An Ultimate Martial Art



"As for what kind of deal you wish to make with my Xuan Beast Sect, you can say it now."    


Inside the Profound Beast Sect's Secret Hall, Sect Master Ji Cangyun stared at Su Ye with an ashen face. The eight pavilion elders were still wary of Su Ye.    


There was no choice, Su Ye was too dangerous.    


The aura his body was emitting was so strong that even Ji Cang Yun, a peak ninth grade ancient god, felt his heart palpitate. He was not confident that he could defeat Su Ye.    


Su Ye smiled slightly: "Alright, then I'll be frank, I need to borrow all of the Mysterious Beast Sect's secret scriptures, including everyone's personal collections as well as the Secret Scripture of the Treasure Pavilion, and also need the Mysterious Beast Sect's treasury for half a day."    




When Su Ye's words came out, the faces of everyone present changed. A dense wave of anger instantly filled the entire secret hall.    


"Master Su Ye, you are way too arrogant. Do you know what you are saying?"    


Borrowing all the secret manuals of the entire Profound Beast Sect, and even asking for half of the hidden treasures... Do you take my Profound Beast Sect to be an idiot?    


The eight pavilion elders were all furious as they angrily rebuked him.    


"Calm down!" Ji Cang Yun waved his hand to stop the anger of the eight pavilion elders. It was not that he was not angry, but he knew that Su Ye had only said half of what he wanted, and Su Ye had not said what he could give yet.    


"Lord Su Ye has such a big appetite, but I want to know, what kind of things do you want to bring to our Profound Beast Sect?"    


Su Ye chuckled: "What I can give you naturally exceeds what you can give me. Otherwise, it would be fine if you don't say anything about this transaction."    


Ji Cangyun declined to comment, "I'm willing to listen to the details!"    


Su Ye said with a stern expression: "If Sect Master Ji is willing to agree to my trade, I will repair ten of your sect's top ninth grade Ancient Sacred Techniques, and do my best to help your sect break through the limits of a ninth grade Ancient God."    


Ji Cang Yun was startled, visibly moved.    


"Sir, this is not a joke."    


"I am already aware of your ability to repair innate techniques. I believe that you can indeed repair ten top rank 9 innate techniques." But when you said that you were going all out to help one person of my sect break through the limit of the ninth grade, I could not believe you.    


"One must know that my sect's ancestor already broke through the limit of rank nine twenty years ago, but was unable to help others break through ?"    


Su Ye laughed: "Sect Master Ji has already reached the peak of the ninth stage, but do you know why your sect's experts, who are also at the peak of the ninth stage, are unable to break through their limits?"    


"The answer is actually very simple. We don't have enough resources."    


"I don't know how your ancestor managed to break through twenty years ago. But I dare say that as long as your own reserves are not replenished properly, even if your ancestor were to be given another hundred years, he would not be able to help you break through. "    


"However, I can help you reconstruct your source energy and raise your foundation. I can help you increase your strength so that you can break through your limits in the future ?"    


Ji Cangyun was visibly moved.    


Because what Su Ye said was true, ever since his cultivation had reached the peak, he had been trying to break through.    


From three years ago until now, he had already tried seven times to break through, but never succeeded. The tough barrier between the ninth and tenth rank always felt weak every time he attacked.    


After the first impact, his entire body was exhausted, as if it was going to collapse at any moment.    


He had asked the Patriarch for guidance.    


However, the Old Ancestor was powerless, he only said that his foundation was not deep, and that the lack of strength would require him to find a way to make up for it. Otherwise, he would only be able to stay at the realm of a ninth grade Ancient God's citizen for the rest of his life, and would never be able to see past the ninth grade Ancient God's realm.    


All of these were practically the same as what Su Ye had said.    


But the problem was, could he believe what Su Ye said? Would Su Ye really help him to make up for his mistake?    


He decided to first take a break.    


"Alright, I am willing to believe what Sir Su Ye has said, but there are plenty of issues, especially since you actually need half of the treasures in my Profound Beast Sect's Treasure Vault. This is not something that I can decide alone, so I hope that you can give me ten days to discuss it seriously with the elders."    


Su Ye did not refuse, he was anxious and could not eat the hot tofu.    


He nodded and said, "Sure, but I don't have much time. I hope that you can open the first four levels of the Ancient Book Collection Vault to me when you are done discussing. In return, I can help you fix a rank 9 ancient ability ten days later."    


Ji Cang Yun and the eight pavilion elders looked at each other and agreed to Su Ye's conditions.    


In reality, for sects like theirs, the real treasures would not be kept in the Book Reserve Pavilion. The Library of Heaven's Path only contained manuals that could be made public to the disciples of the Xuan Beast Sect, and they would not even take the books of the first four floors seriously. Even if it were to be leaked, it would not cause much damage to the Xuan Beast Sect.    


Whether or not he could make the deal with Su Ye, it would not be a loss to exchange these four levels of scrolls for Su Ye's friendship. Moreover, Su Ye had already agreed to repair a ninth grade Ancient Divine Technique in ten days, which was a huge profit.    


Their first meeting could be considered to have ended happily, and Ji Cang Yun made arrangements for the haggard old man to bring Su Ye back to the Book Reserve Pavilion on the spot.    


