Be A Millionaire Overnight

C517 Fast Fall

C517 Fast Fall

Wan Qian did not pay attention to the discussions of the outside world and started to clear out the families and players from Yi State. And at each level of the Yi State, a large number of buildings were divided into different cities. to ward off more foreign invaders.    


Looking at the Bing State at the same time, the family of people who saw it were still lingering at the Bing State checkpoint, and were unable to take even a single step forward. was completely suppressed by the soldiers and horses of the Bing State.    


Wan Qian directly attacked the First Family newspaper. Since he had left his own lair up to no good and decided to attack his own lair, he had to be prepared for this kind of destruction.    


Sure enough, the newspapers saw that their lair was surrounded and panicked. They turned back to help, but it was already too late. Wan Qian had already begun his attack.    


The other Bing State players also stopped him from going back. He just watched as his Main City was destroyed.    


"The Ji State Reporting family has been taken over by the Liang State family."    


The words appeared on the screen.    


All of the State County s were shocked. The Queen Bee Family who had just fallen into the Yi State had fallen once more. Looking at the route, it was going to take them all the way east.    


So Qing State, Youu State, and Yan State were all planned, with the intention of stopping Qiantong Group from descending from the east. I will try my best to focus the battles on Ji State. Only in this way could the county's losses be minimized.    


After becoming the First Family, he shouted in the Ji State Channel: "Everyone listen, I am Qiantong Group. Those who want to win the season's prize can join our tribe as soon as possible. "We won't wait until the time is over!"    


Most of the people here weren't rich. After entering the family, they would be very happy to use over a hundred billion jade stones.    


The clan's application number quickly exceeded three thousand. At this time, the Qiantong Group family had fifteen thousand people.    


At the same time, Youu State and Yan State began to advance towards the direction of the Ji State, intending to restrict the scope of the Qiantong Group ahead of time. He was not allowed to expand eastward.    


"Yu State! Help me deal with Yan State! I will split the Jing State with you! "    


"Yang State! Help me deal with Qing State! I will give you Si Lee's land! "    


Wan Qian shouted in the world channel.    


Now, it seemed, there were six states that wanted to be enemies with him at the same time. There was also the spectating attitude of the Yu State and the Yang State.    


Since they were going to fight, then he might as well bring them all along!    


"I see something wrong with your head! "I can't even protect myself, and you actually say you want to share my land? What a joke!"    


Jing State saw Wan Qian's words on the World Announcements, and hurriedly spoke out. They were afraid that the Yu State would believe them. Let him know, Jing State still did not have the final say.    


But just at this time, the Qiantong Group soldiers guarding the Yi State began to attack the Jing State. All the powers that belonged to the top ten ranks in Jing State had been massacred by the Qiantong Group.    


This situation happened at the same time as Si Lee and Yong State.    


Because they had already exhausted all of their forces to head towards the Yi State, at this moment, the rear was empty and there wasn't the slightest bit of resistance.    


Very quickly, the First Family was overpowered by Wan Qian.    


At this time, Wan Qian spoke again: "Yu State! See! The Jing State is already under my rule, you can enter however you want, and all the resources and land will belong to you! "    


Seeing that, the Yu State did not say anything, and silently sent people over to occupy the Jing State. It could be considered as defending the Jing State for Wan Qian. At the same time, he sent troops to attack Yan State.    


Seeing this, Yang State also believed Wan Qian, and began to attack the Qing State, restraining it.    


Just like this, Wan Qian used two states to exchange for two temporary allies to block the other two states' attacks for him.    


In other words, Wan Qian who was in Ji State only needed to face Youu State.    


"Youu State, you asked for this yourself."    


Wan Qian shouted in the world channel.    


At the same time, he moved to attack the barrier of Youu State.    


Youu State fought back with everything they had, gathering all the troops at the checkpoint, planning to delay Wan Qian and wait for the situation to change.    


On the other hand, Yong State and Si Lee attacked even more violently, wanting to open a way out from Yi State.    


In order to defend against the four State County's attacks, Wan Qian had to spend a lot of money on the jade. At this moment, only 50 billion remained.    


"Boss!" I can't hold on anymore! "    


The Qiantong Group family member shouted.    


They had already frantically used the jade stones to fight the battle of attrition with Yong State and Si Lee. However, there were simply too many people. The battle ratio was one to fifteen. The physical strength of a general could not keep up.    


