Be A Millionaire Overnight

C414 Specialty

C414 Specialty

"Sir, come with us."    


The security guard came over and said to Wan Qian.    


"Where are you going? If you have something to say, then say it."    


"Sir, you have destroyed the famous paintings in our exhibition hall. You will have to seek compensation from the master."    


"Go and call the master over. I will compensate him with the amount." "But please don't use this kind of painting to insult a person's intelligence quotient, okay?"    


Wan Qian replied in a domineering manner.    


This kind of painting would only draw people into a mystical realm, they would not have any air around them. Furthermore, the more outrageous the painting, the better it was sold, making the atmosphere in the circle black.    


Therefore, Wan Qian couldn't help but destroy him when he saw this painting. If there was one less painting like this, then there would be one more painting that was created with utmost effort.    


"Who's so arrogant as to want to compensate me for my famous painting?"    


The curator came out of the inner room and said.    


Through the surveillance cameras, he also saw Wan Qian taking out his collection of tens of billions of paintings.    


The key point was still intentional. That's unforgivable. Thus, he angrily came out to seek compensation. However, after seeing so many people present, his mood and tone began to slow down. In case he lost his identity.    


"It's just a crappy painting of yours. How much can it be worth?"    


Wan Qian said in disdain. In his eyes, money was the only thing that mattered.    


"18 billion!" Not a single hair less! "    


The curator said arrogantly.    


This was the painting he had collected the longest. Who would have thought that during this period of time, this painting would actually become popular, and his professional team managed to get 18 billion RMB for it.    


"20 billion, there's no need to look for it."    


As Wan Qian said this, he transferred 20 billion to him.    


The curator froze on the spot as he read the text message. Ye Zichen didn't think that Wan Qian was so rich, he immediately transferred 20 billion. And it was 2 billion more than 18 billion.    


At this moment, everyone who came to visit was stunned. Where did this young rich man come from? He was even more straightforward than her?    


20 billion turned around just like that and he even gave 2 billion more? What was that worth? A tip?    


"Brother, this painting of mine also listens to abstraction, do you find it annoying? If it's annoying, we can smash it. "    


Seeing this, a painter hurriedly carried his painting to Wan Qian's side and showed it to him.    


Wan Qian directly threw it on the ground without even looking at it.    


"Tell me, how much is it?"    


"Not expensive, four billion."    


Wan Qian transferred five billion. Similarly, there was no need to look for it.    


The exhibition hall instantly burst into an uproar. Could it be that this was how the exhibition played? Why didn't he know this before?    


He could even use his own painting on the spot to exchange for money.    


Everywhere they went, Wan Qian would help them look at the paintings, and without exception, they were all extracted. He had lost a total of five trillion.    


"Who else!?"    


Wan Qian's shout shocked the entire hall.    


Wasn't this guy too rich? Could it be that he couldn't spend all of his money and came to smash a famous painting when he had nothing to do?    


However, considering that the rich had some special hobbies, perhaps it was true.    


Actually, Wan Qian was only looking for people who could train painters. However, none of them were suitable. They were all painters who swindled money.    


At this moment, Wan Qian found a ink painting in the middle of the exhibition hall. There was a thatched cottage at the foot of the winding mountain range, where an old man was raising a cow. The painting was vivid.    


"Is the author of this painting here?"    


Wan Qian asked.    


Soon a young man emerged from the crowd, holding a brush and thinking about something.    


"You drew this?"    


Wan Qian asked.    


The young man nodded, as if he didn't like such occasions.    


"Can you be my drawing training teacher, a teacher specializing in training."    


In the training industry, the first thing to be solved was the problem of teachers. Therefore, the first person to recruit someone was someone who could train a teacher. Only in this way would teachers be able to continue to appear unceasingly.    


"Several tens of thousands per month?"    


The young painter said.    


As the youngest painter in Mo Capital, he was stopped from learning to paint by his family. Later on, he took part in some competitions and won a prize before slowly gaining the recognition of his family.    


But at the age of twenty-six, it was time to consider the question of livelihood. After all, life isn't something you can do with a prize. I need real money.    


