Be A Millionaire Overnight

C503 Sun's Canine Tooth

C503 Sun's Canine Tooth

"Wan Qian, how did you do it?" Why did the chefs come out to help you? "    


Lee Xin asked in concern after they left the restaurant.    


"Oh, that head chef is my uncle."    


Wan Qian said casually.    


It was his fortune to be able to become his cousin. If the head chef knew that Wan Qian said this, he would probably go back home and burn incense for his ancestors.    


Lee Xin nodded when she heard this. No wonder he could so easily bring out a plate of Holy Maiden Fruits. So it was like this.    


"I really didn't expect you to have someone at school."    


Lee Xin looked at Wan Qian with a naughty smile.    


"Don't laugh at me. What was there to show for having a chef cousin? "About that, let me send you back to your dorm."    


Wan Qian changed the topic.    


It would be a great injustice to say that there was someone in his school. It should be said that who in the school wasn't Wan Qian's person?    


His entire Mo Capital was enveloped within. No one could escape his control and scope. Except for the Suun Family.    


"Hmm …"    


Lee Xin nodded silently.    


Somehow, he felt an inexplicable sense of security when he was with Wan Qian. And she liked it.    


Just like that, the two of them walked side by side to Lee Xin's dormitory. They saw a long white Lincoln parked downstairs. A man wearing a white suit with sunglasses in his hand was yawning.    


Upon seeing Lee Xin, he hurried over and said, "Lee Xin, please, just promise me!"    


"Agree to your sister." Drive your broken car and get out of here. "Don't be an eyesore here."    


Wan Qian replied without waiting for Lee Xin to speak. The person choked to the point that he was half dead.    


Focusing and looking at it, it was precisely the man who played with him yesterday.    


They had met yesterday, but before he got out of the car, Wan Qian threw the ice cream at him. The car was covered in ice cream, making him so angry that he was about to run into Wan Qian.    


In the end, Wan Qian pulled Lee Xin's hand and ran half the campus before finally getting rid of himself.    


She didn't expect to run into him again tonight. Let's see where he can run to this time!    


"Good boy!" I didn't find you yesterday, but instead came here today! "See if I beat you to death!"    


That person called Wan Qian with his sunglasses. Wan Qian jumped onto his white Lincoln.    


He was so shocked that he quickly shouted, "Get down here! "Get down here!"    


They were afraid that he would ruin their luxurious car. This was the car that stole from Dad to pretend to drive. If he broke it, his father would have to beat him to death.    


"Yo, what? You dare to drive a good car and you don't dare to play?"    


As Wan Qian said this, he stomped his foot down and a huge crater immediately appeared.    




The white clothed man shouted crazily. He didn't expect Wan Qian to dare to destroy his car.    


"You're finished, you're finished!"    


The man in white paced back and forth beside the car, looking for something to teach Wan Qian a lesson.    


Even Lee Xin felt that this was a bit too much. After all, such a good car like this would cost at least three million yuan, and this kick would cost at least five or six hundred thousand yuan. Could Wan Qian afford it?    


So he quickly shouted: "Wan Qian! Come down! "Be good!"    


Wan Qian was surprised for a moment. He didn't expect that someone would call him to be obedient. But for Lee Xin's sake, let's just forget about it. He continued to jump around on the white car. He had to break all his roof.    


"Get the fuck down here! "Damn you!"    


The person picked up a brick and smashed it towards Wan Qian, but Wan Qian dodged it skillfully. It happened to hit the glass of the car. In an instant, the glass of the car shattered.    


"Wow …"    


That person actually fell down on the ground and started crying.    


His father was in a good car, but he was already in such a state. Needless to say, he was just waiting to be hit by a plank when he got home. Moreover, this car was quite expensive, even if it was repaired by his own family, it wouldn't be that easy.    


Wan Qian was stunned seeing this.    


A big man with a broken window sat on the ground and cried. Did he not want to play anymore?    


So he jumped down from the roof, wanting to comfort him.    


Lee Xin walked over, squatted down and handed him a bank card. "Password, six six six." There are eight hundred thousand here. You take it and fix it. If it's not enough, ask me again. "    


Then he stood up and said to Wan Qian, "Look at you, why are you smashing their car without any problems."    


