Be A Millionaire Overnight

C403 Using Chopsticks

C403 Using Chopsticks

After replenishing his manpower and supplies, Wan Qian once again launched an attack on the city guards. Yet another 20% of HP.    


At this moment, the Guardian only had 60% of its HP remaining, while Wan Qian had 50%.    


Based on the current situation, Wan Qian could be killed before the guardian.    


Thus, Wan Qian began to prepare for the second round of attacks. At the back, there was a large number of cities being built.    


"Motherf * cker, does this fellow not want the money for his jade!?"    


The guard cursed when he saw Wan Qian's actions.    


He also attacked Wan Qian's city.    


As expected, Wan Qian's city was completely destroyed after one wave. Over a hundred cities and over a million jade stones were turned to ash just like that.    


The guardians themselves were suffering. All the troops that returned were heavily injured and needed to be replenished.    


Wan Qian's side increased the construction of the city so much that the guards were dumbfounded. This was simply an indestructible cockroach!    


"Do you dare to do it again?"    


Wan Qian sent a message to the guardian.    


"You can leave."    


The guardian said as he opened the checkpoint.    


After all, the reason why he was here was to guard the checkpoint, not to fight with others. From the looks of it now, he really couldn't defend against Wan Qian's wheel style attack. Rather than that, it was better to just let him out on his own accord. So that he could preserve his strength.    


Otherwise, if they were to fight to the death, he wouldn't be able to defend himself.    


Wan Qian didn't expect the other person to suddenly let go of his hand and let him out.    


Without hesitation, he passed through the checkpoint and entered the Bing State.    


However, as soon as he entered the Bing State, he was immediately surrounded and attacked by the Bing State family.    


"F * ck!" You must be Qiantong Group! So arrogant! See if your father will kill you or not! "    


"How dare you destroy my family members! Just you wait to die! "    


"Did he run out from the Liang State? I'm telling you, you won't be able to stay in Bing State either! "    


… ….    


Some of the more powerful families from the Bing State began to surround him. Don't let yourself develop and move.    


Wan Qian found some Bing State members and started to lay down the ground around them.    


At the same time, he ordered the troops from the Liang State to attack the clan that was encircling him at the Bing State checkpoint.    


"A bunch of trash."    


Wan Qian replied.    


had completely angered the Liang State family. They surrounded Wan Qian one by one.    


Wan Qian was not afraid at all. He quickly built a fortress and built a branch city. At the same time, he also assigned military officers to the branch city. Another city general attacked them, which made the situation much more efficient.    


The Liang State families never expected Wan Qian to be so generous, to suddenly build so many branches of city, and to use all of the jade stones to quickly level up to the maximum level.    


They, too, had seen the world. If that was the case, a city would need at least a million jade stones to pay for it.    


These fifty cities represented five hundred thousand men.    


It seems that this Qiantong Group still has some power.    


The wave of attacks from the Liang State family was like an itch to Wan Qian's branch city.    


On the other hand, Wan Qian's retaliation repelled one family in one wave and another family in another.    


It was somewhat unbearable for the families with Liang State. Thus, a strategic retreat was adopted. He would conserve his strength and fight in the future.    


But Wan Qian didn't have the mood to play with them, he wholeheartedly wanted to quickly spread the floor to the Yu State.    


So he headed towards the checkpoint of the Liang State. Along the way, they encountered many attacks from unknown families. Wan Qian ignored them as he focused on paving the ground.    


After all, stopping to fight them would only waste his time.    


But this way, more and more clans would be involved in the siege. It was as if he would be rewarded if he destroyed himself.    


So it turned out that there were many loyal fans of Wan Jin Yuv among them.    


He knew from the world channel about the war between the Qiantong Group and the Wan Jin Yuv Family. However, as members of the Bing State, they could not participate in this war.    


Now, Wan Qian had come to the Bing State of his own initiative, giving them the opportunity to "seek revenge".    


He had the same thought as the people from Liang State, to defeat Qiantong Group, to take credit in front of Wan Jin Yuv and obtain the reward.    


What a bunch of naive people. "Wan Qian, though …    


They did not attack them, but still paved the way and built a city. This way, he could directly dispatch troops from the Bing State if he needed them. There was no need to send any more troops from the Liang State, it would be too slow.    


