An Ultimate Martial Art

C1050 Huangfu Qingming's plan!

C1050 Huangfu Qingming's plan!

Huangfu Haotian.    


The ground was vast, the mountain ranges were endless. Ancient cities covered the ground, and pedestrians were flowing in and out like a tide. This meant that this was not only a world within a heavenly passage, it was also an independent kingdom, a kingdom that belonged solely to the Huangfu Family.    


Ancient City of Crimson Nimbus.    


In Huangfu Clan's land, those not of the Huangfu Clan could not enter, and those who violated this rule would be killed without mercy. The Holy City, which had always been the most bustling, most dazzling, and most imposing of all the s and inner sect s in the last hundred thousand years, was also the holy city that no one dared to blaspheme while observing from a distance.    


At this moment, in a great hall in the Crimson Sky City.    


More than twenty people who wore embroidered clothes of various colors and had powerful auras gathered together. Huangfu Yue City, which was scared off by Feng Xiu's gaze, was among them.    


This group of people were the big shots of the Huangfu Family.    


Before the era of Heaven's Mandate arrived, they were already supreme experts at the level of Heaven Immortals. After the era of Heaven's Mandate descended, without exception, they obtained at least the title of king.    


The man who wore a golden crown on his head and had a surging aura that was like the roar of monstrous waves roaring inside his body was the current Patriarch of the Huangfu Family, Huangfu Haoyuan. He also possessed a upper rank royal title, and the mysterious might bestowed by the heavens could be said to be the strongest person in the history who had guarded over the Immortal Cultivation World.    


"This is how it is. Everyone, let's talk about it and share your opinions." Huangfu Haoxian sat upright like a mountain, his majesty piercing through the canopy. His eyes swept across the place where the Six Paths of the World was flourishing, the dome of the palace shook, and his voice resounded in everyone's ears, resounding and deafening.    


"Patriarch, it's very clear that this Su Ye must have obtained some sort of great benefit from the Mystery Clearing Realm. Since the Mystery Clearing Realm was no longer activated, it was most likely related to this person. Mystery Clearing Realm have belonged to our Huangfu Family since the ancient times, so we cannot allow even a blade of grass or tree to fall into the hands of an outsider. We must capture Su Ye and order him to reveal all his secrets.    


"Capturing Su Ye is a must, but Su Ye's men are not to be trifled with, they seem to be very strong. Seeing a single spot and seeing all of them together, Su Ye being able to command and control that kind of subordinate, must definitely not be something simple. "Before I get to the bottom of this, I don't recommend trying to force it."    


"Hmph, watch as Su Ye returns. He will only be a subordinate eagle. There are countless Heaven's Mandate people in my Huangfu Family. Gathering the Heaven's Mandate power and taking care of them is as easy as flipping my hand. He can't turn the sky upside down. "    


"Su Ye is indeed nothing, but don't forget that the The First Dynasty is eyeing our Huangfu Family covetously. The Eastern Mountain King, Gu Changqing, leads the forces of the three prefectures and oversees the Eastern Flower Mountain. He is responsible for monitoring our Huangfu Family, which is a clear proof of that. This is not the time for our Huangfu Family to display our true strength. "    


"What do you mean? Then, what you mean to say is that you want Su Ye to take all the secrets and benefits that belongs to our Huangfu Clan and run rampant before our eyes without caring about it? Can you guys swallow this down? "    


A ruckus quickly broke out in the hall.    


It was impossible to form a consensus at the moment.    


"Alright, it's just a discussion. There's no need to argue like this." Huangfu Wudi's face darkened, his aura overflowing the heavens as he crossed the border. The hall instantly regained its silence.    


"Patriarch, why don't you give the order? What do you think we should do?" A Huangfu giant seized the opportunity to flatter her.    


Huangfu Wudi looked slightly pleased, but he was inwardly furious.    


The arrival of Destiny's Age of Destiny seemed like a huge blow to the aristocratic clans, but in reality, it was not the case. The aristocratic families' roots were deep and their populations were flourishing. For a large clan to be able to live for so many years, their destiny must have been very long, and the number of Heaven's Mandate born must have far surpassed the imagination of the outsiders.    


Furthermore, the Huangfu family was also a large family in the Nine Heavens Immortal World. Before the descent of the Heaven's Mandate era, the strong warriors of the Huangfu family had already calculated some indications and had already made preparations, planning to do something big at a specified time.    


But now, looking at these clan giants, they were so noisy because they couldn't unite together. Once the time was right, it would be a joke to expect these people to achieve great things.    


Huangfu Wudi had already made up his mind to find an opportunity to teach these clansmen who seemed to follow his lead, but were secretly plotting against them.    


"The ancestors of the upper realms have already sent orders for us to prepare. When the time comes, we will have great things to do. Now was indeed not the time to reveal his strength. Thus, it was impossible to openly deal with Su Ye. But the secret behind the Mystery Clearing Realm is no small matter, so we must take it as well. Therefore, I have decided to first send someone to contact Su Ye and probe his background. It would naturally be good if I could let Su Ye obediently hand over the secrets of her Mystery Clearing Realm, but if that is not possible, then we can consider a strong suppression. "    


Huangfu Wudi simply decided on his own. The heavyweights below didn't think there was anything wrong with Huangfu Haotian's decision, so they naturally wouldn't refute it.    


