Omnipotent Cellphone

C560 Black Snow Lotus

C560 Black Snow Lotus

Jiang Xiaobai's words were a bit sarcastic because he had completely heard the black shadow say before that he was not like this, because he had now become a perverted person, but this illness was still reasonable, knowing that one's life was the most precious, so nothing was more important than one's life. Of course, it was life that mattered the most.    


"Jiang Xiaobai, I definitely won't let you off the next time you come."    


Yes, he firmly believed that Jiang Xiaobai would definitely come next time. He didn't know how long it would be next time.    


However, he firmly believed that Jiang Xiaobai could cultivate immortal life. Therefore, it was very possible for him to live for tens of thousands of years. This was because he believed that this man in the King's Realm would not be so easily knocked down. If he really had that kind of ability and courage, then maybe he would be the next Heavenly Emperor.    


Next Heavenly Emperor?    


Lee Cheng didn't know why he had such a thought. If this guy really had that kind of ability, then it was possible. However, if he could become the next Heavenly Emperor, then wouldn't he be chosen by Heaven's Mandate?    


Of course, all of this was just his conjecture. If it was really fate that had summoned such a person, why would he risk his life to come here to obtain the Black Snow Lotus? And his ability was so low. As for where that power had come from, he was completely unsure. He only felt as if he had seen it tens of thousands of years ago.    


He seemed to have once suggested that someone use this power. Powerful and powerful, that was simply the feeling of being added by a buff.    


"Where is the Black Snow Lotus?"    


Since he had already agreed to go to the Black Snow Lotus, then he should go ask where the Black Snow Lotus was.    


"The reddest place in the Blood Clan Sacred Grounds."    


The place with the reddest red flowers, this was the power of the black shadow. Gathering the essence of heaven and earth, it was once a place where all living things were revived. Now, it could even be called a flower of hell.    


"Every piece of land in the Blood Clan Sacred Grounds has your foundation, so you can teleport anywhere?"    


This question seemed like a question and wanted to ask him, but he should have guessed it long ago. He was indeed like that. The appearance of this liquid monster could naturally permeate anywhere.    


"This is my foundation."    


Because his foundation was here, he could move about very freely.    


"How interesting. I wonder what kind of place this is. It is said that the snow lotus bloomed in a place where all living things were revived. I never thought that it would become like this."    


Jiang Xiaobai felt a little regretful as he kept the black shadow in his imprint. He decided to go to the Black Snow Lotus without knowing. To him, those people couldn't be considered as anything else. They could be considered as a kind of faith.    


Standing up, he went straight to the Black Snow Lotus. When he arrived at the place where the snow was blooming, he felt that there was something moving behind him … … It was indeed Lee Cheng. That monster did not seem to plan on letting him go, as it had been monitoring him all this time.    


After walking for a while in peace, he comforted me. This class didn't show any signs of anxiety at all, as if they wanted to see how he would expose a flaw. Or perhaps, they were curious about everything about him.    


"Don't you feel tired after following me for so long? Didn't they all agree to let me fetch the black snowman? "Don't tell me that you want to go back on your word, or say that you want to experience my power again and let you experience what pain is, but I think that this should be able to relieve the pain you feel for the next ten thousand years, right?"    


Jiang Xiaobai turned around and looked at the monster that Lee Cheng had evolved into. The monster gradually recovered and emerged from the black soil. It was indeed him.    


"I was just afraid that you wouldn't be able to find the road, so I was intentionally following you to help you scout the way."    


He said this as if he really meant it, but he was a monster, a monster that was close to being abnormal. How could he suddenly become better? He must have had other intentions, which was why he was acting like this.    


"A straightforward person doesn't need to speak in secret. There is no need for some things to sound so nice, right?"    


Jiang Xiaobai didn't believe him at all. Whatever the monster said, he was just playing along. His thoughts were extremely strange.    


"I just want to ask about the source of that power, and I'm so afraid, so naturally, that power wouldn't dare to act rashly." So of course, I'm going to be your most loyal servant and come over to help you scout out the path. "    


How could a person be so fast? He must have a request to follow Jiang Xiaobai, but it was just another idea in his mind.    


You didn't want to care about him, he was completely clueless about Lee Cheng's thoughts and what would happen next.    


Jiang Xiaobai walked to the front, walked to the red ground, and planned to pick the flowers.    


The school was opened with life and cultivation standing in the middle of this piece of red land. The black words seemed so wonderful, it was hard to imagine that such a Black Snow Lotus would have such a dirty color, yet it was so holy.    


However, the streets felt that they shouldn't be here. They felt that they should be here, as it seemed to be a product of evil, but it had a pure and natural feel to it.    


Just when Jiang Xiaobai wanted to go get it, a tentacle suddenly blocked his way.    


It was clear that Lee Cheng was up to something again. I never planned to let go of four or five of these monsters, but he seemed to have other thoughts in his mind. Even though he wanted to stop him from taking the Black Snow Lotus, he wanted to ask clearly.    


"What is this? Could it be that you plan to go back on your word, or that you don't plan to give me the Black Snow Lotus? "    


Jiang Xiaobai's gaze turned towards Lee Cheng, this monster. What exactly did Lee Cheng want to do? Looking at his expression, it seemed that he had other thoughts.    


"How is that possible? Because of my powerful strength, how could I not give you this thing? I only wanted to laugh a little and help you pick this flower, then personally hand it over to you."    


The meaning of it was very clear in a faithful, ordinary speech, and it looked almost like flattery, but there was a sense of foreboding in it.    


Jiang Xiaobai always felt that he wasn't that simple, nor was he that good. This guy's movements were too good.    


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