After estimating, there were already two hundred cities built at this time in Bing State with scattered parts. If others wanted to destroy them all, they would probably need some time.    


Looking at the jade, he saw that there was still 79 billion. It seemed like he wouldn't need to spend so much just to use the jade.    


At this time, Young Master Tang and the others also played pretty much the same. They were all yawning and tired.    


Wan Qian put down his phone, stood up and said to them, "Go wash your teeth and get ready to sleep."    


"Alright ~"    


Young Master Tang answered in unison. Then, he ran towards his own bedroom with a smile on his face.    


He did not forget to make a scene while washing his face and brushing his teeth. Wan Qian saw that the light in the bedroom was turned off. He turned off the light in the living room and fell asleep on the sofa.    


The next day, Wan Qian ordered the kitchen to prepare some simple breakfast, as well as four pairs of chopsticks. They were going to teach Young Master Tang how to use chopsticks.    


Otherwise, it would be impossible to use one's hands to grab food in the future. Although they didn't dare to say it directly to Wan Qian's face. But he would definitely say it behind the scenes.    


In order to avoid the gossip behind them, it was better to let them master this "skill".    


Breakfast was soon served.    


Wan Qian put the dining car in front of the two bedroom doors, opened the lunch box and the door, letting the fragrance drift in.    


Soon, the three of them sat up, smelling the fragrance, before following her out.    


"Go, wash your hands first before eating."    


In order to give them good living habits, Wan Qian also became a "cutie mama".    


After washing their hands, the three of them went to the dining car and couldn't help but shout out as they looked at the sumptuous breakfast.    


Just as he was about to grab the rice with his hands, Wan Qian knocked him with his chopsticks.    


"Come, I'll teach you guys how to use chopsticks today."    


As he spoke, he handed a pair of chopsticks to each of them.    


Young Master Tang and the other guys held the chopsticks incongruously. They simply couldn't control the two sticks.    


"Learn from me, and put one of the chopsticks on your middle finger. Right, use your index finger and thumb to help, cross with each other, cross with each other, cross with each other, and join together. Very good. "Pick up a yellow bean."    


Wan Qian told them to try the soybeans. If he could use the chopsticks to pick up the soybeans and put them into his mouth, then he would know how to use the chopsticks.    


Young Master Tang and the others picked up their chopsticks one by one.    


Some pushed the beans to the side, while others poked them with chopsticks. Only Tang San shakily picked up a soybean and placed it in the middle of his chopsticks, letting it roll back and forth. It was like he was doing acrobatics.    


Wan Qian shook his head when he saw the results of their training. He had to let them train for a while longer.    


Finally, Tang Yi successfully picked up a piece of cucumber silk and carefully put his arm into his mouth.    


It was not easy.    


The other two also successfully picked up the dishes and put them into their mouths.    


After an hour of training, he had finally mastered this skill.    


"Do you even know how to use chopsticks? "You're not allowed to eat rice anymore."    


Wan Qian reminded him. "Then he took a meat bun and stuffed it into his mouth." Daddy, you're lying! Why did you grab it yourself and let us use our chopsticks! "    


Tang Yi shouted.    


Wan Qian looked at the steamed buns on the dining car and felt helpless …    


"This is an exception, everything else needs chopsticks."    


He picked up another scallop and started talking.    


"Daddy …"    


Tang Yi looked at Wan Qian helplessly.    


After lunch, he checked the time. It was already 8 o'clock. Take them downstairs and drive them to school in the Rolls-Royce. After what happened with Uncle Yang yesterday, the remaining few hundred billion rich people all heard that their children were assigned to the same class as Wan Qian's children.    


One by one, they warned their children not to offend Young Master Tang and his friends.    


The children were all reluctant. Why were they so good to Young Master Tang and the other two retards? Why were they trying to satisfy them? This did not match with his identity as the young master of the family.    


But their families strongly urged them to do so, or they would not take them out to play in the future.    


He had no choice but to listen to his family. However, he was still unwilling to accept it in his heart.    


After sending off the children, he went to the Unitary Hospital to see how things were going. After all, he promised them he would make them the largest hospital in the Mo Capital within half a year. This had to be done as soon as possible.    


"Sir, what kind of illness do you have?" When the nurse at the shopping counter saw Wan Qiandong looking around, she thought she wouldn't be able to find the place to register.    


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