Wan Qian was surprised. He didn't expect Lee Xin to be so rich. She had spent eight hundred thousand yuan. And it was to compensate for him.    


He really didn't expect that the damage Mo Capital's Richest Man caused would be compensated by someone else. If his competitors knew about this, they would definitely laugh themselves to death.    


The guy on the ground stopped crying and looked at Lee Xin in disbelief. After receiving the card, he cried even louder.    


"Wah …" You must have been taken in by this brat... Otherwise, how could he be so rich... "Wow …"    


Lee Xin didn't expect him to think this way and stood up angrily. He was the dignified Li family's eldest daughter, yet he actually said that he was taken care of by someone else. Go to hell!    


Lee Xin kicked him on the head, causing him to faint.    


Then he clapped his hands and came to Wan Qian's side: "Ok, it's done."    


Wan Qian looked at Lee Xin in surprise. The usually quiet and gentle girl, how could she suddenly become so violent? It seemed that he had underestimated her.    


"Eh …. "Formidable." Wan Qian stuck out his thumb and said, "But thank you so much for losing so much money for me." I will definitely find a chance to return it to you. "    


"No need. Little Qian'Er. "    


Lee Xin said while stroking Liu Hai's arm with a smile.    


Eight hundred thousand yuan, not even one percent of his pocket money. Therefore, this amount of money was not even worth mentioning.    


Just like that, the two of them fell into an awkward silence. At this moment, seeing that there were some young lovers whispering to each other downstairs, I felt even more embarrassed.    


"Uh, I was just about to go up when there was nothing else." Go back and rest early. Aren't we going to have military training tomorrow? "    


Lee Xin was the first to speak.    


"Ah... Yes. "Alright, rest early as well."    


Wan Qian said.    


With a smile, Lee Xin saluted and walked back to the girls' dormitory. Wan Qian watched her until she disappeared into the living room before turning around to leave.    


The man in white clothes woke up at this moment and shook his head, trying to recall what just happened. He was ecstatic to see the bank card in his hand. Looks like my car is saved.    


As a result, he no longer cared about whether his goddess had been taken care of or not. Instead, he got into his car and drove to the school's nearest car repair workshop to undergo refurbishment. We have to get the car fixed before Dad uses it. Otherwise it's over.    


Although he was also from a rich second generation, his father always held the idea of raising poor children, only giving him 10,000 yuan per month for his living expenses. This little bit of money was simply a poor person in the circle of the rich second generation.    


Any bag or watch would cost tens of thousands of dollars. Thus, when he saw the car being smashed into this state, he was extremely anxious. Fortunately, his goddess gave him the money.    


At the same time, he had deepened his understanding of the goddess. He seemed to be much richer than himself. It really was a combination of wealth and beauty. He was even more determined to pursue her.    


As for that strange man beside him, he would find a chance to teach him a lesson in the future. Otherwise, who knew how powerful he, Li Er, was.    


Wan Qian walked on the campus street as if he had lost something. At this moment, couples walked past him, saying sweet words and flirting. It made him feel like he had returned to the campus three years ago.    


However, at that time, there should have been someone standing beside him. Now the man did not know where he was.    


Suun Family    


"Did you find him?"    


Suen Quan said as he sat in his office and played with the crystal ball in his hand.    


Below him sat a dozen middle-aged men wearing black suits and ties, all of them shaking their heads.    


If Wan Qian was present, he would realize that these people were all the Mo Capital rich people who followed Zhang Haisheng to deal with him.    


Presently, all of them were worth more than 10 trillion.    


Needless to say, it was all invested by Suen Quan. "In order to win them over to his side, he did his best." "Director Suen, would he be afraid of your arrival, so he took the money and ran away?"    


Someone suggested below. It was the controller of Mo Capital Port, Fong Tianji.    


"No. His business was still in Mo Capital and was operating steadily. If he runs away, his Qiantong Group will collapse very quickly. " Suen Quan said as he played with the crystal ball in his hand.    


For Suun Family, it was not difficult to monitor the development of an enterprise. The family has a wide range of measurement tools that can be used to analyze every aspect of an enterprise.    


This was also a legacy and accumulation of over a hundred years in the Suun Family.    


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