Be A Millionaire Overnight

C530 Arrival at Site

C530 Arrival at Site

"Lee Xin, are you ready? Come to the school airport, I'll wait for you here. "    


Wan Qian came to the airport, sat in the waiting hall and called Lee Xin.    


"Machine... Airport? What are you doing there? "    


Lee Xin found it strange. Isn't that a place only the upper echelons of the school can ride? No matter what, Wan Qian is there too.    


"Let's go by plane tonight."    


"Take a plane!? Are you sure? Is the plane something we can take? "    


Lee Xin was a bit speechless. Why did it feel like this freshman was somewhat out of line? He was even more capable than her, a sophomore senior.    


"Heh heh …" Didn't I just tell you? I am now a freshman counselor, so I am qualified to fly. Hurry up and go, or you'll be late. "    


Wan Qian quickly said.    


Lee Xin looked at the six million dollar watch on her wrist and confirmed that it was almost time. She quickly put on her diamond studded high heels and jade earrings before heading downstairs.    


In addition to his tall and slender figure, he looked even more like a princess. One can only watch from a distance and not take offense.    


Along the way, he attracted the attention of many boys, but no one approached him to strike up a conversation. Only Wang Lu noticed Lee Xin on the way here. He was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth. He resisted the urge to run over and greet Lee Xin.    


Lee Xin ignored him and headed straight for the airport.    


Wang Luan followed them all the way to the airport. He wanted to see who invited Lee Xin to the plane. After all, Lee Xin didn't have the qualifications to ride it herself.    


Even he, the good-for-nothing richest man, didn't have the right to ride it.    


"Lee Xin!" "Here!"    


Wan Qian was standing on the stairs when he saw a girl dressed in a white dress. She was wearing a Blinding Light Dress. He looked at her and saw that she was none other than Lee Xin.    


It seemed like she also took the party that Wan Qian attended very seriously and dressed up well.    


When Lee Xin heard this, she raised her head and saw an elegant young master standing on the stairs. On closer look, it was Wan Qian. It surprised her. I didn't expect Wan Qian to be so handsome when dressed up. He looked very heroic.    


Wang Chuan, on the other hand, stopped chasing after him. He looked at the person on the stairs, and the person who had embarrassed him so many times was him. The person who had taken Lee Xin away from him today was also him. He could be said to be gnashing his teeth in hatred.    


He had been secretly thinking of a way to take revenge on Wan Qian, making him make a fool out of himself in front of everyone, and most importantly, in front of Lee Xin.    


When Lee Xin reached the last step, Wan Qian held her hand and pulled her up. Everything seemed so natural and harmonious.    


"Lee Xin!" Be careful not to be fooled by him! "I don't believe he can take you in a helicopter!"    


Wang Chuan shouted angrily as he saw this scene from below.    


"Then you'll see."    


Wan Qian said with a crooked smile.    


Then she took Lee Xin's hand and, like a couple of newlyweds who were going to help Tang Xiu get married, they walked towards the helicopter on the helipad.    


The pilot had already adjusted the parameters. As long as Wan Qian was on the plane, he would take off immediately.    


The two people below opened the cabin door for Wan Qian as soon as they saw him. Each of them put an arm on the door, afraid of knocking on the door. They then greeted Wan Qian and Lee Xin and sat down.    


When the two of them got on the plane, the two of them closed the cabin door and the helicopter slowly took off, flying towards the south.    


"What the f * ck!" He really did sit down! What garbage school! Why is it that anyone can sit on it?! I want to go too! "    


As he spoke, he quickly ran up the stairs and found the control room to assign a plane to him. He would agree to any amount of money he had.    


However, the dispatching room only shook its head and said that only the upper echelons of the school had the right to ride on it.    


"That Wan Qian is only a freshman! What kind of senior in the school is he?! Is there something wrong with your heads!? "    


Wang Chuan scolded on the spot.    


The people in the dispatch room looked at Wang Luan. They never thought that he would dare to call Wan Qian directly by his name. It seemed like there was no hope for him. Thus, she ignored him and only smiled while shaking her head, continuing her work.    


After swearing a few times and seeing that everyone was ignoring him, Wang Luan also felt bored, so he bitterly walked out of the school. He got into his Ferrari and drove to the nearby parking lot.    


