Omnipotent Cellphone

C1094 You Want to Have a Good Time too Don't You

C1094 You Want to Have a Good Time too Don't You



The killer whose brain was directly destroyed by Jiang Xiaobai instantly fell to the ground. Before he finished his sentence with Jiang Xiaobai, he stopped abruptly.    


Originally, the hitman thought he had a slim chance of survival, but now that he saw his hitman brother killed by Jiang Xiaobai without a sound, he cried even more miserably.    


This hitman rolled on the ground, repeatedly wanting to leave this demon, Jiang Xiaobai Yuan. However, after killing his brother, Jiang Xiaobai still kept walking forward. Jiang Xiaobai was still pressing on him step by step without any intention of letting him go.    


In despair, this hitman could only kowtow towards Jiang Xiaobai, hoping that Jiang Xiaobai would let him go, or maybe Jiang Xiaobai could just kill him directly like how he killed this brother of his.    


However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't do that to him, but he coldly smiled at him.    


"You want me, Jiang Xiaobai, to give you a quick death, don't you?"    


Jiang Xiaobai said to the hitman who kowtowed to him. Now that the hitman's tongue had been cut off, he wanted to beg for mercy to Jiang Xiaobai, but without his tongue, he couldn't say anything.    


Other than kowtowing to Jiang Xiaobai, there was nothing else he could do.    


When the hitman heard Jiang Xiaobai talk to him like that, he obviously wanted to hit him again. According to what Jiang Xiaobai said, he felt that Jiang Xiaobai was going to torture him to death.    


In order to not have to endure more pain and brilliance, the killer kowtowed even harder to Jiang Xiaobai. He hoped that Jiang Xiaobai could kill him directly and let him die without any pain like his killer brother.    


At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai saw the killer kowtowing to him and laughed even harder.    


"Now you should know that you are wrong. Thinking about what you have done, you should finally know that you regret it now."    


"But I, Jiang Xiaobai, will tell you, it's too late even if you regret it now. Today, I definitely won't let you die so easily. I will torture you bit by bit and know that your soul will completely collapse!"    


Jiang Xiaobai said to the killer that kowtowed and begged for mercy.    


After hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, the killer suddenly stopped kowtowing to Jiang Xiaobai. Right now, he was in complete despair.    


The hitman's face was ashen. He knew clearly that Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't let him die so easily, let alone let him live.    


Jiang Xiaobai saw the killer's shocked look and smiled again. Obviously, the killer had left according to Jiang Xiaobai's original plan, but Jiang Xiaobai couldn't kill him now because he hadn't experienced enough pain.    


"It seems like you don't have enough pain. Then I, Jiang Xiaobai, can only give you more pain!"    


Jiang Xiaobai said to the hitman and willed it.    




Both of the assassin's arms fell off from his shoulders. The piercing pain spread to every cell in the assassin's body.    


The assassin could no longer support his body. His body, which had lost both of his arms, began to move erratically on the ground.    


Originally, he could still use his arms to support his body, but now that his arms were cut off by Jiang Xiaobai, the immense pain was unbearable.    


This immense pain caused him to unconsciously lie on the ground and roll back and forth. The wailing sounds spread throughout the Chen family, and those servants, thugs and the others who were originally hiding everywhere to enjoy the tranquility, all ran over to the side to watch the commotion.    


Hesitation! This assassin's body was rubbing against the ground non-stop, and with his severed arm bleeding non-stop during the past two days, he had already turned into a Chen family! This courtyard was filled with fresh blood, and the originally bustling Chen family had now been turned into a miserable state by him.    


All of Chen family's people ran out to see the assassin who seemed to be wailing in pain lying on the ground. However, at this time, no one dared to make any sound, as they were all frightened by this tragic scene.    


It was a good thing that there weren't any children present at the moment. Otherwise, it might affect the mental shadow of the child who had just witnessed such a scene.    


At this moment, even Chen Lingxi who was always behind Jiang Xiaobai was completely dumbfounded. She originally wanted to try and persuade Jiang Xiaobai, but after seeing this scene, she suddenly felt that the current Jiang Xiaobai was like a devil.    


Chen Lingxi just looked at Jiang Xiaobai from behind and didn't even have the courage to talk to Jiang Xiaobai.    


Only Chen Jinnan, who didn't get out of the luxury car until now, couldn't bear to watch any longer. Under this situation where there was no longer any danger, Chen Jinnan got out of the car.    


Chen Jinnan, who just got off the car, came to Jiang Xiaobai's side. His face was as pale as steel.    


He walked up to Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Master Jiang, I think we should forget about today's matter."    


"Although these two assassins are here to assassinate me, Chen Jinnan, and my precious Granddaughter Chen Lingxi, luckily you, Master Jiang, are here." Although these two assassins are here to assassinate me, Chen Jinnan and my precious Granddaughter Chen Lingxi, but luckily you, Master Jiang, are here.    


"Master Jiang, I think you should give him a quick death as soon as possible. Otherwise, this guy will be rolling on the ground like this, and he'll be scaring all the servants in our Chen family who don't know anything."    


He was afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would reject him, Patriarch Chen, in public. With so many people watching, if Jiang Xiaobai really rejected him in the middle of the crowd, how shameful would it be for Patriarch Chen as Chen Jinnan.    


Jiang Xiaobai also understood that Chen Jinnan was begging him. He wouldn't let Patriarch Chen be embarrassed in front of so many people.    


He still had to give face.    


Jiang Xiaobai nodded slightly at Chen Jinnan, then said to Chen Jinnan with a smile, "Since you've already pleaded for mercy for this hitman, then I, Jiang Xiaobai, don't bother with it anymore."    


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