"Save your energy, and send Bing State to attack Yong State and Si Lee's lair. At the same time, seal off the checkpoint of the Yi State, and cannot let them return! "    


Wan Qian commanded the battle.    


The people below listened to the order, and slowly reduced the number of people defending against it. They started to send their troops to attack Yong State and Wu Steel City. Learn Wan Qian's luring the tiger out of the mountain, only attack the lair.    


Wan Qian was at the Yi State, madly building a branch city, planning to surround them.    


Since we can't kill them all, we'll just trap them all in and kill them all. He couldn't let them out even if he didn't want them back in the city.    


Just when Yong State and Si Lee saw that the forces of Qiantong Group could no longer resist, they became extremely happy and began to vigorously occupy the lands and towns of Yi State.    


But they had forgotten about the danger behind them. The Qiantong Group was like a giant python, slowly shrinking the scope of their existence.    


A popular word for it was: run away from poison.    


Yong State and Si Lee were currently running away from poison, and they didn't even know it yet.    


Other than narrowing the scope of the Yi State, Wan Qian also wanted to start a decisive battle with the Youu State at the same time.    


All the families within the Youu State were quite fierce, and under the leadership of First Family, they began a death match with Qiantong Group. Without any skill or strategy, it was just a team of people pouncing forward.    


Wan Qian's fighting was also more difficult, because Youu State and the level barrier of the Ji State were only that big. Even if he had the advantage of jade, he couldn't bring it out right now, because the place where he could fight was only that big.    


"Motherf * cker!" "You have to make a decision!"    


Wan Qian instructed the family members who came to help. He specially let go of the Ji State entrance, allowing them to attack. Only then would he be able to make full use of his advantages.    


Even if one of them were to enter, it would be better than being made a human.    


Soon, the members of the family responded to Wan Qian's call and scattered. Wan Qian no longer threw his combat power into the pass.    


The Youu State sensed the change at the corner, and continued to attack until they finally cleared the barrier at the Ji State. As for the people inside, they were like a dead sea, rushing towards the Ji State's borders.    


"Let them in!"    


Wan Qian didn't have any plans to stop the net yet. He felt that there weren't enough people coming, so he continued to retreat and prepare to lure the enemy deeper.    


Sure enough, the Youu State did not detect anything. He kept urging the units behind to advance towards Ji State.    


Wan Qian sent his troops to set off for Qing State. Because Qing State was currently in battle with Yang State, the barrier to Qing State was quickly broken.    


Wan Qian's troops charged towards the Qing State, joining forces with the Yang State to attack the Qing State from the front and back.    


"The Qing State Hong Ling Family has been taken over by the Liang State Ling Family."    


Wan Qian found the First Family of the Qing State and gave a fatal blow. They had directly fallen into his hands.    


At this time, the other families in Qing State all surrendered, and no longer resisted. According to the agreement, Yang State would withdraw the troops and head to Si Lee to occupy the land.    


The Qing State were all taken over by Wan Qian.    


Wan Qian started to build a large number of subcities at various Qing State checkpoints to prevent outsiders from entering. At the same time, he tightly controlled every county and city in the city to prevent them from being overrun by other families.    


"Everyone in Qing State, quickly join my Qiantong Group. You can use it with free jades. "    


To families like the Qing State whose fighting capabilities were low, free jade was undoubtedly the best item to attract them. Sure enough, after Wan Qian finished speaking, five thousand people from Qing State joined the Qiantong Group Family.    


At this time, the Qiantong Group family already had twenty thousand people to order. The cost of jade was extremely high as well.    


Those people who had just joined the clan did not expect the Qiantong Group Clan's jade to be so huge. They continuously drew out martial general cards, established a branch city, and increased the rank of their martial general skills.    


Soon, only twenty million jade stones remained.    


"Featured: 10000000000000 * Jade"    


Seeing that, Wan Qian charged another 100 billion jade for everyone to consume. After all, everyone joining the Qiantong Group Clan was for the free jade. If the jade was used up, there would be a people's revolution.    


Here, several tens of thousands of people had already entered the Ji State, and were prepared to access the Ji State's land, as well as the Ji State's large and small families.    


Only members of the Qiantong Group Clan would have the ability to resist, and the other clans were basically trapped and waiting for their lives.    


"Ji State troops, quickly surrender!" The Youu State released a message on the Ji State Channel every day.    


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