An Ultimate Martial Art

C360 Acting!

C360 Acting!

"Su Ye, as long as you promise not to take the immortal equipment away, I will promise to open my Mo Clan's treasury with the first name, and let you take away half of the resources."    


After fighting for a long time, Su Ye still did not let go, and could only use his trump card.    


Su Ye laughed when he heard it, "Mo Sanhuai, do you think I'm stupid? I don't need any immortal equipment, I want half of the resources in your A grade treasure vault, those are comparable to immortal equipment, if it was you, would you agree?"    


"I …" Mo Sanhuai's face turned completely red, he did not want the immortal equipment, but wanted some resources. Who would be able to throw a watermelon after picking the sesame seed?    


However, this was not a matter of whether or not he could agree to it, but rather, he had to convince Su Ye to agree, otherwise, if Su Ye really took away all 23 of the immortal equipment, he would be in deep trouble.    


Mo Sanhuai decided that he would still shamelessly discuss with Su Ye. No matter what, even if he was just trying to convince Su Ye to take away only one Immortal Equipment, but leave the other ones to the Mo Clan!    


However, at this moment, a sharp voice suddenly sounded out, "Hey, Mo brat, what are you arguing about over there? You can stop us from leaving with you, can you really treat us as the scrap metal of your Mo Clan?"    


When Mo Sanhuai heard this, he felt a cold air rushing to his head from the soles of his feet. Only then did he react, these were all 23 immortal equipment, they were just like 23 immortals. They did not belong to his Mo Clan, so how could he decide to keep them?    


"Senior, you misunderstand. Junior does not dare to have this kind of thought …"    


Mo Sanhuai immediately bent over and apologized. His heart was cold, he had truly lost all hope, how could he have forgotten this most important rule?    


The twenty-three Immortal artifacts were like the twenty-three immortals, whether or not they followed Su Ye to leave all depended on the will of these immortal artifacts. They were not things that the Mo Clan could leave behind just because they wanted to.    


Mo Sanhuai was thoroughly regretting his decision. If only he had not dug a hole for Su Ye to fall into, how could there be such a hopeless situation?    


Mo Sanhuai did not hold any hope of keeping the immortal equipment at the Mo Clan anymore.    


He, who was only concerned with regret, did not notice that Su Ye's face suddenly became stunned, and then he revealed an unexpected smile.    


"These immortal artifacts are really interesting. I was still pondering about how I could reject them without angering them, but I never thought that they would actually make such a decision. They destroyed their karma with me, and they cooperated with me to obtain some benefits so as to form a good relationship with me."    


The twenty-three mouth of the immortal equipment truly made people envious, but Su Ye was able to suppress the temptation rationally. With his current strength, he was unable to suppress the immortal equipment. No matter how nice the words were, how could he believe that they had truly submitted?    


It was hard to predict a person's heart, but it was equally hard to predict a celestial item's thoughts.    


Letting these immortal equipment follow beside him, if anything were to happen, he wouldn't be able to suppress them, and that would be the same as placing himself in a safe and uncontrollable environment. He would be on tenterhooks everyday, and Su Ye wouldn't be able to take it.    


Since both sides did not have much trust in each other, and the immortal equipment had offered to cooperate with him to obtain some benefits from the Mo Clan, breaking the karma and forming a good karma on top of that, was completely acceptable. Su Ye had no reason to reject.    


Su Ye laughed, "Fellow immortal equipment elders, Patriarch Mo does not have any disrespect for you, and it is even more impossible for him to treat you all as ordinary objects of the Mo Clan. I hope that you all do not misunderstand."    


He suddenly spoke out and helped Mo Sanhuai out. The immortal equipment consciously wanted to work together with Su Ye to act, so naturally Su Ye became a good person.    


Mo Sanhuai did not know the truth, but seeing that after Su Ye spoke, the pressure of the immortal equipment on his body retreated, he immediately felt grateful.    


Su Ye took the chance and brought Mo Sanhuai to the side, "Clan Head Mo, do you really wish for these immortal equipment to remain in the Mo Clan?"    


Mo Sanhuai did not know what Su Ye was planning, but he still nodded his head resolutely. Twenty-three Immortal artifacts … that was equivalent to twenty-three Immortals.    


Su Ye being able to wake them up meant that as long as they could stay in the Mo Clan, the Mo Clan would have the chance to wake them up. As long as they woke up, and remained in the Mo Clan, the Mo Clan would have a chance to truly communicate with them.    


Even if they couldn't submit these immortal equipment to the Mo Clan and acknowledged their disciples as their masters, the Mo Clan could still worship them as though they were immortals. In this way, the Mo Clan would have an additional 23 Immortals leading them, so why would they need to fear the tens of thousands of West Mountains?    


Therefore, twenty-three immortal equipment were of great importance to the Mo Clan. As long as there was a slight possibility for them to stay in the Mo Clan, Mo Sanhuai would be willing to pay any price.    


Su Ye chuckled: "But you saw it too, these seniors thought that I was destined to be with them and wanted to leave with me. It's hard to refuse such kindness, how can you say that I, a mere Transcending Mortality Stage cultivator, can refuse?"    


The corner of Mo Sanhuai's mouth twitched, he was no fool, he could immediately tell that Su Ye had suddenly changed his mind. Furthermore, there was a way to keep these immortal equipment in the Mo Clan. But if they really wanted Su Ye to do so, the Mo Clan would have to give them some benefits.    


