Be A Millionaire Overnight

C537 Point Ejection

C537 Point Ejection

"Good!" Good son! Now that my son has grown up, it's time for me to rest. From now on, I will leave the Wang family's business to you! This is Steward Wang's phone number, contact him. If you need anything, just ask him directly. "    


Wang Dong's words revealed a sense of gratification and helplessness.    


After living for a lifetime, it was time for the youngsters to take over. His own energy was no longer enough to maintain his position as the wealthiest person.    


The main reason was because the Li Family's rise to prominence had dealt a huge blow to him, causing him to lose his confidence.    


"Don't worry, Dad! I will live up to your expectations! Chasing Lee Xin down! Destroying the marriage between the Suun Family and the Li Family! "    


Wang Chuan said excitedly.    


After waiting for twenty years, this moment had finally arrived.    


Previously, Wang Dong was the unwavering head of the family at home. Under his leadership, the Wang family became the richest person in the country.    


The people in the family also followed Wang Dong's words. There was no helping it, it was grandpa who had the money right now.    


However, Wang Chuan had no say in the matter at home. It was because he had accomplished nothing. He could only live on the support of his family. He was a standard fuerdai.    


Now that he had the opportunity, he actually took over billions of dollars in management authority from Wang Dong. How could it not be exciting?    


So he quickly called Housekeeper Wang and told him about it. Housekeeper Wang was silent for a while and then said, "Young Master Wang, I'll give you the authorization to exchange your bank card." There were ninety-five billion. "You can use it as you wish."    


Upon hearing Butler Wang's announcement, Wang Lu almost fainted. He really didn't know what he should do if he were to suddenly receive so much money.    


But when he thought about how his own father started the factory to make money, he imitated Wang Dong and went to find a plot of land outside the Mo Capital to build a factory to prepare for production and marketing.    


After finding the site, Wang Luan secretly swore in his heart, "Lee Xin, after my factory is built, I'll let you have a look! See how capable your future husband is! "    


Soon, it was noon. Wan Qian came to the classroom and found a girl who was about the same size as Lee Xin to send back the lunch box. And he paid three thousand yuan for his errand.    


The beautiful woman was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling. Without saying anything further, she ran out of the restaurant with the lunchbox in her hand.    


He went to Class 1 and called for Zhang Yihai. He was ready to go.    


Since Taekwondo found trouble with itself, then she couldn't be blamed.    


"Class Rep Wan, do you think they will gang up on us if they lose?"    


Ever since Zhang Yihai agreed to fight for Wan Qian yesterday, he came back and started practicing the techniques he had learned before. He wanted to show his face in front of Wan Qian.    


However, he was worried that the Taekwondo Society would gang up on him after defeating him. After all, there were many of them.    


"No. Don't worry, I'm here. "I'm not afraid of a gang fight."    


Wan Qian said calmly.    


Hearing Wan Qian's words, Zhang Yihai was relieved. It was as if following Wan Qian meant to not fear the heavens or the earth. Even if a hole was pierced through in the sky, Wan Qian would have ways to make up for it.    


Arriving at the Taekwondo dojo, he found an open hall covered with foot pads. At the door were two rows of shoe cabinets for storing shoes.    


All those who entered the monastery had to wear slippers.    


Wu casually threw off his shoes and walked to the center of the factory. Behind him was Zhang Yihai.    


At this moment, the large factory seemed completely empty. Could it be that the other party was afraid of running away?    


It shouldn't be possible. The reason why he had submitted so many formalities was to fight himself. It was impossible for him to run away without even fighting.    


Just as the two of them were in a daze, they suddenly heard the sounds of "ha!" from the surrounding rooms. A loud sound was heard.    


Then, hundreds of Taekwondo staff in white robes with white belts tied around their waists rushed out from the rooms nearby. They formed a circle and surrounded Wan Qian.    


Wan Qian and Zhang Yihai stood with their backs to each other as they surveyed their surroundings.    


Could it be that they were going to gang up on him?    


After they stood still, everyone once again "Ha!" He stomped on the ground with both feet, and at the same time, his arm split open like an "X" on his waist. "Shua!" With a sound, everyone sat down on the ground. It formed a competitive ring.    


So these people were just here to surround them. Zhang Yihai was shocked.    


Although he was also a black belt in Taekwondo, he was still too weak to deal with so many people at once.    


"Pa, pa, pa."    


The person who had written his challenge that day came out of the room clapping his hands.    


