The Magic Trading System

C679 Get up Where You Fall

C679 Get up Where You Fall

"Dad!" Don't worry, I won't kill myself! Also, I'm not going to check my score. I admit defeat, I really failed my test this time. If I were to check my score again, it would be a complete disgrace! Just let me save some face for you! " Luo Xuancheng roared without any reason.    


"What?" You said you admitted defeat? Do you feel like you didn't do well in the exam, do you? " Luo Xuancheng's father asked in surprise.    


"Yes!" During the exam, I felt that I was in a very bad state and I couldn't do a lot of questions. I don't know what happened, but my brain suddenly became stupid and I couldn't move anymore, I knew then that I was going to have a bad time, I might encounter Waterloo during this year's college entrance exam. " Luo Xuancheng's eyes turned red as tears rolled down his cheeks.    


He felt regret in his heart!    


He felt that everything he had done in the past was a little too fake!    


To have such an outcome today was simply asking for it.    


Hearing Luo Xuancheng's words, his father fell into silence for a long time. Luo Xuancheng's father took out a cigarette case from his pocket and lit it.    


However, his hands were shaking so badly that he had been unable to light the cigarette even after he had set it on fire many times.    


Luo Xuancheng took the lighter from his father and helped his father light a cigarette. Luo Xuancheng also lit one for himself and they leaned against the wall to smoke.    


They didn't speak for a long time.    


At this moment, a text message came in with a "ding" on Luo Xuancheng's phone.    


He took a look and saw that the person who had sent him the text was the student director of Xingde III, Jingzhen.    


In the text message, Jingqi scolded Luo Xuancheng harshly, calling him a big liar, spending so much money on school, only taking a trash test.    


After Luo Xuancheng saw it, he became agitated. He clicked on the text message and wanted to delete it.    


At this moment, his father saw it, grabbed his phone, looked at it, and said, "Xuancheng, since we can't help him, then give the money back to him. I'll go return the money tomorrow, we won't lose this bad reputation."    


"Dad, I didn't mean to lie to him. I just, I suddenly had a problem with my condition and then I got such a bad test, I don't want to get such a miserable grade right? "I'm already in such a miserable state, and he even sent me a message saying that I'm a swindler. I even have the heart to f * cking kill someone." Luo Xuancheng said.    


"But in the end, it didn't do anything. It didn't have any effect. This time, let's just treat it as a lesson!" Xuancheng! I have a feeling that you have received retribution! At that time, I'll tell you this right away: do not get into an irreconcilable situation with Donghsing First Middle School, do not pull people from Donghsing First Middle School anytime soon, or not listen to me! "Alright, let's not talk about you anymore. I want to ask you, what are your plans after this?" his father asked.    


"What can I do? I was already discouraged. I don't want to go to school, so I might as well go and take up some random jobs to earn some money. " Luo Xuancheng said dejectedly.    


This is your alma mater, after all. Although you did something wrong, if you make a good apology, I believe they will forgive you. Work hard for another year, and try to get into a more important university next year. Father said.    


"NO!" If I return to Donghsing First Middle School and repeat myself, I will become the laughing stock of the entire school. If everyone was laughing at me, would I still be able to focus on my studies? " Luo Xuancheng shook his head resolutely.    


"Ridicule, let them laugh it off, they can't laugh off a piece of meat! There was a saying that only those who endured humiliation would be able to achieve great things, so this person couldn't be too shameless! Luo Xuancheng, get up from where you fell. That way, you'll have no regrets in your life! Listen to my advice for a month. After that, I will bring you to register and repeat your Donghsing First Middle School! " Luo Xuancheng's father said.    


Luo Xuancheng listened to his father and felt that it made a lot of sense.    


"Dad, what if, what if they don't want me? I have absolutely no confidence in myself now. " Luo Xuancheng took a drag from his cigarette, his face full of despair.    


"No way!" I'll beg them to take you in for you. As for the question of your confidence, you should just restore it a little! I can't help you with that! " Luo Xuancheng's father said.    


"Well, thank you, Dad!" Luo Xuancheng said gratefully.    


When he was at his weakest, only his father stood by his side to support him.    


"What are you thanking me for!" Your mother went early, and we've always depended on each other. I just hope that you can really make a name for yourself, son! Work hard! Never give up! " Father said.    


On the morning of June 23, Ying He County First High School.    


Principal Chen Fa Gui was very depressed.    


"Teacher Zhao, it's really hard to imagine!" There was actually someone who could score a perfect score in the exam! I thought that our Cao Ben Rui would definitely get the top scorer of science! " Chen Fa Gui said to Zhao Qiu Shi, the class teacher of Cao Ben Rui.    


Zhao Qiu Zhen shook his head with a wry smile.    


"That's right, Principal. Cao Benrui's performance this year is very normal. His total score has reached 723 points. If this score is put into the past, he would be a stable college entrance examination champion!" He really couldn't understand why Zheng Hao would suddenly jump out of nowhere and get a perfect score on the Chinese Literature test. There was almost no chance of getting a perfect score in the Chinese Literature exam! After so many years of taking the college entrance examination, I've never heard of a student with a perfect score for the Chinese Literature test! This year. " Zhao Qiuzhen said.    


"Sigh!" Our Ying and County First High School really needs a champion of the college entrance examination! In the past few years, the university entrance examination results have greatly increased every year, and the number of students who enter Qingbei has also increased year by year. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get a single top scholar. " Chen Faigui said.    


"Principal, I feel that this year, we will most likely face the impact of Donghsing First Middle School." Zhao Qiuzhen said at this time.    


"Oh? Is it possible for the Donghsing First Middle School to affect us? " Chen Fanggui frowned.    


He personally said that he had a set of methods that could quickly improve the student's college entrance examination results, and furthermore, it has already been verified in this year's college entrance examination. The quality of the graduates of this year's Donghsing First Middle School is originally not high, but after a period of training, they actually brought out over 30 awesome people with over 600 points, and four students might even go to Qingbei Province. This will create an enormous temptation and excitement for the parents. I think that many parents will send their children to Donghsing First Middle School for re-examination this year, and our high quality students will meet intense competition. " Zhao Qiuzhen said.    


"It shouldn't be? After all, we have already made a name for ourselves in the province and have a good reputation too. " Chen Fanggui said.    


However, he was actually a little worried about what Zhao Qiuzhen said.    


"Teacher Zhao, what do you think we should do?" Chen Fougui asked again.    


"I think we should prepare for a rainy day and increase our ability to attract and promote quality students," said Zhao Qiuzhen.    


"What you said makes a lot of sense. Let me think about it a little more." Chen Fa Gui nodded.    


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