"Damn this Su Ye, he's still so greedy!" Mo Sanhuai scolded Su Ye in his heart, but he was already so embarrassed that he died from failure to dig the first hole. This time, it was even more important to determine whether or not the 23 immortal equipment would be able to stay and help the Mo Clan, hence he did not dare to think about digging another pit.    


Mo Sanhuai immediately said: "Su Ye, you cannot put it like that, since the Immortal Artifact seniors think that you are fated, then you can put it into words. You can advise them to stay in my Mo Clan for the time being, and my Mo Clan will definitely take out all of our sincerity towards them, as long as you help me settle this, I will immediately open the A grade treasury, and let you take half of the resources away."    


With that, she stared at Su Ye nervously, afraid that he would not agree.    


Su Ye laughed, "Patriarch Mo, you are still treating me as a fool huh. You had already agreed to one of my conditions, which was why I came to this treasury to choose the treasures. According to our agreement, anything that I can take away from this treasury will all belong to me. Now that you asked me to give up half of the resources in a treasure vault that I don't even know if I have any treasures, how could it be that simple for me to do something for you? "    


"Su Ye, you!"    


Mo Sanhuai was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He wanted to say that Su Ye was forcing logic, he already belonged to the Mo Clan.    


But there was nothing he could do, the twenty-three immortal equipment were too important, furthermore, he had underestimated Su Ye, so he could guarantee that as long as Su Ye could take the immortal equipment away, it wouldn't be a problem. In theory, if Su Ye could bring the immortal equipment back, and the immortal equipment was willing to follow Su Ye, then the immortal equipment would all belong to Su Ye.    


"You, Su Ye, what exactly do you want to do?"    


Su Ye looked at Mo Sanhuai's red face and thought, it was about time. After all, they still had to work together in the future, and seeing Mo Yunxian's face, they would not be able to force Mo Sanhuai to go crazy.    


"I don't want to do anything about it either. I want all of the A number treasure trove that you mentioned." "I'll help you convince the immortal equipment to stay in the Mo Clan."    


"How can you take advantage of the situation!"    


Mo Sanhuai was enraged, although the first tier treasure vault was not the top tier treasury of the Mo family, the resources inside only occupied a tenth of the total resources of the Mo family. But 10% was a huge amount, it could at least sustain a sect with tens of thousands of disciples for ten years.    


If he had to take half of it to allow the disciples of the Mo Clan to live frugally for a period of time, and have them all taken away by Su Ye, how would he be able to explain this to the Mo Clan?    


Su Ye smiled lightly, and said with a tone that made it sound like he had nothing to discuss: "Patriarch Mo, this is my last bottom line. If you don't agree, then we'll split it, and what will happen? "    


Mo Sanhuai's eyes were completely red as he stared at Su Ye. "All of you are impossible.    


Su Ye laughed: "There's no need for discussion, what I want is everything."    


Mo Sanhuai immediately opened his mouth.    


Su Ye did not allow him to speak, and said: "You do not need to continue pretending. Even though I am not certain just how many resources there are in your Mo Clan, a mere A Rank treasury will definitely not affect the foundations of your Mo Clan. Other than that, do you really think that I can simply convince the immortal equipment to stay in the Mo Clan? "    


Mo Sanhuai calmed down and asked suspiciously, "What you mean is …"    


Su Ye laughed indifferently: "As you have seen just now, I used an ancient technique to wake up all of you seniors, I can convince all of you seniors to stay in the Mo Clan and pass this technique to all of you. Once the Mo Clan is in danger, you all can use this technique to wake up all of you seniors."    




Without waiting for Su Ye to finish speaking, Mo Sanhuai's breathing became rapid, and he said impatiently: "The A-rank treasury is yours, and there won't be any discount at all. As long as you keep your promise! "    


What a joke.    


Mo Sanhuai originally only wanted to keep the immortal equipment, he thought that as long as the immortal equipment stayed, the Mo Clan would have the chance to wake up the immortal equipment and communicate with it. But in the end, it all depended on luck. It was very likely that even though the immortal equipment was left behind, it would still be useless like before.    


But if Su Ye were to pass the secret technique of awakening immortal equipment to the Mo Clan, it would be different. A secret technique that could awaken twenty-three slumbering immortal artifacts and obtain the help of immortal artifacts at a critical moment like the Mo Clan did, it was definitely not worth the price of a treasure trove, nor could it be worth more than ten treasure troves.    


"Don't worry, my reputation is guaranteed. It's definitely not like people who talk in secret and say nice words while digging traps."    


Su Ye smiled and agreed, but purposely said a few words to hurt Mo Sanhuai, causing him to feel awkward. However, for the sake of the Mo Clan, this bit of awkwardness was nothing, he just ignored it.    


What happened next was simple.    


Su Ye and Mo Sanhuai's conversation, was never hidden from the immortal treasures, but seeing that Su Ye and his wife had reached an agreement, the immortal treasures that Su Ye and the others had gotten along well with started acting out the script they had secretly discussed with Su Ye beforehand.    


In front of Mo Sanhuai, Su Ye said that his cultivation was still low, and was temporarily unable to use any immortal equipment, so he needed to train for a while to persuade twenty-three immortal equipment to stay.    


Both sides talked happily, as if they were old friends. Not only did he promise to take care of the Mo Clan in the future, to help them at critical moments, he even repeatedly told Su Ye to visit them here.    


Mo Sanhuai was happy that he succeeded, causing the Mo family to suddenly have 23 immortal equipment, but they were worried that Su Ye and the immortal equipment was so close, if the Mo family had any conflicts with Su Ye, if Su Ye hooked his fingers, all the immortal equipment would disappear in the blink of an eye.    


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