An Ultimate Martial Art



It was too scary. At this moment, Su Ye really had a feeling that an ancient beast had walked out of the ancient era and firmly locked onto him.    


If it weren't for his tenacious willpower and the fact that he was certain that the owner of the skeleton had died many years ago, he would have turned around and fled.    


Even so, it took him a bit of effort to calm himself down, and he gathered up his courage to look at the skeleton seriously.    


This was without a doubt the skeleton of a primal chaos devil god, and he definitely wasn't an ordinary one like the ordinary Two Lives Life Marks. He was definitely a top-level primal chaos devil god with a cultivation of at least seven lifeforms.    


Given that the Myriad Star Sect had such an expert within it, he should most likely be one of the twelve personal disciples of Daolord Allstar. He was one of the Twelve Supreme Gods of the Myriad Star Sect.    


Now, he was sure that the skeleton that gave off this strange feeling was one of the twelve absolute gods of the universe.    


"Could it be that the skeleton from before is related to this Demon God Bone by blood? Or is it that it's from the same bloodline?" A thought flashed through Su Ye's mind, and he couldn't help but look at the information related to the Myriad Star Sect in the Three Light Demon God Inheritance.    


Sure enough, the twelve absolute gods of the ten thousand stars each had their own bloodlines. At that time, the Myriad Star Sect had even faintly formed the twelve thousand star clans with their true heirs. Within the scope of influence of the Myriad Star Sect, their reputations were flourishing.    


The founder of the Myriad Star Sect, the supreme Daolord, Daolord Allstar, seemed to be completely immersed in his cultivation. He had never heard of a Dao-companion, nor did he have a bloodline descendant.    


Of course, this sort of thing didn't really matter at the time. When one's cultivation reached the level of a supreme Daolord, it was unknown how long one's lifespan would last. One's life was practically indestructible, and if one's body was immortal, then there was no meaning in having a descendant.    


This was also what many cultivators thought.    


The reason why cultivators wanted descendants was for the sake of inheritances, so that their inheritances wouldn't be interrupted after their own deaths. If his life was already long enough and he did not have to worry about inheritances, then he might as well have heirs. With heirs, he would have to spend more time and effort to nurture and cultivate, which was much more troublesome than cultivation.    


It was a pity that no one expected that the Eternal Heaven and Earth would meet with such a calamity and that the inheritance would be cut off after the majority of the strong warriors were slaughtered. that formed a very scary generation.    


Su Ye took a deep breath. The apocalypse had already passed so long ago, so there was no point in sighing over the inheritance anymore. Since the Demon God Bone had appeared, he would undoubtedly have to refine it.    


As long as he was able to condense a bloodline from the corpse of a demon god, it was very likely that he would be able to awaken it. Not only would he be able to acquire the inherited memories of a demon god, but he might even be able to inherit the teachings of a Daolord of the Ten Thousand Stars through this demon god.    


However, Su Ye did not immediately take action. Instead, he walked forward a few steps and arrived at the stone hut only a meter away from the skeleton.    


Su Ye said seriously: "Senior demon god, I do not know which of the twelve ultimate gods you were back then. I have neither enmity nor the desire to disgrace your bones countless years after your death."    


"In my eyes, cultivators are born in this world and flourish because of this world. After death, they will naturally return to this world, and they will be no different from the flowers, plants, and even sand that can be seen everywhere in this world."    


"I refined your bones just to obtain your bloodline. This is also the only chance for your bloodline to reappear in this world after countless years.    


"Later generations of cultivators, Su Ye thanks you!"    


With that, Su Ye bowed to the demon god's skeleton. Su Ye had refined a large number of cultivators before, and he had even killed a lot of enemies while he was still alive. It was impossible for him to feel guilty for refining a skeleton.    


The reason why this time was so, was purely because of the disaster back then, and the fact that it had annihilated almost all of the living beings in the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth. Even Fiendgod Primordial Chaos, who could be said to be a top ranker, could only sit in this spiritual medicine great world with the body of a skeleton after countless years. If it wasn't for the fact that he had come, this skeleton might have continued to be buried here, unbeknownst to the rest of the world.    


He couldn't help but want to say something heartfelt to the skeleton.    


"Don't worry. After receiving your bloodline and receiving your karma, in the future, if that group of mysterious figures descends upon us once more, I will definitely exterminate them one by one." Your teachings and teachings, I will also find a chance to make them reappear in the world. "    


Allowing the inheritance of the elites from the previous era to reappear in this world, was actually not something Su Ye said impulsively. In fact, when he obtained the Three-Light Demon God's inheritance, he already had this kind of thought.    


For a complete ancient legacy to be unable to reappear in the world itself was a type of sorrow. Su Ye did not plan to inherit it completely, and felt even more sorry.    