Now, Su Ye already knew that this withered old man was called Ji Mo, a rather funny name.    


"Ha, I finally got my wish. Ji Mo, the first four levels of the Book Reserve Pavilion has a total of over twenty thousand sacred art manuals, right?"    


Ji Mo knew Su Ye's true strength, and naturally did not dare to continue to put on airs. He politely said, "To be exact, there are a total of twenty-seven thousand divine ability secret manuals and more than a thousand scriptures."    


"It's just that I don't understand it ?"    


"Don't understand what?" Su Ye said casually, his gaze sweeping across the bookshelves in the first level of the Book Reserve Pavilion, as though what he had placed on the bookshelves was a gigantic treasure trove.    


In fact, there was nothing wrong with it.    


To Su Ye, these secret scriptures were filled with a great amount of secrets that were extremely difficult for Su Ye to obtain in the Eternal Heaven and Earth. They might not necessarily be profound, but they could make up for his lack of knowledge and skills, which was more precious than any other high level ability.    


Ji Mo said in puzzlement, "These sacred scriptures are indeed useful for ordinary ancient god's people, but for a powerful being like you, they are nothing. Why are you so interested in them? Could it be that these secret scriptures contain secrets that we do not know about?"    


Su Ye turned around and glanced at Ji Mo, and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "You can't be thinking that I obtained some kind of information from a certain channel, that there's a secret in your Profound Beast Sect's Book Reserve Pavilion, and then deliberately came here to dig out some secret, right?"    


Ji Mo's face twitched. Clearly, Su Ye's words had stabbed him in the heart and made him feel a little awkward.    


"There is nothing wrong with your thinking this way, but I will tell you that there is no such secret as you want. In your opinion, these secret manuals are useless and are unable to increase your strength by even a little. However, I want to tell you this: if you wish to break through again in your life, you will not be able to leave these low-leveled divine abilities that you seem to have accumulated ? "    


Ji Mo was shocked as he said excitedly: "Master Su Ye, you mean to say that I still have a chance to breakthrough?"    


"Of course, although you are about to die, you have to be clear that you still have two years of lifespan. As long as you have not used up all of your lifespan, you are still alive. Since there is still hope for you to live, why don't you give it a try?"    


Su Ye's words greatly affected Ji Mo.    


In truth, this wasn't Ji Mo's fault. Rather, this world's lifespan was just too short. It was comparable to the Nine Lives Tattooed Demon God, yet only had the lifespan of a mortal.    


No one could change this rule before they broke through the ninth stage of their lifespan limit. This helplessness was deeply ingrained in the hearts of the people. As they neared the end of their lifespan, they would feel despair.    


Ji Mo took in a deep breath, bowed towards Su Ye, and said: "Please teach me, Sir. As long as you can help me, I am willing to pay any price."    


Su Ye patted Ji Mo's shoulder, "Let's talk about it after the transaction. In fact, right now, I'm only trying to break through. "    


Ji Mo didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. In fact, this was an extremely difficult problem to solve in the first place. He also didn't really believe that Su Ye could really change all these either.    


After that, under Ji Mo's witness, Su Ye started to scan the books one by one, and started to crazily comprehend and absorb the various secrets of the low level techniques. His entire body was like a dry sponge, desperately absorbing the water.    


At the same time.    


Ji Cang Yun also quickly gathered all of the current experts of the eighth grade and above from the Profound Beast Sect and told them about the deal Su Ye had proposed in the secret hall. Then, he started to intensely discuss it with the experts from the Profound Beast Sect.    


On the other side.    


Lan He and Bai Yuan Diagram had also brought Xue Ming to the residence of the inner sect elder, Lan Yuntian.    


"What?" Su Ye crippled Xue Ming? "    


Even though he saw the potential of Su Ye's two star bloodline, after all, it was only potential. How could it compare to the potential of an old disciple like Xue Ming, who had cultivated for many years?    


Moreover, Su Ye had crippled Xue Ming the moment he arrived, without any scruples. Wasn't this clearly slapping him in the face, putting him in his eyes?    


This kind of disobedient person who didn't know how to respect others, even if he was nurtured, in the end, he would just be an ungrateful person.    


"Lan He, go and call Su Ye over right now. This time I'm going to personally teach Su Ye a lesson."    


"Yes." Joy flashed in Lan He's eyes.    


In reality, he hadn't even told Lan Yuntian the truth that Xue Ming had taken the initiative to provoke the trash. Now that Lan Yuntian was going to teach Su Ye a lesson personally, he wished for nothing more.    


But very quickly, Lan He returned.    


"Elder, that fellow Su Ye is not at his dwelling. I've asked around and found out that he has gone to the Book Reserve Pavilion."    


"Hmph, he has violated the sect rules and offended this elder. Does he still want to peacefully go to the Book Reserve Pavilion to select a skill?"    


"The Book Reserve Pavilion, right?"    


"I'll go myself!"    


At that moment, Lan Yuntian directly rushed to the Book Reserve Pavilion with Lan He and Bai Yuan Diagram. Since the Library was the sect's most important location, it was not something that a mere Inner Sect Elder of the seventh rank like Lan Yuntian could barge into. He did not see Su Ye, so he might as well just wait outside the Pavilion!    


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