An Ultimate Martial Art



"Damn you Su Ye, I didn't think that you would already be prepared, but don't be complacent, even if I, the Ancestor of the Supreme Demon God, were to die, I would drag you down with me ?"    


"Either you die, or I die. Everyone, don't hold back ?"    


"Let go of the spell that you are most proud of, and suppress Su Ye to death!"    


The nine of them hid their auras like nine beams of light and quickly traversed across the Great Western Region, heading south.    


Before they even got close, they were pleasantly surprised to find that on that vast plain, several figures with powerful auras were fighting. Multicolored divine abilities twisted the entire heaven and earth, almost to the point of being minced.    


They couldn't clearly see the figures in the battle, but through their words and auras, they were still able to determine that there was a supreme Divine Demon Ancestor within the battle.    


Everything was as they had expected.    


had long prepared for such a surprise attack. The Evil God's group of people had already fallen into Su Ye's trap and suffered a blow from Su Ye, and the situation had already reached a critical state.    


"It's time, attack!"    


The Star River Association's chief excitedly shouted. The group of nine unhesitatingly activated their demon god sacred art. The terrifying demon god power exploded, transforming into nine terrifying torrents that rushed forward.    


The nine torrents tore apart the heaven and earth as easily as they broke through the ground, shattering the rainbow as they dissipated into fragments of light and shadows. In an instant, the entire world had turned into nothingness.    


"Haha, I succeeded."    


"Su Ye is dead ?"    


"The Great Western Region is ours now, and Su Ye's wealth is ours now as well ?"    


When everything was over, the Star River Association's chief and the others all roared in excitement.    


Suddenly ?    


One of the Eight Lives Tattooed Demon God said in bewilderment, "But what about the Ancestral Demonic God Ancestor? Are we going to kill them as well?"    


These words immediately caused the entire space to fall into a deathly silence.    


The Star River Lord and the rest who were immersed in ecstasy suddenly realized that something was wrong. Although the nine of them had not deliberately avoided the attack, but to say that they could kill everyone with a single sneak attack, no matter how hard they thought, it was definitely not possible.    


However, the entire place was dead silent, as though it was a graveyard, and he couldn't even see half a shadow of them, if not for the fact that Su Ye and the Ancestral God Demon Ancestor were killed, then what about them?    


The group of people looked around with vigilance, trying their best to figure out what was happening around them.    


Suddenly, a light flashed.    


Without any warning, a Nine Lives Tattooed Demon God leapt up from the back. In an instant, a bloody light pierced through the body of the Nine Lives Tattoo Demon God. The Nine Lives Tattoo Demon God didn't even have time to cry out before turning to dust.    


"Stone King ?"    


"Stone King Demon God ?"    


Everyone turned pale with fright. One by one, they jumped to the spot where the Stone King had been standing before. The scene of him dying was just like fireworks. They couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


Especially so for the four Eight Life Tattoo Demons, they felt fear from the bottom of their hearts. Their legs were shaking and their teeth were chattering.    


"Who is it!?" "Get the hell out here!"    


The surprised look in Star River Association's leader's eyes turned into a frightened expression as he realized that something was wrong.    


Unfortunately, there was no reply.    


No one could be seen either.    


But ten seconds later.    


Another bloody flash of light appeared. This time, it was an Eight Lives Tattooed Demon God. All of its demon gods dissipated like fireworks. This should be the most glorious moment of its life.    


"Zhuo Luo!"    


"Damn it! Everyone spread out quickly and be on guard against each other!"    


The Star River Association's leader shouted. Everyone quickly spread out and formed a circle, looking at each other, wary of the appearance of that bloody light again.    


"Su Ye, it's you! I know it's you!"    


"Since the plan to ambush you has failed, we will admit defeat. You will just reveal yourself and use this method to ambush us. What kind of expert are you?"    


Waiting and waiting. After ten seconds, the bloody light that had taken two lives didn't appear again, but the Star River Association's leader and the other seven leaders didn't dare to move. They all felt a great pressure weighing down on them, making them all feel like they were going crazy.    


Especially Star River Association's Alliance Master, he was the one who initiated this raid, he knew that the failure of this attack would definitely be the worst for him, and he could not wait to force Su Ye out for negotiations.    


However, at the same time, he could not help but hope that Su Ye was already dead.    


Unfortunately, there was no response.    


At this moment, an Eight Lives Tattooed Demon God suddenly showed an extreme fear on his face. He pointed at the back of a Nine Lives Tattoo Demon God and opened his mouth as if he wanted to shout, but no sound came out.    


The opposing Nine Lives Tattooed Demon God's reaction was extremely fast. He knew something was going on behind him, so he immediately dashed forward. This was definitely the fastest speed he could muster in his life. The space around him collapsed from the impact.    


Who would have thought?    


The Nine Lives Tattooed Demon God still let out a miserable howl. Its body vanished into thin air, and its death was as gorgeous as fireworks.    




"Evil God Xu Wu ?" "Damn that bastard."    


"Ghost Eye Demon God, what did you just see?"    


