An Ultimate Martial Art



Three days later, Su Ye finished his cultivation.    


He had already successfully advanced to the eighth rank Demon General. Not only that, he had also settled down a bit to further understand and consolidate the dao of divine abilities.    


Even though he had only fought with the Hierarch Blacknether for a short period of time and did not have much to show for it, the reason behind that intense clash was actually the collision between their heads. Under the stimulation of life and death, it also allowed Su Ye to gain some awareness of the divine abilities he had cultivated, and even the entire system of his life.    


Now that his cultivation had reached the eighth level of the Demon General Realm, the power of the Divine Light of the fourth level of the Divine Origin Realm was even more formidable. However, the time to activate the fifth level of the Divine Returning Light was still far away.    


Su Ye had a premonition that if he wanted to use the Primordial Divine Light on the fifth floor, he would need to wait for his cultivation to truly reach the realm of the Demon Lord.    


Su Ye was not in a hurry to do this.    


What was worth celebrating was that after consuming another thirty-two thousand drops of Water of Chaos with a light purple halo, his body's evolution had clearly deepened by another level, from his skin, flesh, bones, internal organs, and even his blood had all increased.    


Su Ye had no doubt that if this process continued, his body would undergo an even stronger transformation.    


His strength could be considered to have increased by another level. It was just like Su Ye had predicted, reaching the eighth stage Demon General Realm, his strength was indeed not comparable to a middle fourth stage Demon Elder, at most it could be considered to be at the peak of the third stage Demon Elder. In other words, he was not much different from the Profound Nether Sword Elder before he had lost a tenth of his life's essence.    


If he really wanted to compete with a mid-grade fourth-grade Demon Lord, his cultivation would have to reach the peak eighth-grade Demon General, or even an early ninth-grade Demon General.    


Even so, Su Ye was not disappointed. At his current level of strength, he would no longer have any fear of encountering the Dark Nether Sword Saint again. He would be able to face the Dark Nether Sword Saint head on, and even defeat him wouldn't be a problem.    


In other words, as long as he wasn't surrounded, he would be able to deal with the current situation with his current strength.    


However, Su Ye did not plan to leave this place immediately. It was a small matter to deal with the people from the Mystic Moon Sect, but rather, he was concerned with the deep ravine represented by the tower shaped mark. He summoned the Floating Flower Demon Lord back and the two of them jumped down.    


The two of them plummeted like meteors as strong gales blew towards them like swords and sabers. What surprised the two was that this abyss was too deep. They had to fall a full three thousand miles from this cliff before they could faintly see a glimmer of light.    


After falling down 5000 miles, he could finally see the bright outline of a huge ravine. It was the appearance of a huge pagoda.    


After falling down 9000 miles, the two of them finally completely landed on the ground. It was fortunate that both of them were Demon Lord level existences, so they could use their great divine abilities to cancel the impact. If it were any other Demon General that came, they would have broken their bones even if they didn't die at such a high distance.    


When they reached the bottom of the deep ravine, the two of them were able to see everything clearly.    


In the silence, an ancient stone tower was erected somewhere in the Wasteland. It was tens of thousands of meters high, covering an area of 100,000 mu, and the aura was desolate and ancient. Time had long since left indelible marks on the surface of the stone tower.    


The stone tower had nine floors.    


Only the first stone door on the ground floor was closed.    


There was a stone tablet standing by the door, and two lines of words were written in ancient characters.    


"The Nine Level Pagoda of Life and Death exists in the ancient times, so I don't ask about the Mortal Realm of Life and Death!"    


If it was anyone else, they would definitely not be able to understand these two lines of words. For example, Demon Elder Piao Hua, although he had seen the two lines of words on the monument, he could not understand these two lines of words at all. Because these two lines of characters were not the words of the present Eternal Heaven and Earth at all, but from the ancient era.    


"Don't ask about life and death ?" What big words. It seems like it's not easy to enter this tower! " After hearing the meaning of the words from Su Ye, Floating Flower Demon Elder was already horrified.    


To be able to use the words of the pre-ancient era to write a stone tablet meant that this stone tower was most likely a structure that had existed since the pre-ancient era. How could it be simple when it came to items from that magnificent era? Furthermore, the word 'life' was the first word that came out of his mouth. If one were to enter this place, it was very likely that one would only have a slim chance of surviving.    


Su Ye didn't say a word, and silently flipped through the Three Light Demon God Inheritance. Since this stone tower could be an ancient building, flipping through the Three-Light Demon God's inheritance, he might be able to find out what kind of existence it actually was.    


The content of the Tri-Light Demon God's inheritance was simply too vast. Even if it was already in Su Ye's bloodline memory, he had to put in a lot of effort to find some relevant information. After carefully studying all the information, Su Ye was pleasantly surprised.    


"This is a Tower of Life and Death Trial!"    


"It should be the work of a supreme Daolord!"    


