The Magic Trading System

C187 Oral Skill

C187 Oral Skill

"What?" He actually didn't let Zheng Hao directly advance to the finals? Is your brain filled with water? "    


"What exactly is Liu Xu thinking?" He actually raised the board for Zheng Hao? Could it be that with Zheng Hao's strength, even a small 'You came at the right time' stage would not be enough for him to directly advance to the finals? "    


"This must be the idea of their program team. Their goal is to suppress it before it gets out of hand and use it to stimulate the audience's emotions!"    


"In any case, if they don't let Zheng Hao advance to the finals in this round, I won't watch this brainless program anymore. Not only me, I will also use my family and friends to watch it!"    


A flurry of discussions broke out in the stands.    


At the judges' table, Zhang Lisha also frowned.    


"Teacher Liu, didn't we agree to let Zheng Hao go straight to the finals?" "Why did you raise the board?" Zhang Lisha asked Liu Xu in a low voice.    


Before the semifinals began, the judges had already decided who they would allow to enter the finals and who they would eliminate.    


According to the original plan, all three of them raised their cards at the same time to let Zheng Hao directly enter the finals.    


Zhang Lisha didn't expect Liu Xu to change his mind on his own accord.    


Was it because Zheng Hao refused his invitation to join his studio that he wanted to wear these small shoes for Zheng Hao?    


If that was the case, he would be too infuriating.    


"Teacher Zhang, I think so. With Zheng Hao's popularity is so high now, if we were to let him directly enter the finals without any problems, then it would be too smooth, too ordinary, and we should let this program of ours go through ups and downs, surprising the audience and arousing their emotions. That way, our program's influence will get bigger and bigger, don't you think?" Liu Xu whispered with a smile.    


When Zhang Lisha heard this, she thought to herself, this seems to make a lot of sense.    


Because the provincial television had given Zheng Hao a lot of publicity, he was indeed a very popular contestant. He also had a lot of support among the audience and many people liked him.    


However, if he was left in such a situation, it would definitely cause a huge uproar in the society.    


Zhang Lisha nodded, "Mr. Liu is right. It is not impossible to let Zheng Hao suffer a slight setback. However, the end of this semifinals will definitely bring him to the finals! Because if I suppress it too much, I think it will be very negative. "    


"Teacher Zhang, why can't we allow him to remain in the same position at the end of the semifinals? Let him decide, accept the online vote with the other two semifinals and win the popular finals. That way, we will be able to get more audience members to participate in our program's interaction. Wouldn't it be fine if we just let him enter the finals in the end anyway? " Liu Xu said with a smile.    


"Teacher Liu, are you willing to go through with this evil person? Would you be willing to bear the consequences of the infamy? If you are willing to accept it, I agree with your proposal. " Zhang Lisha said.    


She was slightly moved by Liu Xu's words.    


"If I accept the responsibility, then so be it. If I don't go to hell, then who goes to hell? For the sake of our program, I'm giving my all once, so what? I just hope that Teacher Zhang will not misunderstand me. " Liu Xu laughed.    


However, Liu Xu sneered in his heart. Did he really think that laozi was considering this program? When this round of the semifinals was decided, he would accept the votes on the internet with the other two finalists. With a little manipulation, he would be able to make Zheng Hao truly lose!    


If you don't accept my invitation and you can't be of use to me, then I might as well destroy it.    


This was the truth of the matter.    


However, this person was quite crafty. In the name of thinking for the sake of the show, he persuaded Zhang Lisha to accept his idea.    


In the future, even if he could not completely suppress Zheng Hao and destroy his singing career, he could still throw out an inside story of being a villain just for the sake of the show.    


This was Liu Xu's plan.    


Zheng Hao remained silent as the program continued.    


Among the contestants that followed, the coalball brother Tian Junjie, without any surprise, won the unanimous approval of the judges and won the first direct ticket to the finals of this semifinals.    


Zheng Hao was very happy for Tian Junjie when he saw this from backstage.    


The first round of the competition was over.    


Tian Junjie went straight to the finals.    


As for Zheng Hao and the other two finalists, they were going to pass the second round to compete for the remaining two finals slots.    


Zheng Hao's program was put last.    


When he stood on stage, the entire stadium erupted in cheers.    


"Zheng Hao!" "Zheng Hao!"    


"Come on!" Come on! "    


"Don't give up! We all support you! "    


Zheng Hao smiled and gestured for everyone to quiet down, then he said, "Today, for this second show, what I'm going to perform for everyone is a floral musical instrument. I'll present to everyone the performance of Erhu, Suona, violin, guitar, flute, drum and other musical instruments. I hope everyone will like it."    


Hearing Zheng Hao's words, everyone was stunned.    


"It can't be? Didn't his original program want to sing a song by Wang Fei? "Why did you change to a fancy musical instrument?" Judge Tian Rui said.    


"I don't know either. It seems that he changed it himself on a temporary basis." Zhang Lisha said.    


"Then should we stop recording and ask him what he means?" Liu Xu asked.    


"Don't stop, I think he's going to bring a more interesting program. Didn't you see it? He's playing so many instruments without a single instrument, I wonder if he's going to show off his eloquence. " Zhang Lisha said with a smile.    


Several judges were discussing in whispers.    


On stage, Zheng Hao was already performing.    


He put his mouth close to the receiver and made a gesture of playing Erhu with his hands.    


The melodious music of Erhu started playing in the studio.    


It was actually the music from the Erhu classic, Blind Ah Bing's "Two Springs Reflecting Moon".    


The stands were in an uproar.    


Everyone was excited.    


"It's a verbal skill!"    


"What a great mouth technique!"    


"It's rare to see someone who can perfectly play Erhu's melody with their mouth!"    


"This reminds me of Lausanne. Back in the day, he relied on Lausanne to learn martial arts and became very popular in China!" "I don't think his eloquence is better than Zheng Hao's."    


The audience was also discussing softly.    


They were extremely excited.    


Zheng Hao could see the expressions on the judges and the audience's faces. He was very pleased with himself.    


He decided on the spur of the moment to change his performance into a verbal performance, but it was all for the fun of it.    


Ever since Zheng Hao acquired the intermediate music specialty, he discovered that he had the ability to use a variety of musical instruments.    


Considering that this might be his last performance on the stage of "Come if you have the talent," Zheng Hao decided to show off his unique skill.    


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