But his personality was proud and aloof, and he didn't want to work for others. So he lowered his head to paint until today, when he went to the exhibition and guessed that the invitee would pay five hundred yuan for the painting.    


But just now I saw people making money quickly by "drawing". Looking at his own Xuan paper painting, he couldn't help but be impressed.    


Furthermore, it was not allowed to pluck one's own painting just like cutting one's own flesh.    


However, Wan Qian changed his mind.    


To ask him to be a drawing teacher, that was another story entirely.    


After all, he had already seen Wan Qian's strength. He definitely wasn't someone who was short on money.    


If he followed such a person, he wouldn't be in need of money, right? Thus, he directly asked for more than 10,000 salary.    


As far as he knew, he could do it with ten thousand yuan.    


Wan Qian shook his head, making him a little disappointed. Was his talent not worth ten thousand yuan?    


"Ten million every month."    


Wan Qian    


Ye Zichen made a bid.    


Everyone present was shocked. He didn't expect Wan Qian to shake his head because the young man said the price was too low. He directly offered a price that everyone was envious of.    


Those who got the money from the drawing just now couldn't wait to join Wan Qian's team. After all, the salary was simply too generous.    


At their age, it was already too difficult to draw based on one's feelings. One had to have an economy to have any value.    


The young man did not expect Wan Qian to give him such a high price and was stunned for a moment.    


It was only when Wan Qian rolled up the picture in the middle and said that he had to store it carefully did he realize that the other person had really taken a fancy to him.    


He couldn't help but feel happy in his heart. His son had finally brought honor to the family! These dozen years of hard work! Hard! The effort was not in vain!    


The young man couldn't help but cry.    


Wan Qian understood his mood.    


When some people worked in silence, they appeared to be abnormally strong, as if they could take all kinds of hardships. Once he succeeded, he would be reminded of his own hardships and could not help but shed tears for himself.    


Just like that, Wan Qian put his arm around the young man's shoulders and led him to his Rolls Royce. I'm going to find a place to eat. I want to discuss the young people's art career.    


He directly came to the Qiantong Hotel.    


The people inside were still as crowded as ever, all because of Qiantong Group's reputation.    


Wan Qian brought the young man to the inner room and ordered some food.    


"I still don't know your name."    


Wan Qian asked.    


"No need to call me that."    




Wan Qian looked at the young man in shock.    


"My stage name is: No need to call me that."    


The young man smiled.    


Wan Qian finally understood. It seemed that people with special talents all had rather strange thoughts. It was easy for people to misunderstand why such a strange name was given.    


"You know about the Golden School of Mo Capital, right?"    


Wan Qian said.    


The young man nodded vigorously. Riverside College. He had even gone there to pick up wind after completing his Golden School. However, he felt that the land was covered with gold, and that it had tarnished his art, so he left.    


"From now on, you will teach there and cultivate more drawing teachers for me. I want to occupy the painting training market."    


Wan Qian voiced out his inner thoughts, hoping that the young people would help him achieve it.    


The last time he entered the campus, he came out again. He just felt that there was too much gold inside and it was too tacky.    


He didn't expect to be assigned to work here today. It was all fate that made a fool of him.    


However, for the sake of ten million yuan per month, he could only bear with it.    


The dishes were served quickly. Wan Qian was about to eat when he saw that the young man did not move his chopsticks.    


"What's wrong?" Wan Qian asked.    


"It's been a long time since I've had so much food. Can I draw it? "    


There was no need to call him that.    




Wan Qian put down his chopsticks and waited for the young man to get the picture.    


He then took out the brush that he had brought with him, dipped it into the ink box in his hand, and started to draw on the white wall beside him.    


Beautiful dishes seemed to be placed on the wall one after another, even the chefs nearby were cheering on the dishes. He felt that the painting was extremely soul-stirring.    


"Alright, Director Wan, you can eat now."    


He put down the brush and picked up the chopsticks.    


Then he started to eat in big mouthfuls.    


After eating his fill, Wan Qian took him to the hall and asked him to do a portrait of the people there.    


There was no need for him to say anything else. He picked up the brush and started creating on the paper. He drew the details of everyone and their demeanor well.    


It had to be said that a professional was indeed different.    


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