Be A Millionaire Overnight

C561 Bail

C561 Bail

One had to know that the ratio of rice coins to the exchange rate in the country was one to ten.    


In other words, a dollar of rice was equivalent to ten dollars in the country.    


8 trillion meters, that was 8 trillion.    


Even a bank would not be able to afford such a large sum of money.    


This time, the staff were at a loss for words.    


"Sir, sir? Did you drink in the morning? Would you like a cup of yogurt to dissolve the wine? "    


The big-chested staff said very politely. He thought Wan Qian was joking.    


"Can you do it? Can you exchange for eight trillion meters? Don't tell me that you guys of the America Bank don't even have this little bit of money? I'm so disappointed. "    


Wan Qian said as he shook his head. His expression showed that he deeply despised banks.    


You don't even have the guts to open a bank with this little money? He might as well let her open it for him.    


"Hey kid!" What are you talking about! How dare you insult our America! Where did you come from? "    


A fat guy wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt stood up and shouted.    


"What the hell do I care? Sit down and don't wander around in front of me, you're as fat as a pig! "    


Wan Qian hated fatties the most. This was because Fatty had found him the most trouble along the way. So he didn't like it when he saw it.    


"Damn it!" Say that again! "    


Fatty moved his fat body to Wan Qian's side, looking like he was about to attack.    


"Security!" "Security!"    


The big-breasted staff quickly shouted.    


Two security guards holding short sticks separated Wan Qian and Fatty, preventing them from having any conflicts.    


"Give me a try if you dare. Do you believe that laozi will kill you? "    


Wan Qian had tolerated this fatty for a long time, so he pointed at the fatty's nose and said.    


In the country, they were all on the same side, so it didn't seem like he was angry with them.    


Now that he was in America, he would naturally beat up anyone he found displeasing to the eye. There was no need to be courteous at all.    


When Fatty heard that Wan Qian dared to threaten him,    


Ye Zichen scratched his head in anger. When he saw a trash can, he directly picked it up and threw it at Wan Qian.    


Wan Qian didn't think that Ye Zichen would actually dare to attack him. He dodged to the side, pulled up the metal chair and threw it at Ye Zichen.    


"I'll f * * king beat you to death!"    


Wan Qian shouted.    




The big-chested staff member put his hands in his hair and cried out. He did not expect the situation to be like this.    


After a while, two law enforcement vehicles arrived at the entrance to exercise control over the people inside. He asked about what had happened to the big-breasted staff member and called for the surveillance cameras. He realized that it was the fatty who made the first move.    


Therefore, he locked the two of them up and brought them back to the Enforcement Bureau for further investigation.    


The two of them almost started fighting in the law enforcement vehicle.    


At the law enforcement office, the two were separated.    


The fatty pointed his middle finger at Wan Qian continuously, provoking him. What kind of attitude could you possibly have toward me?    


Wan Qian snorted coldly, disdaining to look at him.    


"You, what's your name?"    


An enforcer came in front of Wan Qian and asked.    


"Wan Qian."    


"Where did you come from?"    


"Mo Capital."    


"Mo Capital? "Then you must be very rich."    


The enforcer moved closer to Wan Qian.    


This was because Mo Capital's golden academy was simply too famous internationally. and it was at the Mo Capital.    


So right now, everyone internationally thought that Mo Capital was a very rich city.    


Otherwise, why would there be a tycoon of this level?    


"Enough, what you have done is not a big deal. Just a deposit and you can go. "    


"How much is it?"    


Wan Qian's eyes lit up when he heard he was going to pay.    


As long as he could solve the problem with money, it wouldn't be a problem. Once he reached the America, it would be the same as well.    


"One hundred thousand." The police officer glanced at Wan Qian and added, "It's rice coins!"    


"No problem, I'll give it to you now. "It's a pity you can't use your Alipay."    


Just when the enforcer turned around to leave, Wan Qian quickly said.    


I didn't expect this guy to be so rich! Even a hundred thousand dollars could be spent on it.    


Usually this situation is to call someone to pay for their own ransom.    


"We have a POS machine."    


The enforcer said as he turned around and handed a POS machine to Wan Qian.    


"Payment successful: one million yuan."    


Wan Qian's bank card actually deducted one million yuan. But on the POS machine it was only a hundred thousand dollars.    


"He really is a rich man." "Come out."    


The enforcer opened the door and let Wan Qian out.    


Wan Qian came to the place where the fatty was being held and said provocatively: "How is it, is it comfortable to sit on a bench?"    


