they were told. When Zhao Yiming was free, he made hundreds of thousands of illumination grenades, and this time, they came in handy. Under the guidance of these illumination grenades, a path was quickly cleared.    


Those spiders seemed to be at their wits' end. Those who dared to come forward were all killed. The disciples were in high spirits, slowly relaxing their vigilance.    


Suddenly, a dozen or so spider webs fell from the sky. Dozens of disciples were dragged to the dark corner, becoming the snacks of the spiders. Miserable screams could be heard without an end.    


Everyone immediately turned to look at Xiao Tie. The latter said with an embarrassed expression, "I've used up all the phosphorous fireballs. I only brought a thousand in total. If I knew there was such a situation, I would have brought more."    


Everyone felt helpless. There was nothing they could do about it. Who would have thought that they would encounter such a situation? Only Zhao Yiming would bring so many random things.    


Zhao Yiming helplessly took out two Cosmic Bag and handed it to Xiao Tie. He said, "I made this Burning Bomb myself. It has the same function as your one, but its power is a little weaker. Just make do with it first!"    


A guy suddenly jumped out and pointed at Zhao Yiming. He said, "What do you mean? Why didn't you take it out? Why did you make us lose so many disciples? What are your intentions?"    


Everyone looked at this guy as if they were looking at an idiot. Nangong Yan snapped, "Who do you think you are? Why are you shouting here? Do you believe that I will throw you into the group of spiders?"    


Zhao Yiming smiled and waved his hand. "You are an interesting person. This thing is mine. It is my freedom to take it out. They can only blame their own incompetence for being eaten. How can they blame it on me?"    


That person was about to speak again when he suddenly saw a Sword-light flash past. Jian Chenzi's sword pierced through the opponent's throat, then he put the sword back into its sheath.    


He said with a cold expression, "If anyone dares to deceive the crowd again and destroy our unity, don't blame me for being ruthless under my sword."    


Sun Xiuli immediately said, "Jian Chenzi is right. If the people of Stellar Empire dare to speak too much, you can just kill them."    


Ying Mubai said proudly, "You don't need to kill the people of Rising Sun Empire. If anyone dares to speak nonsense again, I will personally kill them."    


Zhao Yiming shrugged his shoulders and said, "The two of you are indeed wise and righteous. But I have a question now. Since this guy isn't from your two sides, who is he?"    


Everyone looked at each other in dismay. No one stood out to admit it. This also meant that there was an outsider in this group.    


Duanmu Yun said coldly, "All the major powers must count their numbers. We must find these outsiders."    


As soon as his voice faded, dozens of figures suddenly emerged from the crowd and ran towards the darkness. Unfortunately, the incident happened so suddenly that none of them were able to catch these people. No one knew which major power they came from.    


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