"Good courage. "Two people dared to come to our Taekwondo Club."    


"What's your name? I never fight against nameless people."    


Wan Qian asked silently.    


"Zhao Si!"    


"Good name. Zhang Yihai, I'll leave it to you. "    


Wan Qian said as he retreated. He acted as if he was just waiting for a good show, only missing the last bit of popcorn in his hand.    


"Wait, something's not right..." "Class Rep Wan..."    


Zhang Yihai was a bit confused when he saw Wan Qian retreat so quickly. He didn't know what was going on.    


However, Zhao Si slightly frowned, pointed at Wan Qian and shouted, "The one I want to challenge is you! It's not him! "    


"This is my disciple. If you want to challenge me, you have to first defeat my disciple."    


Wan Qian said in disdain.    


Was he that easy to challenge? What a joke.    


Zhao Si did not expect Wan Qian to be so cunning, even finding a disciple before the battle. From his point of view, this kind of behavior was simply to consume his own physical strength.    


"Humph..." Don't think you can succeed with this little trick of yours. I alone will be enough to deal with you. "Swish!"    


Zhao Si's hands crossed in front of his chest as he shouted. He then displayed a fighting stance and intended to attack Zhang Yihai.    


Seeing this, Zhang Yihai also put away his joking attitude. He did a few warm-up actions seriously and assumed the same fighting stance, preparing to fight.    


Everyone held their breath as they stared at the two. A great battle was about to break out.    


It was unknown when his roommate, Fatty, arrived at the periphery of the Taekwondo Society and secretly watched the competition from the entrance. Hopefully, Taekwondo will accept Wan Qian to avenge himself. That way, he would be able to turn the tables around and become the master, bullying Wan Qian.    




Both of them shouted out at the same time and rushed towards each other, both with their feet aiming at each other's chests. Both of them fell to the ground at the same time.    


Everyone present was shocked. They never thought that Zhang Yihai was so strong that he could compete with the coach of their black belt Taekwondo.    


They thought Zhang Yihai would be killed as soon as he came up. It seemed like there was going to be a good show to watch. Everyone gathered their attention and cheered for Zhao Si.    


"Damn it... I met an opponent today! "    


Zhao Si stood up and said as he rubbed his chest.    


Zhang Yihai also stood up with a frown, rubbed his chest and shouted, "Again!"    


In order to show off in front of Wan Qian, he endured the pain and rushed out.    


Zhang Yihai kicked a leg off the ground towards Zhao Si.    


"Twelve Pits!"    


Zhao Si recognized Zhang Yihai's move, he never expected him to be able to use such a classic move. It looked like he had met an expert today. He did not dare to underestimate his opponent again. Both of his hands moved back and forth in the air, trying to dodge this illusory Tan leg.    


Seeing that Zhao Si had been hit, the corner of Zhang Yihai's mouth curled up slightly as he threw a side kick towards the door. He could only dodge this kick. However, Zhao Si did not expect Zhang Yihai to have a mid-attack kick. He accidentally got hit.    


He retreated a few steps, and with a hideous expression, he also used his killing move, a 360 degree roundhouse kick. This move was similar to Zhang Yihai's middle kick, but he could only dodge and not take it head-on, otherwise he would be injured.    


Zhang Yihai saw through the mystery and did not charge forward. Instead, he quickly took two steps back and fell into Zhao Si's trap. "Come at me!"    


After Zhao Si landed on the ground with a 360 degree rotation kick, he immediately followed up with a back kick. This series of moves had been completed in one go. It could be said to be a direct KO combo. Unfortunately, Zhang Yihai was able to see through it and blocked it. He grabbed Zhang Yihai's leg and spun it in a circle.    


Fortunately, the Taekwondo's fundamental skill was splitting forks, and this difficulty level wasn't much at all.    


However, when they didn't practice how to defend themselves …    


Just as Zhao Si was sitting on the ground with his legs spread out in a line, a pair of large legs kicked his face. "Shoot!"    


Zhang Yihai shouted and kicked.    


"Hua …"    


The entire audience was in an uproar. Some of the Taekwondo members even stood up, looking at Zhao Si with excitement.    


Zhang Yihai, who was standing proudly in the middle, could not help but look towards Wan Qian, as if asking for a compliment. However, Wan Qian only looked at him indifferently, with no expression in his eyes.    


Zhao Si's nose was bleeding profusely. He curled up on the ground and used his hands to cover his nose.    


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