The Magic Trading System

C178 There Is No Cure

C178 There Is No Cure

People's Hospital of Blue River Province.    


In the orthopedic ward.    


The chairman of Jianghai Construction Group, Liu Jianyong, had a gloomy face. He was talking to Chen Fangping, the director of the department of orthopaedics at the provincial hospital.    


"Chief Chen, is my son's arm really untreatable?" Liu Jianyong asked.    


Liu Honghai's arms had been operated on. The operation was performed by Chen Fangping himself. Chen Fangping could be said to be the best orthopedic expert in the province.    


Generally speaking, a simple joint dislocation like Liu Honghai can be reduced with simple minor surgery.    


However, when Chen Fangping performed the joint reduction surgery on Liu Honghai, he found that Liu Honghai's dislocation was not as simple as it appeared on CT film. He was actually unable to complete the reduction after the operation.    


Therefore, the reduction operation ended in failure.    


"Boss Liu, I am unable to help because of my love, causing the dislocations of my master's arms to be very unique. After cutting them open, it would be very difficult for them to be restored. I have tried my best, but I was still unable to do so. I am truly sorry." Chen Fangping said apologetically.    


Liu Jianyong's expression turned even uglier.    


The orthopedic strength of the Blue River Province People's Hospital was still very strong, and Chen Fangping was also a famous orthopedic expert in the country.    


For such a powerful expert, he was actually unable to perform a small joint reduction.    


It could only be said that the person who did this to his son was too strong. He was intentionally crippling his son!    


Liu Jianyong shuddered when he thought of how the opposite party came and went without a trace, appearing and disappearing without a trace, leaving not even the police with a bit of evidence.    


He thought, "If the other party really wants to kill me and my family, I can only sit and wait for death!"    


This unfilial son had stirred up trouble in the outside world all day. This time, he was the one who had barged in and provoked someone he shouldn't have.    


The crux of the matter now was how to save his son.    


Liu Jianyong was almost 60 years old this year, and he only had Liu Honghai, his only son. If Liu Honghai was so crippled, the Liu family would not have a successor.    


Also, Liu Jianyong was worried that the mysterious existence hiding in the dark would continue to attack his home.    


This is all unpredictable.    


Liu Jianyong felt a headache just thinking about it.    


"Chief Chen, can you recommend me to someone who can treat my son's illness?" Liu Jianyong asked.    


Chen Fanping shook his head, "Boss Liu, it's not that I'm boasting. If I can't do this surgery properly, no one in the country would be able to do it. I suggest we go abroad."    


"Thank you, Chief Chen. I'll go back to find the information of the orthopedic experts from abroad." Liu Jianyong frowned and walked out of the doctor's office with a heavy heart. He returned to the luxurious ward where his son was staying.    


He had just arrived outside the ward when he heard his son's wails.    


"It hurts, it hurts so much, you have to be damn careful." Liu Honghai screamed miserably, as if he was cursing someone.    


Liu Jianyong came in with a sullen face, but he saw his son getting off the bed with the help of two nurses, he must be going to the toilet.    


"How many times have I told you to always be grateful to those who help you?! Without their help, you're just a useless piece of trash who can't do anything! What are you roaring for? Immediately apologize to them! " Liu Jianyong said harshly to Liu Honghai.    


"Dad!" We spent a lot of money to get them to come and take care of me, but when they were helping me out of bed, they bumped into me so many times that I was in so much pain. "I've already become like this, and you're still scolding me? I might as well die to save you from hating me so much!" Liu Honghai also responded to his father with an intense emotion.    


"Bastard!" If it wasn't for you acting recklessly and recklessly, would you have fallen to this stage today? Until now, you still haven't changed your mind! What, do you still want to threaten me with my death? What do I need you for, you unfilial son? " Jack strode over to Liu Honghai and raised his hand to slap him, but stopped with a sigh at the sight of his son.    


"Do your best! "Don't implicate our entire Liu family just because of you!"    


Liu Jianyong stomped his feet, turned around and left the ward.    


Liu Honghai was also stunned. He felt that he shouldn't talk back to his dad, especially now that he had become like this. If his father gave up on him, then he would be in trouble in the future.    


"Dad, I was wrong. Please come back." Liu Honghai shouted.    


However, Liu Jianyong had already gone far by this time.    


He went downstairs to his car and made a call.    


"Hello, Boss Liu!" The other person greeted him on the phone.    


"Hm!" "Tell me, how's your investigation going?" Liu Jianyong said lightly. The person who he called was the person in charge of the biggest private detective agency in Yuzhou.    


Liu Jianyong had asked for Zheng Hao's information.    


It turned out that after Liu Honghai was beaten to a pulp by a mysterious existence in the Honeysuckle Club, he immediately started to use his own power to search for possible enemies.    


After checking around again and again, he locked on to Zheng Hao.    


For one thing, Zheng Hao had a conflict with Liu Honghai before, and his son had suffered greatly under Zheng Hao's hands. Second, his disappointing son, in order to take revenge on Zheng Hao, had actually set his sights on his girlfriend. Although he couldn't get her, his actions were extremely vile.    


The morning after Liu Honghai tried to seduce Liu Hongfenn, his son was killed.    


Based on the above analysis, Liu Jianyong believes that Zheng Hao is highly likely to make a move on his son.    


However, why couldn't he see the murderer when his own son and the two women in the room were having fun with him?    


Could it be that the other party really knew some special spells?    


If that was really the case, then the other side had shown mercy! If he was truly ruthless and merciless, then his son would most likely be dead by now, right?    


Thinking about this, Liu Jianyong shuddered.    


The opponent was very powerful!    


Powerful to a level beyond Liu Jianyong's expectation!    


Such a powerful figure naturally couldn't be made an enemy of him. He could only be careful to avoid aggravating the enmity between the two parties.    


"Boss Liu, that Zheng Hao is really a powerful figure." The private detective said.    


"How powerful are they all?" Liu Jianyong asked.    


"He fought very fiercely. In Yunlai Village, he once fought a pair of seventeen. In a very short amount of time, he obtained an overwhelming victory." The private detective said.    


"What else?" Liu Jianyong asked.    


"His English is very good, and he can communicate with foreigners without any problems. He even helped Donghsing First Middle School record a promotional video on foreign language school anniversary. Besides his English being good, Zheng Hao's math and physical and chemical skills were also very high. On the school anniversary of Donghsing First Middle School, he had once calculated a math problem that not even the students of Tsinghua University could solve. He was even favored by Wu Qingpinng, a famous professor in the Blue River University and Mathematics department. Wu Qingpinng wanted to specially accept him as his master's graduate student, but was rejected by Zheng Hao. " The private detective said.    


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