Be A Millionaire Overnight

C560 You Are Sure That You Are a Bank

C560 You Are Sure That You Are a Bank

The next morning at seven o'clock, Chu Hai did not fail his mission as he piloted the cargo ship to the port with the largest America — — Ootranus.    




The whistle of a dry cruiser sounded.    


The people of America Port were awakened.    


These people had been waiting at the port since early morning, waiting for the arrival of the cargo ship.    


Because only if the freighter was close to the port would they have a chance to do business.    


However, today's cargo ship was different from before.    


When Qiantong Group's freighter approached the port, it would quickly open a soft ladder and allow the port's workers to disembark and unload their cargo. This time, however, it was just a flute, doing nothing.    


"Eh? What's the matter with the currency wheel? Why don't you put down the ladder? "    


"Haven't you heard? They were attacked by pirates last night! "    


"Ah!?" Are you for real? Who told you this!? How come I didn't know!? "    


"Who else needs to say it! Go to the Qiantong Live Platform and watch the playback yourself! "    


… ….    


The people on the port began to discuss.    


At this moment, Chu Hai, the first mate, the second mate, and the observers were all standing at Wan Qian's door, waiting for him to wake up and announce the unloading of the ship.    


This was something that only the most respected of people on the ship could do.    


Furthermore, Wan Qian had saved the lives of everyone on the boat last night.    


Therefore, they decided that if Wan Qian didn't get up today, they would guard here and not ship the goods.    


"Creak …"    


Wan Qian opened his cabin door, rubbed the back of his head and looked at the few people at the door. All of them stood by the side, some did not know what was going on and thought that it was a bodyguard that he had hired.    


"Don't you all need to work here?"    


Wan Qian asked.    


"Director Wan, please shout!"    


A few people answered in unison.    


At the end of the corridor, the sailors were all dressed in white uniforms and lined up on both sides of the corridor all the way to the deck.    


The people at the port noticed this detail. Such a ranking had never appeared before.    


Something big must have happened to the cash tanker.    


"What are you shouting for?" Go to the Enforcement Bureau and arrest the pirate leader. Tell the workers to unload the goods as soon as possible. As for the rest of the matters, you guys are familiar with them. I'm going to stay here for a while. "    


This time, Wan Qian was wearing a new set of casual clothes. I don't want to look like I was last night in my pajamas.    


The few of them still looked at Wan Qian, indicating for him to leave first before the rest of them followed him out.    


As Wan Qian walked on the red carpet, the sailors on both sides took off their hats and saluted him.    


Arriving at the deck, ten rows and eight rows of sailors shouted in unison, "Hello, Director Wan!"    


All the fish in the surrounding sea jumped up.    


"Director Wan? Could it be the owner of the Qiantong Group? "    


"It's possible. Looking at the news, and seeing that the executives of Qiantong Group were also on board the ship after the commuter wheel was attacked last night, it can't be that he's the one that's being mentioned, right? "    


"What is he doing here? I heard that he's Mo Capital's Richest Man! "    


"That's right, why did Mo Capital's Richest Man come to our country when he shouldn't? He's not welcome here. "Don't think you can do whatever you want with just a few stinking coins."    


… ….    


Some of the park visitors outside the port area began to comment.    


However, before long, Wan Qian would let them know that he was rich and could really do whatever he wanted.    


Wan Qian waved his hand and shouted, "Ladder! "Carry the goods!"    


As his voice came down, the sailors began to repeat his words.    




"Carry the goods!"    


One step at a time, the ladders of the freighter were placed on the shore, and the men on the shore began to pick up a few scraps of cargo.    


The real bulk of the goods had long since been transported out of the underground cargo warehouse via the rail line. Five kilometers away, America's warehouse was the one used to transport goods.    


Wan Qian also followed the workers off the boat and took a deep breath of fresh air. he was prepared to begin his journey in America.    


In the distant Suen Quan's building in Mo Capital, newspaper after newspaper was placed in front of him.    


The subordinate reported: "According to reliable information, Qiantong Group Owner Wan Qian rode a ship last night to destroy the pirates. At this time, he is in the America Continent. "The exact reason for this trip is unknown and is still under investigation."    


Suen Quan sat on the boss's chair in a daze. Behind him, two hairdressers were helping him prepare his hair for the day.    


