An Ultimate Martial Art

C539 Ready! Begin!

C539 Ready! Begin!

Su Ye did not know that Huangfu Changtian had secretly given Zhou Yiqing all sorts of benefits, but seeing that Zhou Yiqing had suddenly changed his mind to agree to the life and death battle, he was slightly shocked, and even suspected that Zhou Yiqing had something up his sleeve, for him to agree to such unreasonable conditions, was truly intoxicating.    


However, Su Ye did not care what reason Zhou Yiqing changed his mind. It did not matter whether Zhou Yiqing challenged him or not, since he was not going to be the one to die.    


"Alright, since that's the case, you can swear the Heavenly Blood Oath first!"    


Su Ye stared at Zhou Yiqing seriously, as if he wanted to see if Zhou Yiqing had the guts to make a blood oath. He did not know that his expression caused Zhou Yiqing to misunderstand.    


Zhou Yiqing thought: "Strange, Su Ye is actually looking at me like that, he seems to be worried that I really make a blood oath on the heavens? It looks like this Su Ye is really extremely guilty, maybe after I made a blood oath to the heavens, he wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer and would start acting shamelessly on the spot!    


Thinking about this, Zhou Yiqing secretly sneered, and planned that if Su Ye acted shamelessly in the future, he would definitely humiliate him, and then force Su Ye to swear a blood oath to the heavens, and kill him through this challenge.    


"I, Zhou Yiqing, respectfully request the heavens to bear witness, and swear a blood oath, that I will challenge Su Ye to the Proclamation of Azure Sky to train. If I win, Su Ye will kneel in front of Wu Xuanfeng and kowtow and admit his mistake. If I fail, I will be killing myself. Life and death cannot be blamed on others. "    


Zhou Yiqing quickly made a blood oath to the heavens. Although he looked elated and somewhat contemptuous, but if one listened carefully, they would be able to hear the trembles in Zhou Yiqing's voice.    


Originally, swearing a blood oath to the heavens was not an easy matter, not to mention that it was a life and death gamble. The strangest thing was this life or death situation was one-sided. If Zhou Yiqing lost, he would die. If Su Ye lost, it would just be kowtowing to Wu Xuanfeng and admitting his wrongs. These two situations were simply not equal.    


Only after Zhou Yiqing had sworn his blood oath did he feel a little unreconciled. Even though he also felt that he would definitely win and that he wouldn't die, he still felt that it was him who had rested his head on his belt and kept feeling a little weak at the bottom of his heart. He even felt a little regretful.    


But it was too late now. As his voice fell, the sky began to rumble, and the heavenly dao began to have a reaction, a blood red light strangely appeared on Zhou Yiqing's body, and at that moment, Zhou Yiqing felt a very cold aura descend onto his body. He knew that the Heavenly Blood Vow was already in effect, and a cold voice seemed to remind him that he had to win, or else he would die!    


If he didn't win, he would die!    


Originally, when Zhou Yiqing heard this, he thought that it was no big deal if he swore the Heavenly Blood Oath. In any case, he was just putting on an act, the one who lost would definitely be Su Ye. If he let the Wu family members know that he was willing to take revenge for Wu Xuanfeng by blood oath and force Su Ye to accept the challenge, wouldn't the Wu family members be moved to tears?    


That way, not only would he be able to obtain a huge favor from the Wu Clan, he would also be able to obtain many substantial benefits.    


But now, he suddenly discovered that things were not as simple as he had imagined. After all, he had sworn a blood oath to the Heavenly Dao, and if he did not win, he would die.    


Furthermore, Zhou Yiqing would not be so naive to think that he would not kill himself just in case he failed. There was no way for him to go back on his words once he made a blood oath to the Heavenly Dao. Since ancient times, no one had been able to go back on his oath to the Heavenly Dao to be verified by the Heavenly Dao. At least Zhou Yiqing did not know how to go back on his words.    


When he thought about it, Zhou Yiqing felt even more nervous, and his emotions became more violent. He urged Su Ye: "Su Ye, you have watched too, I have already made a blood oath to the heavens, it's your turn!"    


With that, Zhou Yiqing stared at Su Ye with his death gaze. In his heart, he had a kind of indescribable hope, hoping that Su Ye would not make a blood oath and directly act shamelessly and not accept his challenge.    


Unfortunately, he was disappointed.    


Su Ye looked at Zhou Yiqing as if he was looking at a fool, and mocked, "Zhou Yiqing, I heard that you are the genius of the Zhou Family, one of the Six Major Clans of the Outer Sect. Honestly speaking, I really haven't seen where your genius went from you, you were drunk enough to challenge me, help Wu Xuanfeng vent his anger, and even vow such a harsh Heavenly Blood Oath on me. "    


Zhou Yiqing immediately turned angry from embarrassment. He had no choice but to say that Su Ye's mockery had directly pierced into his heart. Now that he had been provoked by the cold aura of the Heavenly Dao, he felt that it was extremely foolish for him to make such a blood oath.    


It was impossible for him to admit that he was a fool. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that others would be able to see the cowardice in his heart? This Heavenly Blood Oath of Heaven would become even more of a joke.    


That would be the biggest stain of his life.    


