The Magic Trading System

C413 Some Pestered Liu Hongfen

C413 Some Pestered Liu Hongfen

In the following few days, Zheng Hao stayed at Yunlai Village. He gave Angela Baby and the others a strict work and rest system, requiring them to strictly follow the rules.    


At the same time, under the operation of Alina, the transport and management center of Haofaang Technology located in the future skyscraper was quickly put into operation as well.    


The Haofaang Technology Transport and Management Service had to invest a total of twenty customer service personnel before Yang Mi was able to complete the task by herself.    


From this, it could be seen how powerful Yang Mi's ability to work was.    


While coordinating all aspects of the work, Zheng Hao also teamed up with Chen Jingui to pull away the second batch of pigs in his pig farm and buy more pigs to continue feeding.    


Thus, the work on Yunlai Village came to an end.    


At the beginning of December, Zheng Hao happened to be on a Saturday and went to Yuzhou.    


He wanted to see how the Haofaang Technology Transport Center was doing, and also wanted to see Alina and Liu Hongfenn at the same time.    


He drove to the high speed route to Yuzhou.    


According to Zheng Hao's plan, he wanted to see Alina first.    


However, just as the car was about to get off the Yuzhou high-speed exit, he received a call from Liu Hongfenn.    


"Zheng Hao, you, where are you now?" Liu Hongfenn asked over the phone.    


Zheng Hao could hear the depression in her voice. Zheng Hao frowned and asked: "Hongfen, what's wrong? "You seem very unhappy. Is someone bullying you?"    


That's not true, it's just that one of my classmates shamelessly pestered me every day, almost going to our dorm to wait for me every single day, which was so annoying. I told him that I already had a boyfriend, and he said that he didn't care, but he wanted to use an infatuation to move me, it's so depressing! Liu Hongfenn said gloomily.    


"Haha!" Our Hongfen is a natural born beauty, it's normal for there to be someone chasing after us. As long as you ignore him and give him a few punches, he'll probably retreat, right? " Zheng Hao said.    


"I never gave him a good look. I saw him walk around, not even bothering to say a word to him, he sent me flowers and I didn't take them at all, he sent me letters and I threw his letters down the stairs, but even so, he didn't give up. "Zheng Hao, come over quickly. Since you're here, I'll take you around the campus for a few rounds to show those people that I'm truly famous." Liu Hongfenn said.    


"Hehe!" Fine, then I'll go to the Yuzhou right now and wait for you at the foot of your dorm. What do you think? " Zheng Hao said.    


"Ah!" You came to Yuzhou? Zheng Hao, do you have anything else to do? If you have something important to do, you can go ahead and look for me. " Liu Hongfenn said in both surprise and delight.    


"I don't have anything important to do, I just want to come over to take a look at the Haofaang Technology Transport Center. I think that we should go see you first, I can't let others pry me out of my corner." Zheng Hao smiled.    


"Hehe!" Hao, in your heart, am I really very important? " Liu Hongfenn asked in a delicate voice.    


"Of course, is there a need to ask?" Zheng Hao said.    


"Alright, I understand. Then I'll wait for you at the dorm. That annoying guy is still standing downstairs, constantly calling out my name, causing a lot of people to talk about me. "Come on, I'll go get a basin of water for that annoying guy to wash up with." Liu Hongfenn giggled.    


After hanging up, Zheng Hao also got off the highway. After paying at the toll station, Zheng Hao drove straight to Blue River University.    


He really wanted to see what this guy who was madly chasing after Liu Hongfenn looked like.    


Soon, he arrived at Yuzhou University. He drove into the campus and arrived at Liu Hongfenn's girl's building. Zheng Hao stopped the car.    


He took a look and noticed that there were a lot of boys wandering around downstairs.    


Many of the boys had flowers in their arms.    


During the weekend, couples would most likely meet each other to go out for a stroll. This was a very normal occurrence.    


Amongst this group of boys, there was one guy who stood out quite a bit. Because this guy's long white windbreaker was covered in mud and his hair was wet.    


This guy was around 1.75 meters tall, had a slender stature, short hair, and a handsome face with a straight set of features. He was quite handsome.    


Zheng Hao looked at him deeply and thought to himself, the one who pestered Liu Hongfenn was probably him, right?    


This time, Zheng Hao still drove the heavy armored chariot, which had turned into a galloping car. The moment the car stopped in front of the girl's building, it immediately attracted countless people's attention.    


Almost all the surrounding boys' gazes swept over and whispered to each other.    


"What a cool car!"    


"Swish!" The Mercedes-Benz! "    


"I guess some rich guy came over to pick up girls again?"    


"Damned fuerdai, they tricked all the good girls in our school away."    


"I wonder who was the one to be harmed this time around! How infuriating! I really want to smash his car. "    


Zheng Hao's ears were sharp now, and he had heard all the discussions clearly. He smiled, got out of the car, and slammed the door shut.    


He was here to demonstrate his prowess, so he didn't need to sit in the car and keep a low profile.    


The moment Zheng Hao came out, the students all focused on him.    


Zheng Hao was wearing a black pilot's jacket, blue jeans and a pair of casual white sneakers.    


He was quite free and at ease in wearing this set of clothes.    


Zheng Hao took out his phone and called Liu Hongfenn.    


Actually, Liu Hongfenn had already seen Zheng Hao from the window. Zheng Hao opened the window wanting to wave to him, but her phone rang.    


Liu Hongfenn answered the phone with a smile.    


"Zheng Hao."    


"I'm here."    


"I saw it."    


"Then come down, I'll wait for you downstairs."    


"Hm!" I'll be right down, hee hee! "    


After Liu Hongfenn hung up, she turned around and put on a long red down jacket. She looked in the mirror to make herself look beautiful before putting on a pair of boots and was about to leave.    


Wu Yanmei glanced lazily at Liu Hongfenn: "Hongfen, let's go see Zheng Hao."    


"Yes." Liu Hongfenn laughed.    


"Do you want a light bulb?" Wu Yanmei blinked.    


"No, I'm going through two worlds today, hee hee!" Liu Hongfenn refused without hesitation.    


"Alright! You are a person that values women over your friends! I wish you the best of luck tonight. " Wu Yanmei gave Liu Hongfenn a middle finger.    


Liu Hongfenn replied with a chuckle, "With your blessings, I'll definitely be happy and happy!"    


She went out and down the stairs.    


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