Therefore, he had already had the thought that if he met someone suitable in the future, he would choose to duplicate the complete Three-Light Demon God's inheritance, allowing the remaining inheritance of the Three-Light Demon God to truly be revived. This could also be considered ending the karma between him and the Three-Light Demon God.    


The most important thing was that, at any time in the future, there would be another apocalyptic disaster. They needed more experts to share the burden.    


Now that he met the Demon God Bone of the Myriad Star Sect and felt a trace of unwillingness within his eye sockets, his desire to find the inheritor became even clearer and firmer.    


But what Su Ye did not expect was that, from his experience, he actually provoked the wrath of the Demon God Bone in front of him, causing it to suddenly shake violently. The Demon God Bone suddenly trembled, and a blinding light blossomed from the skeleton, causing Su Ye's mind to shake, as if he could hear the angry roar from the ancient times resounding in the sky, resonating loudly.    


However, this situation did not last long. The light from the skeleton's body quickly gathered in front of its chest, and then it spat out a flawless, jade-like light ball.    


Su Ye was experienced, and immediately recognized that the ball of light was the skeleton's blood essence. However, compared to the essence blood that had been tempered by the Divine Light of Return to Origin, it was a bit less pure.    


He immediately understood.    


Indeed, this demon god skeleton still contained a very minute amount of willpower, to the extent that it could be completely worn away by the power of time at any time.    


However, this didn't prevent the demon god skeleton from understanding his words. Therefore, this skeleton took the initiative to retract the Profound Qi in its veins and handed it over. Perhaps they were listening to Su Ye's words, or perhaps it was to preserve the dignity of the devil god for themselves. After all, no one wanted their bones to be refined by someone else after they died.    


In other words, as long as Su Ye could accept this ball of bloodline essence, he would be able to obtain this Demon God's bloodline and inherited it.    


If it were anyone else, they would have probably been overjoyed. He would directly accept the bloodline inheritance given by the Demon God's will.    


But Su Ye did not.    


On the contrary, he was frowning slightly.    


All along, Su Ye was used to using his most malicious guesses to estimate others, without exception. In his view, the most unpredictable person in the world was the human heart. A change in the human heart was the most unpredictable change in the world. When it was good, it was like water, but it did not struggle, and when it was good, it was like the heavens and the earth, devouring everything.    


He was willing to guard against anyone.    


Anyway, it didn't hurt to be careful.    


Therefore, even though the Demon God Bone had given up its bloodline essence and inheritance based on the last bit of its will, as if it had accepted its fate and placed its final hope on Su Ye, Su Ye did not completely trust this kind of trust.    


For a dignified Fiendgod Primordial Chaos, a distinguished direct disciple of a supreme Daolord, to experience such a calamity, how could he possibly accept his fate? One could tell how much he was unwilling to leave even the tiniest bit of his will after countless years of erosion. Could he really be willing to give away everything just because of a few words?    


Stop teasing me!    


Su Ye was not that naive.    


Moreover, so what if this demon god's will was resigned to his fate? Although Su Ye was willing to gather all kinds of powerful bloodlines in one body, the only thing he was truly willing to accept was the pure power and characteristics of his bloodline.    


There were a lot of mysterious means used by Fiendgod Primordial Chaos. God knows what tricks the other party would use in the Blood Essence to hide, and then one day, he would suddenly use his body to resurrect. What would he be then?    


In a flash, Su Ye loosened his brows, and at this moment, he abruptly erupted the fourth level of the Nascent Soul Divine Light he had prepared earlier. To ensure his safety, Su Ye even took out a large number of Water of Chaos from the Primal Chaos Wheel and refined them at the same time to make up for the consumption of a large amount of Demon Generals' divine power.    




When the faint purple halo of the fourth layer of the Divine Light of Returning to Soul, along with the blood Profound Qi from the Demon God Bone, the rotted skeleton and the ball of blood Profound Qi, which seemed to have spat out the blood and Profound Qi on their own, simultaneously struggled.    


An extremely furious face vaguely appeared in the Divine Light of Return to Origin. That face had long since become distorted due to anger and unwillingness.    


He stared at Su Ye in fury, opening his mouth to spit out words, but he could not do so. However, it could be seen that he was reprimanding Su Ye furiously, "You dare ?"    


Su Ye's expression turned pale, as though he had experienced the refining process of a mysterious palm in the depths of a forest. The Demon General's Divine Powers inside his body poured out, as though he had let out the best he could, but fortunately, he was already prepared. As the Demon General's Divine Powers were being greatly depleted, the Water of Chaos was also making up for it in time.    


In addition, his cultivation was no longer what it used to be. He had already reached the late stage of the eighth rank Demon General, and the power of the fourth layer of the Divine Light of Return to the origin had increased by a lot.    


"I respect you as a demon god, I don't want to humiliate you, but you shouldn't humiliate me. You should spit out your blood essence to steal from me, I won't accept that, so you should just die!"    


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