Su Ye said with a certain tone, his gaze sweeping across the stone tower, and the more he looked, the brighter his eyes shone. Even in the pre-Primordial Era, this kind of thing was rare, not to mention in this era where Supreme Monarchs were rarely seen, in this era, it was definitely a peerless treasure that was worth hundreds of millions in gold.    


"What is the Life and Death Trials Tower?"    


Demon Marshall Fluttering Flower was even more shocked. This stone tower was actually the work of a legendary supreme Daolord. This was simply inconceivable. In today's ancient times, a supreme Daolord was a legend. Many people didn't believe in the existence of a supreme Daolord, and those who did wouldn't be able to find evidence that a supreme Daolord had ever existed.    


If this stone tower was the work of a supreme Daolord, then it was undoubtedly an ironclad proof that a supreme Daolord had existed before. Regardless of the specific function of this stone tower, once word of this got out, most likely the Demon Gods of Eternal Heaven and Earth who had already hidden themselves would come out to fight for it.    


"Before the ancient era, the Eternal Heaven and Earth was actually filled with sects, and all sorts of powers were present in every corner of the Eternal Heaven and Earth. In order to train their disciples, the various powers and sects all have their own trial grounds for their disciples to test themselves in. The trial tower is one of the trial grounds. "    


"However, not every trial tower can be called the Life and Death Trial Pagoda. Only a supreme Daolord would be able to create a training tower with the words' Life and Death 'in it. This is because the 'Life and Death' training tower has a function that no smelting trial ground can have, and that is to reverse time, to go back in time! "    


"What?" Reversing the flow of time, retrograde the flow of time? This ? How is that possible? "    


As the Demon Elder, he was very clear that the passing of time was an iron law. All living things in the world, all living things, they would all be covered by the flow of time.    


If time could be reversed, then there would be many experts in this world who would want to reverse the flow of time and allow themselves to return to the past. No matter how wise and powerful one's luck was, if one looked back, there would definitely be many unfortunate things happening. If they could reverse the passage of time, who would not want to go back and make some changes to their past so that they would not have regrets left behind?    


Unfortunately, he couldn't.    


Time is irreversible. Even Fiendgod Primordial Chaos can't do anything about this iron law.    


But Su Ye said that the Life and Death Trials Tower was able to reverse the flow of time, this was simply unbelievable. Could it be that the supreme Daolord had already reached such a level of power?    


"Unbelievable! However, this was the truth. A supreme Daolord was capable of reversing the flow of time. That sort of power had reached an unfathomable level of power. But of course, even supreme Daolords would not be able to easily reverse the flow of time. Otherwise, how could the calamity that threatened to destroy the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth during the Primordial Era continue on? If the technique is used to reverse the flow of time, the Eternal Heaven and Earth would be able to return to before the calamity befell them, so how would it be possible for it to not be destroyed? "    


"As far as I know, a supreme Daolord can indeed reverse the flow of time, but there are many limitations to it. At least, the time that reversed the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth did not exist. Even supreme Daolords wouldn't be able to force themselves to go back in time. "    


"A supreme Daolord can only accomplish this within a certain range and without affecting the cause and effect of life and death in this world."    


Su Ye explained indifferently. Only then did the Floating Flower Demon Elder understand, which made sense. Reversing the flow of time was not as simple as reversing the flow of time in a creature's body and making it return to the past. Whether it was in the Eternal Heaven and Earth or in the myriad of universes beyond the primal chaos, it was the same. The reversal of time, even if it was just a single day, could cause the entire world's limitless chain of cause and effect to change.    


With such a great change, how could a mere divine ability be enough to deal with it?    


"Are you saying that you can reverse the flow of time in this Life and Death Trials Tower?" Demon Marshall Piao Hua was extremely curious.    


"Right, you are looking at the Life and Death Trials Pagoda. It has a total of nine floors." In fact, every level corresponded to a certain realm of trial and error, which corresponded precisely to a first to ninth grade Demon Lord. "Here, I have to tell you this: in the ancient era, the realm of the Demon Lord did not surpass the level of the Ninth grade Demon Lord. In the ancient era, the Ninth grade Demon Lord was the level of the Ninth grade Demon Lord, surpassing the ninth rank Demon Lord would already be considered a Fiendgod Primordial Chaos."    


"Thus, the Demon Lord was able to choose his own level and enter the Life and Death Trials Tower to practice. Every level has a ogre puppet within it, and this ogre puppet comes from a Supreme Dao Lord. It is incomparably powerful."    


"The trial-takers will strengthen themselves by challenging the ogre puppets. Normally speaking, only 100 breaths of time were left. In this 100 breaths of time, one would either be able to defeat the Giant Demon puppet or be killed by it. After death, the Life and Death Trials Tower will naturally initiate the reversal of time, sending those who died in the tower back before the 100 breaths of time! "    


"In other words, the Life and Death Trials tower can reverse the flow of time by a hundred breaths. As long as the trial-takers controlled the time well, they would not die, and they could start all over again. However, hehe, even if I don't die and die again and again, after experiencing true death time and time again, no matter how strong my will is, I am afraid I will turn into a coward ? "    


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