The Magic Trading System

C215 Delicious Picnic

C215 Delicious Picnic

Zheng Hao knew that the hare was very fast and was also a sprinter. Right now, the hare was probably confused by the light and didn't know what to do. If it found out that it was in danger, it would quickly escape.    


At that time, it would not be easy to catch the hare.    


Therefore, Zheng Hao planned to use ranged attacks.    


A rock the size of a fist, under Zheng Hao's precise throw, was enough to deal fatal damage to the rabbit.    


Zheng Hao aimed slightly and waved his hand.    


The stone in his hand whizzed out.    


It was extremely fast.    




A muffled sound rang out.    


The rock hit the hare right on the forehead. The hare fell down in response to the sound. It did not struggle at all before dying.    


Zheng Hao ran over.    


He bent over and picked up the hare. When he lifted it into his hand, it looked quite heavy. It was at least three jin in weight.    


At this time, it was late autumn and the rabbits were getting fat in preparation for the winter, which was also the time when the rabbits were the fattest.    


At this time, the hare was also of the best quality.    


"What a big rabbit." Alina shouted.    


"Yes, it's really big. Alina, we can have a barbecue now." Zheng Hao said with a smile.    


"Zheng, it's good to go into the mountains with you. I won't starve." Alina pulled Zheng Hao's hand and said with a smile.    


"It's getting late, are you hungry?" Zheng Hao asked Alina.    


He heard the rumble of her stomach.    


"Yeah, I'm really a bit hungry." Alina said, embarrassed.    


"Then I'll have to hurry up and clean up. Alina, you should start a fire right now. It's over there. It's sheltered from the wind and won't cause fire in the mountains." Zheng Hao said.    


"Alright." Alina promised to light a fire.    


Zheng Hao took out a knife to quickly skin the hare and remove its internal organs.    


Unfortunately, there was no water to wash it carefully.    


Zheng Hao then went to the car and took out a large barrel of mineral water to pour, and roughly washed and peeled the rabbit. Then, he added salt and some seasonings on the rabbit, and used a knife to cut some gaps on the rabbit's body so that it could be cooked more easily when placed on the fire.    


After cleaning up the rabbit, Zheng Hao strung it up with a clean stick and built a wooden rack over Alina's fire. He put the rabbit on the fire and began to roast it.    


Not long after, the sweet smell of meat wafted in the air.    


"It smells so good!" Alina sniffed and smelled the aroma of the rabbit meat.    


Zheng Hao smiled and sprinkled some of the 13 fragrant cumin powder on the rabbit meat.    


The rabbit meat was very tender and didn't need to be roasted for too long. It only needed about 40 minutes before a roasted rabbit with a burnt yellow scent and fragrant smell was completed.    


Zheng Hao tore off one of the hind legs and said to Alina, "Alina, it's still burning. You'd better use a tissue to cover it up."    


"En, thank you. Zheng, you're awesome!" Alina praised Zheng Hao as she carefully took the rabbit leg from him.    


She carefully took a bite and her eyes immediately widened. With an intoxicated expression, she said, "It's really too delicious. Delicious to the extreme."    


"So what if it's delicious? There's still a lot more. Later on, we can make another pot of mushroom green vegetable soup. It can be used to dispel food." Zheng Hao said with a smile.    


The two of them started to eat.    


Alina only ate the hind leg of a rabbit and refused to eat any more.    


Zheng, eat. I can't eat anymore. I'm going to get fat if I keep eating. I can't eat too much tonight. Alina said.    


"Alright, the rest can be saved for tomorrow morning." Zheng Hao said with a smile.    


He was also not very good at eating meat. Even though the roasted hare was very delicious, he had only eaten one hind leg.    


"Zheng, you ate as little as I did." Alina said.    


"There's still food at the back. I must have it in my stomach." Zheng Hao said.    


"Let me help you deal with it." Alina said.    


The two of them began to clean up the collected bacteria. After cleaning them up, they placed them in a basin, soaked them in salt water, and finally washed them out.    


At the same time, the water in the small pot on top of the fire started to boil.    


Zheng Hao and Alina then threw these clean bacteria into the water, and added the scallions, leeks, weeds and all kinds of flavorful spices.    


Very quickly, a pot of fragrant mushroom and wild vegetable soup was prepared.    


"It smells so good!" Alina took a deep breath. "Zheng, your culinary skills are too good. You can turn corruption into magic. The ingredients in these ordinary wilderness are so delicious after being processed by you, making people salivate."    


Alina praised him without holding back.    


"Thank you for your praise. I hope this pot of soup tastes as good as it smells." Zheng Hao smiled as he scooped up a bowl of soup and passed it to Alina.    


"Don't be too hasty. The soup is very hot. It would be best if you scoop up a bit of it with a spoon and cool it before drinking again." Zheng Hao reminded him.    


"Hm!" "I understand."    


She began to taste it with the spoon.    


She scooped up a spoonful and blew on it a few times. She couldn't wait to put it in her mouth.    


Immediately, a fresh and rich fragrance filled the air, causing her appetite to rise.    


"Delicious! Zheng, this is the most delicious soup I've ever tasted. Alina urged Zheng Hao with an intoxicated expression.    


Zheng Hao also scooped a bowl for himself. After tasting it, he also felt that the taste was very good.    


Not long after, the two of them finished a small pot of mushroom and wild vegetable soup.    


The soup was delicious, and the mushrooms were also very delicious.    


Zheng Hao specifically went to taste the Hericium Mushroom in the soup. He didn't feel that this top-grade fungus had anything special about it.    


"Zheng, I'm full. I feel like my stomach is about to explode." Alina covered her stomach and screamed.    


"Then get up and slowly move around. Walk around for a bit and you'll be able to empty the food in your stomach." Zheng Hao suggested.    


"Un, then pull me up. Let's slowly walk together. I warned myself not to be greedy, but I didn't expect to eat too much tonight. " Alina said in a shaky voice.    


The two of them stood up and began to slowly circle the fire.    


The two of them chatted as they walked.    


"Zheng, tell me your story, I want to hear it." Alina said.    


"I'm an orphan. There are no longer any relatives in this world. All of my relatives have already gone to another world …" Zheng Hao slowly explained his situation.    


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