He wanted to vent his emotions on the racetrack. Otherwise, it would be too depressing.    


Lee Xin and Wan Qian sat on the helicopter. In the middle is a bulletproof opaque partition that perfectly separates the rear passenger from the front cockpit.    


Last time, Wan Qian and Snowy managed to complete the aircraft shaking in this environment.    


Now he was locked up with Lee Xin …    


"Cough …" "Oh wow, it's so hot here."    


Lee Xin said as she fanned the wind with her hands.    


Actually, the temperature inside the cabin was very cool, but since they were too close together, the heat from Wan Qian's body made her feel hot.    


After all, he had never worn such sexy clothes in his entire life and had always been alone in the room with a man.    


"Yes, I'm fine."    


Wan Qian also said with a hint of uneasiness.    


Looking at Lee Xin's long and slender legs, her tight waist, and her chest moving up and down with her breathing, it made one's imagination run wild.    


"Look!" Low Cloud Clan! "    


At this moment, Lee Xin shouted out.    


When he was in the abandoned capital, he had learned a lot about clouds and the sky from his father's private jet.    


Clouds like this, which are two thousand five hundred meters above the ground, are called low-lying clouds. There were also a dozen different types of clouds, such as cumulus clouds, stratified clouds, rain clouds, cumulus clouds and so on.    


What Lee Xin had seen so far was cumulonimbus clouds.    


"Is this a rain cloud?"    


"Rain clouds? "What do you mean?"    


Wan Qian asked curiously after hearing what Lee Xin said.    


"In other words, the clouds in this area are formed from water droplets and are currently raining."    


Lee Xin was lost in thought as she watched the changes to the clouds in the sky. He wanted to be like these clouds, floating everywhere and unfettered.    


Soon, the helicopter stopped on the open space outside of Wenchang Stadium.    


As there were many people who took advantage of this situation to come here, there was an airport built outside the stadium for the rich people to use.    


Ordinary people, riding a tram, only took up a parking lot.    


Tonight's charity gala was organized by the Qiantong Group Ministry of Public Service, Liu Sisi, and the popular celebrity, Little Sheep. They were even using Mo Capital's Richest Man's name to recruit participants, causing many billionaires above the Mo Capital rank to participate.    


Especially the last exhibition hall didn't have any successful contacts with Wan Qian, the rich guy intended to leave a deep impression on Wan Qian through fund-raising.    


Wan Qian got off the plane and caught Lee Xin with his hand. When he got off the plane, Lee Xin quickly took his hand away. I'm still not used to being held by boys like this.    


Wan Qian smiled without a word and brought Lee Xin to the ticket office.    


Lee Xin turned her head and looked around. She didn't expect to see all kinds of helicopters. Some of them were even small passengers.    


What kind of party was this? So many wealthy people from Mo Capital were participating. Why did Wan Qian get invited to such a party?    


Lee Xin could not answer these questions. Thus, he followed Wan Qian's footsteps to see what exactly this place was for.    


"You still want to slap your face?"    


Lee Xin was waiting in line with Wan Qian. When she saw the people in front of her, she would brush her face and let them in.    


"What, you're so beautiful, aren't you willing to be brushed?"    


Wan Qian joked.    


"Tsk." I'm afraid I won't be able to get it by then. After all, I haven't received any notice. "    


Lee Xin said in embarrassment. As the daughter of a trashy billionaire, she had naturally participated in such high-end parties before. He knew how tight the security inside was. It seemed to be relaxed management, but in reality, there were probes and detectors everywhere. The moment someone brought in a dangerous object, they would immediately be taken down.    


"Don't worry, I'm here."    


Wan Qian winked at him and said.    


"Sir, please blink."    


The security guard at the door stepped forward and said to Wan Qian. Please blink, ma'am. "    


"Beep! Beep! Beep!" The face was not recognized. "    


Lee Xin did not pass. Beep! Beep! Beep! The face was not recognized! "    


"Madam, please go back. Next! "    


The security guard said expressionlessly. The security guard frowned slightly and said, "Madam, please confirm again with a wink." Following the instructions on the screen, he passed through the security check in the blink of an eye and entered inside.    


There was always someone at the party who wanted to sneak in. Especially at tonight's high-end party, there were a lot of people who wanted to get in and make friends with him.    


However, it was the duty of the security guards not to let any fish out of the net.    


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