However, at this time, a female giant raised a question, "Clan leader, and everyone, Su Ye suddenly appeared after a dozen years and forcefully established the Door of Immortality. It is indeed possible that he obtained an extremely great benefit from Mystery Clearing Realm. But have you thought that Su Qingwu has also disappeared? This is someone that even the ancestors of the upper realms could not predict at all. Su Ye and Su Qingwu were originally together, could Su Ye's appearance be Su Qingwu's doing? "    


Huangfu Wudi's expression changed. Before anyone could react, he said, "That's right. Elder Chen Xi asked this question. It's worth pondering over."    


Then, he looked at the Huangfu Great Leaders in the palace and continued, "Everyone, Su Qingwu has always been a focus of attention for the elders of the upper realms. According to the information disclosed by the ancestors of the upper realms, Su Qingwu had an enormous secret on him. The ancestors of the upper realms were determined to get their hands on this secret. It's just that Su Qingwu is too mysterious and his methods are endless, making him difficult to deal with. "    


"Moreover, she had mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The ancestor of the upper realm kept trying to deduce her whereabouts, but to no avail. "    


"Su Ye's appearance this time is indeed a clue. We should be able to find Su Qingwu along the vines and vines. "    


"So, let's just do it like this. Elder Chen Xi, since this matter was brought up by you, it is enough to prove that you are extremely meticulous. Why don't you just take responsibility for it?" You will be the one to come into contact with Su Ye and probe his background. "    


The female tycoon, Huangfu Chen Xi, revealed a smile and straightforwardly agreed to Huangfu Endless's order. She revealed a hint of a charmingly charming manner.    


In the eyes of the other giants, it was a bit displeasing. If such an important matter was left to Huangfu Chen Xi to handle, then it would be an enormous achievement for her if she really had any gains! In the worst-case scenario, the family might even bestow a large amount of merits, allowing Huangfu Chen Xi to raise the title of nobility in one fell swoop.    


However, since this matter was ordered by Huangfu Wudi in front of everyone, the many Huangfu Elites did not dare to reveal their displeasure, even if they were displeased. Don't be too complacent, Huangfu Chen Xi. That brat Su Ye is a fearless bandit, if you want to get secrets from that brat Su Ye, it won't be that easy.    


"Alright, let's adjourn the meeting then. We'll talk about this after Elder Chen Xi comes into contact with Su Ye." Huangfu Wudi stood up and waved his hand, preparing to end the discussion between the clan's heavyweights.    


At this moment, the voice of the guard sounded from outside the hall.    


"Reporting to the clan leader and the various elders, Eastern Mountain King Gu Zhangqing has come to visit."    


Hearing the guard's report, the faces of the Huangfu clansmen who were about to disperse all changed, and they stopped in their tracks as well.    


Clan leader, why is Eastern Mountain King Gu Zhangqing here? This guy probably didn't have any good intentions in coming to our Huangfu Clan, right? " A Huangfu giant turned and said.    


Huangfu Wudi also had an ugly expression on his face.    


The reason the The First Dynasty had Gu Changqing stand guard over the Eastern Flower Mountain and control the powers of the three prefectures was because of the Huangfu Clan. The Huangfu Clan knew this very well. Therefore, the Huangfu Family had never had any good impression of Gu Changqing, they only maintained their respect on the surface.    


Gu Changqing probably knew that the Huangfu Family did not like him. When he had just conferred the title of king, he had paid a visit to the Huangfu Wonderland. Both sides had chatted merrily, and after a banquet, they had dispersed.    


For the next three years, Gu Changqing did not visit the Huangfu Family again, but secretly, he intensified his infiltration of the space. He secretly sent people to come in contact with a lot of inner sect disciples, and even some depressed branch members of the Huangfu Family.    


This made the Huangfu Family have even less of a good impression of Gu Changqing.    


And now, Gu Changqing had come just like that, without any warning or warning.    


"Did Gu Changqing say why he came?" Huangfu Wudi asked the disciple that was guarding him.    


"No, but disciple saw Tang Hua. Gu Changqing brought Tang Hua along." The disciple guard said.    


"Tang Hua? "That stray dog."    


The expressions of all the Huangfu giants in the hall turned disdainful, and they all suddenly understood the purpose of Gu Changqing's visit. Obviously, Tang Hua had been scared away by Su Ye's subordinates, lost all face, and also lost face for the The First Dynasty. He did not dare ask for help from Palace Chief Dongling, and had instead gone to the Eastern Mountain King, Gu Changqing, for help.    


"Patriarch, they are definitely here because of Su Ye. But I feel that something is amiss. Since Tang Hua is asking Eastern Mountain King Gu Chang Qing for help, and if Gu Chang Qing wants to help Tang Hua, he should be looking for Su Ye.    


Huangfu Chen Xi had a woman's intuition and felt that Gu Zhangqing's purpose for coming was not that simple. "Chief, I suspect that this Gu Zhangqing is planning to do something like devouring the tigers and tigers to scheme against us. At the same time, he is also testing our strength."    


Huangfu Wudi smiled and said, "Enough, stop guessing randomly." After all, he's the Eastern Mountain King. Since he's already come to Huangfu Wonderland, it's not too good for us to hang him on the air. Whatever his intentions were, he would understand once he saw him. You can all leave, I'll go see him myself. "    


Huangfu Wudi left the great hall in big strides.    


Very quickly, they arrived at another magnificent hall in the Scarlet Firmament City. They saw Gu Changqing, who was seated on four level, as well as Tang Hua, who had a nervous expression.    


At the same time, Huangfu Chen Xi had already left for the Green Cloud Mountain Range from another direction.    


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