Be A Millionaire Overnight

C408 Shopping

C408 Shopping

Although Wan Qian was a rich man, Ye Zichen guessed that he was from chatting. But he didn't expect it to be a business deal worth hundreds of billions of dollars.    


He had never come into contact with such a person since birth. I don't know what to say anymore.    


Loong Xiaotian was even more shocked. He did not expect that the first time he met Wan Qian, he would build a martial arts school for him to train in. I'm flattered.    


So he raised his glass again and shouted, "Did you all hear that! Director Wan is going to build a martial arts school for us! Come! Everyone offers a toast to Director Wan! "    


Wan Qian also raised his teacup and looked around with a smile.    


Everyone drank it all in one gulp.    


It was two o'clock in the afternoon.    


After eating and drinking to their heart's content, Loong Xiaotian revealed a rare smile. He looked very handsome.    


"Where do you live?"    


Wan Qian asked after paying the bill for a total of 28,000 yuan.    


"We live in the hotel warehouse. A room, the kind that's a shared house. "    


One of his disciples blurted out after drinking too much.    


Loong Xiaotian looked at him accusingly, and felt that he should say it himself.    


"How can we do that?" In the future, he would also be a staff member who would be able to do drastic training. You need to have a good image. "    


Wan Qian looked at the clothes they were wearing. They were all tattered and dirty. So I planned to take them to buy a new outfit.    


"Let's go and change your clothes." "Did you drink too much?"    


Wan Qian asked.    


"No. This little bit of alcohol is nothing at all. It wouldn't be a problem even if we had another case! "    


Loong Xiaotian patted his chest and said proudly.    


Wan Qian looked at him skeptically: "Alright then, let's take a taxi."    


Among the 20 people, Wan Qian called for 5 cars and headed straight for the famous goods city. There were all kinds of high-end services there.    


After getting off the bus, the group of people looked like a bunch of villagers entering the city. They turned their heads and looked around at the tall buildings.    


"Come on, there's a sportswear shop inside. It should be more suitable for you."    


Wan Qian pointed to a building in front of them. Then he took the lead.    


If someone else had brought them here, they might not have followed them in. This building seemed to be very expensive.    


However, they had already witnessed Wan Qian's ability. It wasn't a problem for them to buy clothes. Thus, over twenty people excitedly followed.    


"Sir, may I ask if the people behind you are together?" We are in a high-end place, you are not allowed to … "    


"I'm Wan Qian."    


After saying that, he ignored the tour guide at the door and walked inside.    


The guide stood there with his mouth wide open.    


She didn't know whose name it was, but she always knew the name of the big BOSS behind Wan's Group.    


And this merchant city was the property of Wan's Group.    


After being stunned for a moment, he quickly ran over and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Everyone pay attention, Director Wan appeared in our shopping mall, Director Wan. Please be careful and receive him."    


"Ten thousand... "Director Wan, what are you buying today? Let me recommend a few to you."    


The guide ran over to Wan Qian and said softly.    


This was the first time he had come into contact with a large BOSS with Wan's Group up close. Normal people would not even be able to see it once.    


The Wan's Group, had thousands of executives, let alone the employees below them. It was impossible to see Wan Qian.    


The brothers didn't think that Wan Qian would have so many cards up his sleeves in such a high-end shopping mall. He actually got someone to take the initiative to welcome him. All of them were extremely excited.    


Not long later, over a dozen of the top executives of the shopping mall came out from all over the floor to pour tea for the brothers, then they went to Wan Qian's side to greet him.    


Since such a big boss came to shop in his own territory, wouldn't he still have to accompany him?    


When the people in the shopping mall saw this scene, they were all curious. What kind of big shot had come? There were actually so many people accompanying her. However, when he looked at Wan Qian and felt like he didn't know him, he had never seen him before.    


"Choose some sports wear for the boys today. "I recommend a few."    


Wan Qian said as he walked.    


"Okay, Director Wan, what do you think about these families?"    


As the guide said this, he took out a tablet computer from his back and flipped through it for Wan Qian to choose from, as well as some shop furnishings and photos.    


Wan Qian used his finger to stroke it a few times. "Let's do it."    


"Shop # 1, be careful. Clean up the customers at the store and prepare to receive Director Wan."    


"Shop # 1 has received it. Shop # 1 has received it."    