"Enough of your rubbish. I have made the Heavenly Law Blood Oath. Now, it's your turn. Do you dare to swear the Heavenly Law Blood Oath or not? If you don't dare to swear the Heavenly Law Blood Oath, scram."    


"Haha, isn't it just a blood oath? To be honest, I've forced others to make quite a few blood oaths, but I've never made one myself. I really want to experience what it feels like!"    


Su Ye raised his head to look at the sky, his expression a tinge of arrogance, as if he was looking to challenge the heavens.    


Huangfu Changtian said as his brows furrowed, "Su Ye, do you want to accept the challenge or not?!    


After hearing what was said, Su Ye slowly retracted his arrogant expression. He looked at Huangfu Changtian and taunted, "Sect Master, you also seem to be in a rush …"    


The meaning behind his words was obvious. Huangfu Changtian, you son of a b * tch, didn't you want to see me being forced to kneel and kowtow to Wu Xuanfeng? Do you still want that old face of yours?    


Huangfu Changtian only snorted coldly.    


Su Ye no longer provoked him and cleanly made a blood oath to the heavens. Only then did he squint his eyes, and while feeling the changes after he finished swearing the blood oath, he said with a smile, "The blood oath to the heavens is only so-so …"    


Zhou Yiqing's expression changed, and a trace of paleness even surfaced on his face as he grumbled in his heart: "Huangfu Changtian, it's because of you that I agreed to Su Ye's harsh conditions this time, and it's best if I win.    


His mind moved.    


Suddenly, he heard the sound of thunder rumbling in the sky. A ball of rolling thunder clouds appeared inexplicably above Su Ye's head, countless bolts of lightning churned within the thunder clouds, as if a peerless divine lightning would strike down on Su Ye at any time and turn him into ashes.    


When the pressure of the Heavenly Dao spread out, countless people retreated in fear, as if they were afraid of being affected. At the same time, they stared at Su Ye with shocked eyes, feeling extremely confused, just what kind of malicious act did Su Ye do to actually anger the Heavenly Dao?    


"Haha, Su Ye, oh Su Ye, you arrogant disciple that doesn't know your limits, you actually dare to say that the Heavenly Blood Oath is only this much, slandering the Heavenly Dao, you deserve to die, don't even think of winning against me in this challenge."    


Zhou Yiqing was full of confidence now. How could someone who did not know his place and was so arrogant that he did not even fear the heavens, achieve such a feat in comprehending the heavens?    


As a genius of the Zhou Family, Zhou Yiqing had studied the secret scriptures passed down from his family since he was young. His exceptional talent allowed him to surpass the younger generation of the six great families.    


If he really lost, then he wouldn't be so shameless. He looked down on himself, and he truly felt that he had no face to face with the ancestors of the Zhou clan. He would stab himself to death.    


At this moment,'s gloomy old face finally turned clear. He suddenly felt that he did not need to intentionally go against Su Ye, nor did he need to attack Su Ye.    


Su Ye looked up at the sky and saw the rolling thunderclouds. His eyes were filled with anger, he did not know if the will of the heavens really existed within the thunderclouds, but he could feel that there was a kind of deep malice towards him within the thunderclouds.    


This malicious intent enraged him, and he had the urge to tear it apart. However, he was able to control his emotions very well. He could also sense that there was a terrifying power hidden within this thundercloud. With his current strength, he might not be able to handle this thundercloud once it erupted.    


He decided not to provoke it anymore. Instead, he raised his eyes to look at it, as if he was looking at someone else and not allowing it to move an inch.    


In the eyes of Zhou Yiqing and Huangfu Changtian, such an expression was even more disdainful. In their opinion, Su Ye was simply courting death. To be able to incite the wrath of the heavens by swearing an Heavenly Blood Oath, there was no way that such a person could be saved.    


The two of them even hoped that this wave of thundercloud would be able to kill Su Ye right now.    


Under such a highly anticipated situation, if Su Ye were to die from the wrath of the heavens, it would be the best ending for them all. )    


It was a pity that the thundercloud had dissipated. It came in a strange manner and disappeared without a trace.    


But the others were excited.    


Originally, they had been training in the Clear Sky Trials, hoping that what they had learnt in their lives would be further tempered in this test, so that they could have a deeper experience.    


Who would have thought that Zhou Yiqing and Su Ye's challenge would actually come? Furthermore, they had even sworn a blood oath to the heavens, causing this challenge to have a gimmick, causing everyone to be filled with curiosity towards the outcome of the challenge.    


"The Clear Sky Trials are as difficult as climbing the Heaven Stairway. Each stage is more difficult than the last, so who among Zhou Yiqing and Zhou Yiqing can win in the end?"    


Under this kind of expectation, Su Ye and Zhou Yiqing, the two protagonists who made the blood oath to heaven, stepped onto the stage at the same time and began the first stage of the trial.    


Zhou Yiqing's expression was calm, his eyes self-confident. Before entering the illusion world, he deliberately gave Su Ye a glance, "Su Ye, you light, shallow, arrogant bastard, I, Zhou Yiqing, as the six son of the Yan Xia, will soon let you know that my outer sect's six great clans are not people you can afford to provoke!"    


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