The Magic Trading System

C231 Special Courtship

C231 Special Courtship

Alina said, "Zheng, why did you buy such an expensive diamond ring?"    


Zheng Hao blinked and said, "I want to give it to a girl I like a lot."    


"Oh, that girl is so happy." An envious expression appeared on Alina's face. Every woman actually loves shiny jewelry.    


Zheng Hao smiled, "That girl is you!"    


"Ah?!" Are you telling the truth, my dear? " Alina's eyes widened.    


Zheng Hao nodded: "Darling, you have helped me a lot. You should be grateful that you helped me settle my mother."    


"No, no! Everything I've done for you is from the bottom of my heart. I don't need your thanks, Zheng. You know what a ring means. Alina said.    


Zheng Hao blinked. He suddenly decided to buy this pigeon egg to give to Alina because she moved him after his mother passed away.    


He didn't expect Alina to think of another level of meaning.    


Yes, rings often represent a proposal of marriage.    


"Alina, darling, then can I buy this ring and propose to you? Today, let my mother be our witness. " Zheng Hao said.    


"Do you really think so? Zheng, I really am. Alina's eyes moistened rapidly.    


"Yes, I've told you before, Alina. I will give you a place to return to, and I will give you the status of a legal wife." Zheng Hao nodded.    


"Thank you! Thank you for your consideration. I will accept it. I think! " Tears rolled down Alina's blue eyes.    


At that moment, the salesperson quickly walked over.    


"Sir, I've just communicated with our manager. He said that I can give you a 10% discount. Can I?" The saleswoman said.    


Zheng Hao nodded. A 10% discount would save him 200 thousand yuan. This margin was still acceptable.    


"Alright." Zheng Hao said.    


"Do you want to buy it now?" The saleswoman looked eagerly at Zheng Hao.    


Selling such a diamond ring was a huge accomplishment. She could get a huge commission.    


"Hm!" Now give me the order! I'll pay with my card! " Zheng Hao said.    


"Ah!" "Thank you, sir!" The saleswoman said excitedly as she started to make the orders for Zheng Hao. At the same time, all of Zhou Dafu's salespeople were shocked.    


The diamond of carat is commonly known as pigeon's egg, is a special name of precious diamond.    


As long as the quality of a diamond ring was good enough, it could easily reach millions. Buyers would never buy it unless they were rich.    


Thus, this five carat diamond ring had been left here for a long time without being sold. Now, it had actually been bought by a young man.    


Many people came over to take a look at the buyer's elegance!    


"Alina, go and pay for it." Zheng Hao once again threw his bank card to Alina.    


"Alright." Alina was also excited.    


Soon, the payment was completed.    


"Sir, the real diamond ring is stored in our company's vault. Our staff members have already retrieved it. They will bring it back very soon." The saleswoman said.    




Zheng Hao nodded in agreement.    


It was normal for such a valuable diamond ring not to be placed on the counter.    


After the diamond ring was retrieved and verified, Zheng Hao put the diamond ring on Alina's middle finger and said to her, "Alina, darling, this ring is for you. I hope we can keep holding hands for the rest of our lives. Are you willing?"    


This courtship is not so formal.    


Zheng Hao was a very thin-skinned person, making him kneel on one knee in front of everyone was too fake, so he might as well ask for it naturally.    


"I'm willing!" Alina looked at the shiny diamond ring on the middle finger of her left hand and nodded vigorously, tears welling up in her eyes.    


Zheng Hao's courtship was sudden, but it was precisely because she had been longing for it for a long time.    


Zheng Hao hugged Alina and kissed her.    


There was warm applause.    




"This young lad is bold. I will buy this precious ring as soon as I say I will buy it, I will gift it to you when I say I will!"    


"To meet such a beautiful foreign girl, not only must I give her a ring, I must marry her as soon as possible so that I can be at ease!"    


The surrounding people spoke at once.    


Zheng Hao cupped his hands towards the surroundings.    


Only now did he realize that he had unwittingly gained the limelight. He was actually being watched by so many people.    


It would not be good if people could see through his mother.    


Thinking like this, Zheng Hao said to Alina, "Alina, let's go."    


"Hm!" "Where are we going next?" Alina asked.    


"To buy clothes." Zheng Hao said.    


Zheng Hao helped his mother lead the way as they walked towards the clothing area. After browsing through a few brands, he realized that these luxury brands weren't suitable for his mother to wear.    


"Darling, I think we should go to Prada's store. They are more expensive and have a more realistic style." Alina suggested.    


"Alright." Zheng Hao listened to Alina's suggestion. The two of them held Zheng Hao's mother's body and walked into Prada's specialty store.    


"Hello, sir! Hello ladies! "Welcome!" A short hair salesperson came over and greeted him warmly.    


She spoke fluent English.    


Probably because Alina was a foreigner.    


So Zheng Hao opened his mouth and said in Chinese: "Does your shop have a design that suits my mother? If there are suitable ones, please recommend them to me. "    


The short hair salesperson's gaze turned towards Li Meifang, who was being supported by Zheng Hao and Alina.    


There was a flash of surprise in her eyes.    


Li Meifang did not look that old.    


Her eyes were closed, and no expression could be seen on her face. Her movements were also very mechanical.    


The short-haired salesman thought it was strange but nodded: "Sir, auntie's body is quite good. We have a lot of clothes that she can wear. I recommend some of the most appropriate ones so you can compare them."    


When she heard Zheng Hao speak Chinese, she immediately switched to speaking Chinese.    


"Then take it and have a look." Zheng Hao said.    


"Sir, please come this way. I think the suit worn by the model here is suitable for auntie." The short-hair salesperson smiled in invitation.    


She added, "Sir, is it inconvenient for Auntie to take action? We have a wheelchair in the shop, or we can let auntie sit on it. This way, auntie will feel more comfortable. "    


She had thought it through quite appropriately.    


This greatly increased Zheng Hao's affability level.    


"Thank you, then please give us a wheelchair." Zheng Hao said.    


The short hair salesman quickly pushed over a wheelchair. She enthusiastically wanted to help Zheng Hao and Alina help Zheng Hao's mother into the wheelchair.    


"Thank you! I don't need to trouble you. " Zheng Hao quickly refused.    


At this moment, their mother's body was ice-cold and lifeless. If someone touched her, they would definitely be suspicious.    


Zheng Hao didn't want any accidents to happen.    


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