Fatty looked at Wan Qian with his eyes wide open. He didn't know why Wan Qian was able to come out while he was still in charge.    


"You! "Bastard!"    


Suddenly, Fatty rushed to the iron gate and fished his way out. He wanted to grab Wan Qian and give him a good beating.    


"You should be glad. If it were outside, I would have beaten you to death long ago. "Hrmph."    


After Wan Qian finished his sentence, he turned around and walked out of the law enforcement office with an invincible figure.    


He really had no choice. He wanted to change the money and leave, but he had to pay the fare. As a result, he was taken directly to the law enforcement office.    


He made it so that he did not exchange the money for himself and did not pay for the car.    


"Hey!" Where are you running to! You haven't paid yet! "    


A familiar voice came over. It was the taxi driver who had pulled him out.    


F * ck! She actually followed him to the law enforcement office. She was really persistent.    


"Big brother, I really didn't bring any money. How about you send me to the bank just now?" I'll give it to you after I get the money. "    


"Get in!"    


The taxi driver shouted helplessly.    


Wan Qian got on the car leisurely. He could go anywhere he wanted, and he didn't need the money.    


"If I can't get anything to sell …"    


"Hey, Sabei, what happened?"    


"Oh no, Director Wan!" Suen Quan, he's gone crazy!? "    


"Has he gone mad? "Good news."    


"Aiya! Not this crazy! He took out a hundred pounds to reduce the insurance standard to one hundred dollars. This caused many small Insurance Company s to rise! Also, his Qiantong Traffic had hit only ten percent of the market! "And for take-out …"    


Sabei reported the names of all the businesses that had suffered losses in the morning, which affected almost all of Mo Capital's businesses.    


Some of the more sensitive merchants already felt that his Qiantong Group was weak, and felt that he would definitely not be able to withstand this attack.    


So they all turned against Suen Quan, no longer joining the Mo Capital listed company's club, and instead joined Suun Family's protection.    


Suen Quan was quite generous to the companies that came to join them, giving them ten billion yuan each. He had spent a total of two hundred thousand gold. It could be said that he was very generous.    


Hearing Sabei's report, Wan Qian was extremely excited. He did not expect that his gains from this trip would allow Suen Quan to spend so much money to fight against Qiantong Group.    


For Wan Qian, the more money he spent, the faster it would close down.    


As for himself, of course he should finish the money as soon as possible!    


Thus, he happily transferred to Sabei for eight thousand Jin.    


This was the most money he could take out at the moment.    


As for how he would allocate the money and how he would spend it, that was up to him.    


Sabei was stunned for a long time when he saw Wan Qian transfer to the 8000 Jin city.    


He never thought that Qiantong Group would only be able to provide him with so much money. This was far from Suen Quan's three hundred center point.    


Forget about saving the market, after using this money to fill the financial deficit in Qiantong Group, as well as subsidizing the various businesses in the entire country, he estimated that there would only be a few dozen capitals remaining.    


With just a few dozen cities, how could they snatch a market as large as the country?    


Sabei, who was sitting in his office, also got worried. The only good thing about it was that the employees weren't worried about the amount of money that the Qiantong Group didn't provide.    


So, he still followed Qiantong Group steadily, and advanced forward.    


"Yan Chun!" Increase the recruitment power of your Qiantong Group! "    


"All right, Director Satan."    


The first thing Sabei did was send a message to Yan Chun.    


At the very least, they had to give the staff confidence to know that the Qiantong Group was continuously expanding and developing.    


As long as there were people who worked for Qiantong Group, then Qiantong Group was not an option.    


At this time, he could only place his hopes on Wan Qian.    


Wan Qian, who was far away from America, was brought around by the taxi driver. It seemed that the driver wanted to earn all the money that he lost.    


Finally, he stopped at the entrance of the bank that he had visited in the morning.    


"The total fee this time is ten thousand meters! Adding up the losses from this morning, there was a total of fifteen thousand! Get the money! I'll wait for you here! "    


The driver opened the back door and welcomed Wan Qian.    


"Don't worry, I won't forget you."    


As Wan Qian said that, he wobbled his way to the bank's lobby.    


"Why is it you again!?"    


The big-chested employee in the bank's lobby was surprised to see Wan Qian walk in.    


Wasn't this person sent to the Law Enforcement Bureau? Why did he come out so quickly? Did he have cash on him? Otherwise, they wouldn't have been released so quickly.    


And that's a good price.    


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