Only then did the extremely terrified Eight Lives Tattooed Demon God let out a deep breath and shout in fear, "I just saw a person ?"    


"People? Not a bloody light? "    


"Nonsense, someone has appeared behind the back of the Xu Wu Demon God, how could we not see that? You damned thing, did you see an illusion?"    


Out of the original nine people, there were only six left. With only three Nine Lives Tattooed Demon Gods and three Eight Lives Tattoo Demon Gods left, the Star River Union Alliance Master was already on the verge of going crazy.    


The Star River Association's leader didn't care about his own people anymore. He started cursing loudly, and after cursing, he immediately jumped up, crazily running away.    


Seeing this, everyone hurriedly ran away.    


Weng! *    


Suddenly, an ancient bell sounded, and beams of light appeared out of nowhere, landing accurately on the bodies of everyone in the group of Star River Union leaders, knocking them back to their original places, and causing all six of them to fall to the ground.    


So powerful!    


How terrifying!    


The chief was trembling with fear. As a Nine Lives Tattoo Demon God, he could feel that those beams of light were a kind of demonic god's sacred art. With the power of that magical technique, he could tell that the opponent's strength was definitely far above his own, and should have already reached the peak of the Nine Lives Tattoo Demon God.    


He had no doubt that the other party had already touched the threshold of the Venerable Lord Saber.    


This was definitely an ancient existence.    


"Is your birthday in the middle of the day?"    


"Or is it the Di Ying Demon God?"    


"Or it could be the two of you. Since you've come, please show yourselves. With your strengths and statuses, don't you think it's shameful for you to treat us like this?"    


He felt that no matter who the other party was, as long as he showed himself, then no matter what he did, since it did not produce any real negative effects, then everything could still be negotiated, and there was still room for negotiation.    


It was nothing more than losing some wealth.    


But wealth was nothing. Without wealth, he could think of other ways. Without life, he would truly have nothing. He was already a Nine Lives Tattooed Demon God. He wasn't willing to lose his life like this.    


"Shame? You actually know the word 'disgrace' from a trash like you? "    


"Six Nine Lives Tattoos, nine Eight Lives Tattoos, and even the Heavenly Jewel Master ? For such a large clan to gather experts to ambush me, why don't you find it embarrassing? "    


Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded. A figure appeared in the empty space in front of them, and walked out step by step, as if he was stepping on the stairs of the void, and arrived in front of Star River Association's leader.    


"Su Ye!"    


"It's actually you!?"    


It wasn't that he thought that Su Ye had died, but rather that the situation was dire. Unless he was an idiot, there was no way he would have thought that his surprise attack was a success.    


He was shocked because he had misjudged.    


He originally thought that one of the two would be Tai Yinzi, or perhaps the two of them working together. Only these two ancient existences would have the power of the Nine Lives Tattoos.    


But this was actually Su Ye.    


Su Ye's strength had actually already reached such a level?    


All of a sudden, the Star River Alliance Head regretted his decision all of a sudden.    


If he knew that Su Ye's strength would improve so quickly, he would never have dared to think about such things.    


Even if Su Ye really wanted to snatch the Star River Alliance and kick them out, throwing away their foundation to curry favor with Su Ye was still better than being killed by Su Ye.    


"It's me. Are you surprised?" Su Ye's face was full of ridicule.    


"Su Ye, I was wrong ? "I was wrong, I shouldn't have wanted to deal with you, I was the one who thought I was smart, I was the one who thought I was stupid, you are the one who touched the heart of a supreme Daolord, I beg you, please don't bother with me, just let me go like this, I'm willing to contribute everything ?"    


Star River Association's Alliance Master immediately knelt in front of Su Ye, his head was as heavy as garlic, his face was filled with pleas, he no longer had the confidence from before that he could count the entire world.    


"Xinghe, since when have you heard of me forgiving enemies?" Su Ye smiled in disdain.    


"Then let's die together ?" Suddenly, the chief of the Xinghe Alliance leapt up, a burst of sacred art erupted out, transforming into a blood spear that flew straight towards Su Ye's face.    


As he was just inches away from them, Su Ye could clearly see the Star River Lord's old face turn sinister and terrifying.    


Su Ye laughed in disdain, and with a flip of his palm, it seemed as if his five fingers had suppressed space and time, and had already refined a large amount of Demon God's way of suppressing the Heavens, becoming a first grade Demon God's ability, progressing towards the strongest realm.    


The attack landed.    


The desperate tactics of the Star River Association's leader was like a ridiculous firework, dazzling yet meaningless.    


It shattered with a single slap!    


Together with the Star River Association's leader, they were annihilated.    


Without even looking at them, Su Ye turned around and sent a palm strike towards the remaining five people around him. With a flip of his Heaven Suppression Technique, he also instantly killed them all, and all of the demon gods and Daoists returned to Su Ye.    


"So powerful, so terrifying ?" In the distance, five million kilometers away, a figure looked at Su Ye's back, his entire face filled with shock, fear, and shock.    


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