Omnipotent Cellphone

C388 The Routine Succeeded

C388 The Routine Succeeded

Jiang Xiaobai's actions were useless at all, but Ye Zichen's words were still very simple.    


"I knew that the Little Black movie and TV were obedient, after all, the black shadow was the highest one. My shadow felt that it was necessary to follow the route that the head teacher had to follow in order to complete these tasks." I knew that the Little Black movie and television were obedient, after all, the highest one, was the black shadow, and my shadow felt that the head teacher had to follow the pattern that the head teacher had to accomplish these things.    


Jiang Xiaobai only felt that this sort of infinite cycle of death was the most terrifying. He was always in the same space and didn't know what he was doing at all.    


"But even so, Master, do some things and people have no way of doing it?" For example, you don't even know how to speak, and you are currently communicating with your master's heart. That's because Zhao Yu and I don't have something like a spirit contract. How can I communicate with Zhao Yu in this kind of situation? If I can't communicate with Zhao Yu, then there's no way to continue. It's impossible for us to establish any relationship with Zhao Yun. Besides, other than the role setting of you and Zhao Yu, we are clearly rivals in love. How can we tell you the truth?    


What I have to say is also the truth. After all, there is no other connection between him and Zhao Yu. Other than Wang Ning, she didn't even know what other connections Zhao Yu had, but now that she wanted to know the true meaning of education, she could only do so through Wang Ning. However, Zhao Yulian didn't even tell his own thoughts to Wang Ning, let alone Wang Ning.    


Jiang Xiaobai felt that this setting was deliberately done by someone. With his identity, there was no way to communicate with the person called Zhao Yu. This character was probably set up so that he could increase the difficulty and then have Ta stay in this time and space. There was no way he could complete the quest.    


"This is hateful. It seems like the question setter has other plans. He's basically trying to keep me in this space and time." However, it doesn't matter. If we get to know each other that easily, then it's not me who should finish what Lil 'White did. If I can't do it, then I'll have to do it all myself. "    


Jiang Xiaobai thought for a moment. This Xiao Mingzhi was really difficult to deal with. Why was his thinking so complicated? Everything had been thought of by him. Such a bad idea made him think. He was really a beast.    


"What master? You only brought me here because I will always be by your side in this infinite cycle of death. There's no way to sign an agreement, I can't do anything about it either."    


Black Hawk really felt like he had been tricked. Coming to this infinite cycle of death right after signing the contract, he couldn't do anything in this space, so he had to do something for him.    


"Aiya, I know, Little Black. From now on, this is how I'll call you. I'll just call you Little Black."    


Jiang Xiaobai felt a bit tired from calling his full name, so he just called him that.    


"Master sounds like a dog's name. Is that really okay?"    


At this moment, Shadow really felt like cursing. No matter how he looked at it, it sounded like the name of a dog. Was it really just a dog or a follower in his eyes?    


"Nonsense, why is it a dog's name? This is how I value you. Just don't worry about me and call me by that name. "    


Yes, just call me by that name, and Jiang Xiaobai will start doing the same thing. Blacky naturally had no way to deny its master's meaning, so it just followed his wishes.    


"Ok, master. I will just follow your instructions. I can go and monitor Zhao Yu, but I still need you to think of a way to communicate with me."    


Under the current circumstances, Black Shadow felt like he had to use up a lot of effort to run over there. But thinking about it, it wasn't that complicated. He was still able to do it. However, the more he thought about it, the more troublesome it was and how troublesome it was.    


Sigh, I know, thinking about it carefully, this Guiyu is really complicated. This Wang Ning told me that he is a good person, but from his words, it seems like people don't even think that he is a good person. If this goes on, this Zhao Yu might not do anything. Zhang Xiao Le knew that she could no longer delay this matter. It seemed that the longer she stayed in this matter, the harder it was to resolve the relationship between the two of them, and there was no way to deal with the problems from before.    


It seemed that he couldn't delay this plan, nor could he stop it. Otherwise, it would be better if he went to see Zhao Yu personally.    


I think Director's method is good, so why don't we go see Zhao Yu in person? Perhaps Zhao Yu will know what Zhao Yujun is thinking, and you can also openly spar with him to see what Zhao Yu is, so we can't just sit here and wait for his death. Okay, we have no other choice but to take the initiative today, and Master's rejection of us is so strong, so we might as well see for ourselves whether we can see Zhao Yu in the dark or not.    


The shadow was connected with him mentally, so he let the shadow know at once whenever he thought about it.    


It seems that I need to think of a way to clear out this so-called movie like you in order for you to not know what's on my mind. Otherwise, I will let you hear all the secrets, and if you betray me, then I will be done for.    


Jiang Xiaobai felt that it wasn't good to let him know what he was thinking.    


"How does Master know that this connection can be closed?" At this moment, the black shadow finally reacted. He suddenly felt that how did Jiang Xiaobai know about this, he didn't say anything about it, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't have the ability to know about this. Where did Jiang Xiaobai get all this from?    


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