The Magic Trading System

C375 Wrong Place to Practice Oral Speech

C375 Wrong Place to Practice Oral Speech

However, this was Zheng Hao's first time doing a video with a girl, and it was still such a sexy video. Although he had forcefully turned it off, the bewitching looks of the girl from the video still lingered in his mind, causing him to be unable to forget it for a long time.    


Zheng Hao lied on the bed and counted countless sheep before falling asleep.    


The next day, however, while he was sleeping soundly, his cell phone rang.    


He reached for his cell phone, picked it up, and put it to his ear.    


"Hao, good morning. It's time to wake up." Chen Faangling's voice sounded.    


Zheng Hao responded, "OK, Sis. We're getting up now. What time is it?"    


"Six o'clock sharp. Why don't you get up and read English for a while?" Chen Faangling smiled and said, "I just want you to familiarize yourself with your language style so that you won't make a mistake during the exam."    


"Sis, then I'll get up now." Zheng Hao said.    


"Hm!" Get up and come to my place with a textbook. " Chen Faangling said.    




Zheng Hao went to wash up, picked up a copy of Mark Twain's original novel and then went downstairs.    


Before he could knock, the door opened.    


"Hao, come in quickly!" Chen Faangling pulled him into the house.    


She was wearing a cotton nightgown. The nightgown was very long and thick, but it did not look bloated on her at all. Instead, it only served to accentuate her slim and graceful figure.    


Zheng Hao entered the room and closed the door behind him. He held her in his arms and kissed her on the forehead. Then, he fumbled with his hands on her body.    


When he touched it, he discovered a secret: she seemed to be wearing only one robe, and it was naked inside.    


"Sis, did you sleep like a fruit last night?" Zheng Hao asked as he reached into her nightgown and caressed her smooth and soft skin and smelled the intoxicating aroma of meat.    


"Yeah. I've always had the habit of sleeping in the same place. " Chen Faangling said while gasping for air.    


"Oh? Really? I really didn't discover this secret. " He sniffed greedily at the fragrance of her body and rubbed it vigorously.    


"Hao, be good and study English properly. Sis, go cook for you." Chen Faangling was so weak that she could barely stand.    


She wanted to struggle free of his Demon Claw, but she couldn't help but greet him.    


"Sis, what's so good about English? Why don't we practice our spoken English?" Zheng Hao said with a smile.    


As he spoke, he picked her up and carried her back to the house.    


"Oh, okay. It's just that, Hao, you don't need to go to practice English. Go to bed?" Chen Faangling muttered.    


"Sis, you're too beautiful. I can't take it anymore. We can do the most wonderful thing in the world while flying around in English, okay?" Zheng Hao laughed.    


"You, little scoundrel! No, absolutely not! It's almost time for the exam. You can't do this before the exam, it's not good for the exam. " Chen Faangling struggled.    


However, her struggle seemed more like rejection and welcome.    


"It's alright, Sis. You said it before, my English is already perfect. A mere high school English is no longer difficult for me." Zheng Hao threw Chen Faangling onto the bed. He gently untied a belt on her waist and she instantly turned into a beautiful white sheep.    


Zheng Hao unarmed himself and rushed forward impatiently …    


More than an hour later, the two of them lay down on the bed, panting and looking at each other.    


"Scoundrel!" Didn't you say that you practice oral English while doing it? " Chen Faangling said in a charming voice.    


"Yeah." Zheng Hao nodded.    


"Have you practiced it yet? We don't seem to be speaking English, do we? " Chen Faangling said.    


"Yes, I did. At least I said a few words. You also said a few words, I heard it." Zheng Hao said.    


"What did I say? How come I didn't know? " Chen Faangling blinked.    


"You said, 'oh-yes,' oh ',' come-on, 'baby.' Zheng Hao said.    


"Nonsense, I'm not!" At most, I will just groan a few times. How can I have such a rich vocabulary for calling my bed! " Chen Faangling raised her fist and lightly tapped Zheng Hao's chest a few times with a smile.    


"Stop fighting!" I admit, I was slandering you just now! I just want you to call me that. " Zheng Hao begged for mercy.    


"Hehe!" Do you like it when I call you that? " Chen Faangling used her small hands to draw circles on his chest, looking at him charmingly as she asked.    


"Yeah." Zheng Hao said.    


"Then I'll call you over?" Chen Faangling blinked.    


"Great!" That would give me more encouragement. "Hehe!" Zheng Hao rubbed his hands.    


"You wish!" You're so amazing, and you still want me to encourage you? Wouldn't that make me suffer even more? " Chen Faangling rolled her eyes and said.    


She looked at her watch and immediately took it out from Zheng Hao's chest. She said in a hurry, "Hao, wake up, it's already 7: 40, hurry and get up. I'll go outside to buy breakfast for you and then, after you eat, prepare to take the exam."    


However, Zheng Hao stopped her: "Sis, don't worry, there's still an hour and 20 minutes."    


"Humph!" I need to get to the office forty minutes in advance to pick up my paper and then get to the examination room half an hour earlier. "You bad boy, after tormenting her for so long, I tell you, it's going to delay a big matter." Chen Faangling said in a charming voice.    


"Sis, look at me. Make breakfast in 20 minutes!" There's more than enough time! " Zheng Hao stood up with a grunt, then ran to the kitchen wearing only a pair of shorts.    


He first made a pot of egg soup.    


"Look at you, you're not afraid of the cold anymore. What do we do if we catch a cold? " Chen Faangling took one of her nightgowns and put it on Zheng Hao, then she hugged his waist from behind.    


"Sis, aren't you also naked? Go back and wash up, change your clothes, and then you can almost eat. " Zheng Hao said with a smile.    


"Alright, then I'll go take a bath." Chen Faangling turned around and went to the bathroom.    


Zheng Hao spread out a few more pancakes along with some noodles and also got a few slices of cucumber and tomatoes.    


He was extremely fast, and in about twenty minutes, he had finished eating breakfast.    


He carried the food to the table.    


At the same time, Chen Faangling had finished washing and had changed into a new set of clothes.    


"Wah!" It was really done. "How are you going to eat this, Hao?" Chen Faangling asked in surprise.    


"Look, this is how you eat it."    


Zheng Hao picked up a pancake, put the cucumber and tomato slices into it, then wrapped it up, put it into his mouth and bit into it with a "kacha" sound.    


"Hm!" The taste is really good, it's refreshing and delicious! " Zheng Hao said.    


"I want a taste too!" Chen Faangling came over.    


Zheng Hao gave her a mouthful of the pancake wrapper, which she immediately started to eat happily.    


The two of them quickly finished their breakfast. Zheng Hao cleaned up the table and went out with Chen Faangling.    


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