Omnipotent Cellphone

C504 Calculate to

C504 Calculate to

Yes, no one could predict what would happen in the end, so when the time came, someone would die. It was a very normal thing for him to disappear again.    


"You can't tell anything from this, can you?" "Who knows what happened to the ten-dollar bill? All we know is that the stone didn't make any noise after it fell, which means there's an endless space under it."    


Miss Vivi had already analyzed this, and if so, what was its bug?    


"So I'll be troubling you, Miss Vivi. Can I trouble you to help?"    


Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said this and then tried to mediate. What's going on?    


"What do you mean, 'I'll help you'? Of course I'll help you, but I don't know what you mean at all. I can't say it clearly, so that I can understand what you mean by 'I'll help you too'."    


Miss Vivi really didn't understand what Jiang Xiaobai meant. What was it? This thing is indeed a space, who knows what's behind it?    


"Could I trouble Miss Vivi to use your profound energy to check how deep the bottom is?"    


Of course, Whitey would not use its Xuan Qi to check it out at this moment. And what exactly was the situation here?    


"Of course, there's no problem with that. It's just that I don't know what the space at the bottom is so I might not be able to help you too much. But if you have anything, just tell me. We've already said we can't differentiate each other."    


Miss Vivi was tired of talking about this, but the others were tired of hearing it, so they decided to keep it to themselves.    


Miss Vivi tried to probe the bottom with her mystical Qi and discovered that the bottom was indeed a large space and it had a certain attractiveness. This meant that he could change something underneath and it could also change into another space.    


"It's just as you think. These houses are in the same space, and they can be switched between each other. This proves that it's true. However, it seems that this space is so narrow that only one person could communicate with it."    


When he looked, he realized that the space channel was very narrow. There was only one tiny channel, so this tiny tunnel could only enter one person at a time and it would disappear at once.    


It seemed that it was indeed like this, indeed they had to go their separate ways, and clear out everyone's background. The Grand Mystery exam was indeed extraordinary, if this continued, the world would probably be disrupted, and people with different abilities would always see these strange things harming people.    


"Looks like this is indeed the case, so there can only be one person passing through each passage. If there is any problem, there might be no way to reverse it. However, every space will enter a different place and every place will have different dangers. If I am unable to meet up with them, then all of us will be in great danger. "    


He was thinking about the problem. He couldn't be at ease because they couldn't be separated. If they were to be separated, there might be some problems. He didn't believe that everyone was such a versatile person. It was really hard to imagine what would happen if there was a problem. Although everyone would go out in the end, Xiao Mingzhi and the others might use some underhanded tricks. If they were tired and could never come out in this space, then it would be different.    


"Who knows what will happen in the end? No one would have expected this to happen. Only you would know if you tried it yourself, so Lil 'White will listen to you. "    


I believe in Miss Vivi's clothes the most. You believe that you're the only one in the world who looks like that.    


"If that's the case, then I'm guessing that there are no other feasible phenomena. "If we can't find him, we have to find a way to ensure the safety of each and every one of us."    


Jiang Xiaobai did everything very carefully. Especially these things, he definitely couldn't afford to be lazy. This matter was related to everyone's safety, so he naturally couldn't let down his guard.    


At this moment, he was looking at Safflower who was at the side as if she was looking for some other clue. He walked to every stone house and started thinking about what he should do.    


She looked very gentle. Safflower's appearance seemed to have melted everyone.    


She quietly thought about it. Every corner of every entrance seemed to be thinking about how to solve Jiang Xiaobai's problem. She looked really kind.    


But there was no doubt that it was a very distasteful state for Miss Vivi, the woman who was always deceiving people in this way, and who always pretended to be kind, as if everyone were bad.    


Right now, he could only think of a way to get rid of him from the team. Since he could only get a lead on what he said, then of course, if he passed, then even if he worked hard to find the bug, he might as well kick Safflower out first.    


Although Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to be separated from Safflower, she must think of a way to separate them now. Therefore, she had to rely on her brain, she couldn't be too deliberate, and she had to make everything seem like an accident, so that everyone could completely trust her, and completely trust her. These things, if it was an accident, then no one could blame her, so any problems that happened to Safflower had nothing to do with him, and in the end, she could achieve her goal and kick Safflower out of the team.    


"Hurry up and find these. As long as you can find them, we can be together again. I really like this kind of situation. It's like a very warm feeling."    


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