"Director Wan, this way, please."    


The guide bent over and stretched out his arm, guiding Wan Qian to the sports wear shop he had taken a fancy to.    


Since the higher ups could not speak with Wan Qian, they chatted with the brothers behind them and asked them what was their relationship with Wan Qian and what they came here for today. The question of where to live, what work to do, etc.    


Arriving at store number 1, Wu Dai saw more than forty people entering the shop. More than a dozen of them were also executives of the mall. This scared the shop owner so much that he hurriedly came out to receive them.    


"Welcome to the Carpathia store! Can I help you? "    


The boss said enthusiastically.    


"Director Wan, how about this, I'll get all the clothes in this store to be delivered directly to the mansion, do you want to take your time and choose the route?"    


The guide suggested.    


There was no need to talk about the price for a customer like Wan Qian. To say the price was to humiliate him.    


With this name, he could freely shop in the shopping mall.    


"Pick one, take whatever you like."    


Wan Qian turned around and said to Loong Xiaotian, who was behind him.    


Loong Xiaotian looked at the people on his left and right. They all looked at him with a smiling face and made some gestures, indicating that they were all "please feel free to do whatever you want".    


He looked at the clothes and shoes around him. All of them looked expensive. Looking at the price of any of these shoes, it would be around 50,000 yuan.    


This wasn't like buying shoes. It was more like buying a car.    


Wan Qian found the resting area and sat down. The guide quickly brewed some tea and brought it to him. He also provided a few copies of the business morning newspapers and placed them on the table in front of Wan Qian.    


She knew that business people loved to see that kind of information. However, Wan Qian didn't care at all.    


His business logic was not the same as that on the market. Thus, he didn't need to look at these conventional methods of handling and learning.    


The executives waited on Wan Qian's left and right, not daring to take a seat.    


Seeing this situation, the boss hurriedly put in his effort to properly serve these twenty people.    


Since Wan Qian said so, he couldn't just not choose anything. It would be too disrespectful.    


Thus, he brought the martial artists to begin their selection. Everyone was so satisfied with the clothes here that they didn't know which to pick.    


"Everyone pick five sets, they're easy to replace."    


Wan Qian said while sitting on the side.    


When the others heard this, they no longer had any fear towards the shop. They picked up their favorite five sets of clothes and passed them to the shop assistant and boss.    


After a while, the clothes were picked and changed. It seemed a lot more spirited. The grade was different all of a sudden.    


From being a street performer, he became an active activist.    


Wan Qian stood up and looked at their clothes. He felt that they were pretty good. He intended to transfer money to the merchants.    


"Director Wan, you don't need to. I'll give you a free ticket. "    


The guide quickly stepped forward and said.    


The owner was not angry, because he knew he was giving Wan Qian face. After coming down, the mall would compensate him in other ways. In short, they definitely wouldn't lose anything because of him.    


A set of clothes cost three hundred thousand yuan, five sets was one million and five hundred thousand yuan. Twenty people is thirty million. Forget it. There was no other way. After all, this was his property.    


Alright, so be it. Wan Qian wasn't pretentious. Ye Zichen put away his phone and walked out of the mall with the others.    


"Director Wan, how did you get here? Do you want me to call a car for you?"    


When they arrived at the entrance of the mall, the guide asked in a considerate manner.    


"No need, we'll walk anywhere."    


Wan Qian rejected her good intentions and led the Wu Xing warriors to the front. Not far from where the Drillmaster Fist Club was. He planned to let the martial artists live together with the members of the boxing club, so that they could look after each other and communicate with each other.    


After all, they were martial artists, only their uses were different.    


"Take care, Director Wan. When you're free, come to the mall to help out!"    


Only then did the executive say a word. He was still facing Wan Qian's back without turning back.    


After all, Wan Qian usually communicated with the Chief of the Wan's Group, Wang Jianfaang. The small leaders of the branch companies below were not within his line of sight at all.    


Loong Xiaotian was talking and laughing with his men. It had been a long time since he had been so bold. Twenty people's attire added up to thirty million yuan. He had never even dared to dream of such a thing before. But now it had come true.    


Wan Qian was too generous. At this point, they all felt that they had followed the right person.    


Arriving at the Drywall Fist Club, he met the cannon in charge. After a few warm words of greeting, he introduced Wu Xing.    


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