"Heh …" Learn from my Suun Family and walk the international trade, right? What wishful thinking. In this way, there was no need to worry about him. Go instruct the enterprises below Mo Capital to speed up the occupation of the market. We have to take advantage of Wan Qian's absence and take down the Mo Capital Arena as much as possible! Let him come back with nothing! "    


Suen Quan's neck did not move as he stared straight at Wan Qian's portrait in front of him and said.    


"Yes!" I will instruct them right away! "    


Very quickly, some of the more sensitive people in the Mo Capital heard the news, that Suen Quan was going to take over the entire Mo Capital arena. Taking over the business of Qiantong Group.    


With only one insurance policy, he refunded a hundred columns, reducing the insurance payout to one hundred dollars.    


Wan Qian wanted to monopolize the market, so he wouldn't let him monopolize it.    


This way, the Mo Capital suddenly increased by hundreds of Insurance Company.    


Due to the low payout rates, coupled with the competition between Qiantong Group and the Suun's Group, some of the people below had enjoyed the benefits and had become hundreds of billions, or even billions of rich people.    


Thus, they used so much money to raise their Insurance Company.    


Adding up the investment fees from the other companies, Suen Quan spent 8000 Jin in one morning.    


It was definitely an excitement to the Mo Capital arena.    


Many people started purchasing shares in Suun Family, causing the market price of Suun Family to rise sharply. Only Suen Quan's stock rose to 1000 gold coins. The shares of Suun Family as a whole had risen to ten years, which gave them a chance to surpass the status of the richest man in the country.    


All of this was because of the competition between Suen Quan and the Qiantong Group.    


For all these years, Suun Family had always been very low profile. This was because there was no power that could force him to step forward.    


The majority of companies that control the country behind the scenes have multiple investments and direct involvement in projects abroad.    


Was it bad to be secretly rich?    


But a Qiantong Group had come out of nowhere to mess things up. and say something about building a billionaire plan for billions of people.    


Wasn't he trying to drive himself down from his lofty position as a god?    


This was something that was not allowed by the Suun Family.    


Therefore, Suun Family tacitly approved of Suen Quan's way of handling things. to go all out against the Qiantong Group. Destroy and destroy the prestige of this small group.    


But the battle had lasted until today, when the upper echelons of the Suun Family slowly realized. Qiantong Group was a hard bone.    


His business thinking and financial resources are unusually mature.    


He needed to be careful when facing such an opponent.    


But the one who was in charge of this colossal thing called Qiantong Group was a child who had just graduated.    


This puzzled them. He wondered what secrets this young man had.    


But no matter what, they wouldn't let Wan Qian expand.    


Wan Qian stopped a car, and said in his fluent America: "Bank, thank you."    


That person saw that Wan Qian didn't look like a local, but seeing that he got off the train, he must be a businessman.    


So I'm not worried that he won't be able to afford it.    


After pulling Wan Qian to the nearest bank, the driver stopped the car, turned around and said, "Sir, the bank has arrived. It's 300 yuan in total."    


As he spoke, he pointed to the meter and said.    


It was obvious that the meter had been tampered with. It should be a deceit of foreign tourists.    


From the time he got on the car to the entrance of the bank, in less than five minutes, he had dared to ask for three hundred yuan, and it was even America Coins. Isn't that too dark?    


"Alipay open."    


Wan Qian took out his phone and scanned it.    




The America driver looked at Wan Qian in shock. He didn't know what a payment treasure was, and why Wan Qian was holding his phone.    


"I said, open the Alipay and I'll transfer the money to you."    


"Sir, what is Alipay?"    




This time, it was Wan Qian who was stunned. America, which was famous for its advanced technology, couldn't possibly not even have such a simple payment tool, right?    


Wan Qian looked at the driver as if he was looking at a person from the Stone Age. But I don't have any money on me. "    


"Isn't that a bank? You go get the money and I'll wait for you at the door. "Don't worry, you won't be able to run." The driver instead comforted Wan Qian.    


"Okay, thanks!"    


Wan Qian got off the car and walked into the bank. He saw a girl in a large uniform coming to greet him and ask him what he wanted to do.    


Coming to a foreign country, the first thing he did was to exchange for coins.    


Otherwise, if the coins didn't work, it would be quite troublesome to use them.    


"I'll change it."    


"Yes sir, how much do you want for it?"    


"Let's exchange for 800,000bn."    


Wan Qian said casually.    


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