The Magic Trading System

C1073 Cataclysm

C1073 Cataclysm

"But, this situation is too abnormal. The crew must be hiding the truth from us. The probability of the plane's death is very high." Alura said.    


"We have an old saying in China, which goes like this: Promises. This means that if you keep saying unlucky things, there is a real possibility of disaster! "Alura, say something nice. Don't think that you will die. Trust me, if I say that everything is fine, nothing will happen to you." Zheng Hao said calmly.    


"Mr. Zheng, we can't not think about the worst-case scenario. You know, airplanes usually don't get into trouble, but once something happens, it will definitely be a big deal. Let us, before we die, put aside all our misgivings and comfort one another, shall we? " Alura suddenly made a suggestion.    


Zheng Hao blinked and thought to himself, "What kind of idea is this?"    


If he really was going to die, was there any other way?    


Shouldn't they be trying to find a way to survive?    


However, before she died, she thought of * Pa Pa Pa Pa *. This is really in line with the old Chinese saying: peony flower under the dead ghost is romantic.    


"This idea of yours seems to be really lame. Miss Miller, do you think so? "" I'm going to die anyway. Zheng Hao asked.    


"Yes, because I don't want to regret it. Why not fulfill my wish before I see God?" Alura said.    


Her hands were already a bit dishonest, and she started to randomly touch Zheng Hao's body.    


She had touched everything that she should not have touched.    


Zheng Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


"Miss Miller, do you think that it's very interesting to have a beating in front of the public? There are so many people on the plane! " Zheng Hao grabbed her Demon Claw.    


"It doesn't matter. In any case, we're going to die anyway. No one will laugh at us. Look, there's already a couple fighting over there." Alura. Miller pointed not far away.    


Zheng Hao took a look and realized that it was really true!    


Not far away, a man and a woman were sitting together, doing things that were inappropriate for children.    


As for the people around them, almost no one was paying attention to them or paying any attention to them.    


Everyone in the cabin felt somewhat panicked. Everyone wore terrified expressions as they waited for fate to announce itself.    


Zheng Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head: "They can do it, but I can't. Why do I have to say that you Westerners have more beastliness! It's just that sometimes, you guys are too independent, too reckless! If he was really going to die, then he would lose all face and dignity! It didn't matter. However, we Chinese are different. Even if we die, we should at least live a dignified death! We must not die in a sorry state. "    


"This is because the development of science has destroyed our faith in God. Let us understand that there is no afterlife, no afterlife, and no hell. Life is just an accidental process, like a bubble that suddenly blooms, then suddenly bursts, and perhaps bubbles will appear again, but they will no longer be the same as before. If that was the case, why did he care so much about face? "Life is better when it comes to reality." Alura. Miller said.    


That brings us back to philosophical talk.    


Zheng Hao shrugged, he directly looked outside the plane.    


Zheng Hao saw the airflow outside the plane churning like a pot of boiling water, and there was even a whirlpool.    


Oh my god!    


Was the plane trapped in a big cyclone?    


This was often the most dangerous thing to do.    


Logically speaking, a ten thousand meter high sky should be an area where the airflow was relatively stable. Normally, there wouldn't be such a turbulent airflow.    


Of course, there were always accidents.    


He had met with an unexpected situation today.    


Zheng Hao saw that the plane was rolling in the air whirl, giving people the feeling that it could fall into disaster at any time.    


He wiped it off.    


This was truly a bit dangerous.    


What should he do?    


Zheng Hao glanced at Alura. Miller, he thought, how can I resolve this disaster?    


Maybe, he could buy a super strength pill from System Merchant Shop, and after eating it, he would have the strength of a hundred thousand kilograms.    


Then, he would pierce through the plane with his wall piercing technique and come outside. He would use his flying technique to carry the plane in the air and give it a powerful boost. It might even be able to help the plane escape from the fierce cyclone and resolve the disaster that was happening around them.    


In theory, Zheng Hao felt that he could do this.    


But how could he leave the plane in front of everyone?    


Then he could only use a piece of Shielding Spell.    


Thinking about this, Zheng Hao felt that there was no time to lose, so he quickly acted. He first used a Shielding Spell to hide the truth.    


Make everyone think he's still on the plane, with Alura. Beside Miller.    


Then, Zheng Hao used a Wall Piercing Technique to pierce through the plane and arrived outside the plane.    


At this time, he had already taken advantage of the situation and used the Flight Technique to fly in the air.    


He had already taken the Super Power Pill.    


He then took the opportunity to put on the Energy Armour's protective gear.    


Zheng Hao shivered the moment he got outside the plane.    


Rub it!    


Zheng Hao thought to himself, "It's really cold!"    


At the moment, it was the beginning of September and the hottest time had not passed yet. Therefore, Zheng Hao was only wearing the thinnest of clothes.    


But the plane was ten thousand meters up.    


The higher you fly, the lower the temperature.    


How low was it?    


Generally speaking, every thousand meters, the temperature would drop by 6 degrees celsius. From tens of thousands of meters up in the air, the temperature would reach around -50 to -60 degrees Celsius.    


What did it mean to be fifty or sixty degrees below zero?    


It really was a drop of water turning into ice!    


There was once a video on the internet. When it was the coldest time in the Northeast, he sprayed water from a pipe. The water was immediately frozen into popsicles. Soon, a pile of Popsicles was piled up on the ground.    


This was one of the conditions of extremely cold weather: The water instantly froze into ice.    


Although Zheng Hao was wearing a Energy Armour, this thing did not guard against the cold.    


So, why did Zheng Hao come out? He really was almost frozen to death.    


Zheng Hao saw that things were not going well. He hurriedly moved his hands and feet, causing his entire body to heat up. Due to the effect of the Energetic Ball, Zheng Hao's blood qi was surging like a raging river, which also played the greatest role in resisting the cold.    


After resisting the severe cold, Zheng Hao immediately felt the threat of a strong convection cyclone.    


The powerful cyclone tore at his body, smashing it against the fuselage of the plane, causing it to rattle.    


Zheng Hao quickly grabbed the landing gear's lower beam with his hands. With a shout, he used all the power in his body.    


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