Super Godly Evolution

C1421 Extract the Eternal Molt

C1421 Extract the Eternal Molt

Qian Tong heaved a sigh of relief. She remembered Chu Lin. This kid had a tough body like an Ancient Beast. No wonder he dared to exchange blows with Wai Fei.    


If Wai Fei knew that the strike he exchanged with his self-exploding body was only a superficial wound to Chu Lin, perhaps he would be so angry that his soul would tremble.    


Chu Lin lowered his eyes. The soul of the Black Tortoise Qilin swimming in his chest had become much darker. Obviously, the strike just now was quite heavy. If it wasn't for the Profound Scale Gold Armor and the Black Qilin Body, he might really have been killed by Wai Fei with just the protection of his powerful combat intent.    


The Sixth Level Of Source Tracing was indeed troublesome.    


Chu Lin's wound was healing quickly. He and Qian Tong looked at each other from afar and looked at the other warriors who were still there.    


When the people from the smaller powers saw the two of them staring at them coldly, they trembled all over. Initially, they wanted to take advantage of the chaos to pick a peach, but it seemed like Chu Lin and Qian Tong still had a lot of strength left, not to mention the ferocious eyes of the Red Dragon Guard.    


The situation in this place had been firmly grasped by the Red Dragon Mansion.    


The warriors of the smaller powers sighed and looked at each other, then they left one after another.    


When all the warriors left the planet, Qian Tong and Chu Lin slowly landed and looked at the grey swamp in front of them.    


The mud was covered with a grey mist, and the strong smell made people feel dizzy. Inside the mud, there seemed to be a shadow that could not be seen clearly.    


"You guys stay here and chase away anyone who comes this way!" Chu Lin immediately said.    


"Yes!" The Red Dragon Guard shouted at the same time, as loud as thunder in the clear sky.    


"Let's go!" The two of them broke through the grey fog and advanced into the depths of the swamp.    


A magnificent energy surged around them. Black flames rose and burned down the gray fog. Although the gray fog in the swamp was troublesome, it was not a threat to the two of them who possessed blazing energy.    


Woosh ~ ~ ~    


Both of them increased their speed to the extreme. Although they had forced the other forces to retreat, no one was sure if the others would discover this place. At that time, it would be another bitter battle, so it was best to extract the Ancient Remains from the low-grade ruins as soon as possible.    




When the two of them could only explore the swamp, a mysterious light suddenly shot out from the swamp, carrying a thick stinky smell.    


Qian Tong's face did not change. With a flick of her hand, a bright red flame flew out and smashed into the dark light. The flame rose and burned the dark light completely.    


When the light flew and disappeared, Chu Lin saw it clearly. It was a Demon Alligator that was several meters in size. It was covered in chicken skin and scales, and there was a stinky saliva in its mouth. The energy on its body was wild and violent.    


Qian Tong killed the Demon Alligator, but there was no joy on her face. Instead, she frowned slightly, which made Chu Lin frown.    


Because the entire swamp was trembling, a large amount of dark light emerged from the swamp. At a glance, it was the head of the crocodile. Its eyes were blood-red as it stared at Chu Lin and the other man.    


With so many alligator heads, even if Chu Lin and the other man were not afraid, they would be delayed by these things and delay the extraction of the Ancient Remains.    


"What do we do next?" Chu Lin looked at Qian Tong.    


After Qian Tong thought for a while, she stomped her foot. The huge energy turned into the shadow of a huge Red Dragon, and the terrifying deterrence spread out.    


Hiss -    


When the Devil Crocodiles sensed the deterrent force of the ancient Red Dragon, they immediately became restless. Many Devil Crocodiles retreated in panic. Even though these things had low intelligence, they still instinctively retreated in the face of a life threatening crisis.    


When Chu Lin saw this, his eyes lit up. The power of the Black Tortoise Qilin on his chest and behind him bloomed with a golden light.    


When this power appeared, those restless devil crocodiles became even more terrified. They grabbed onto the dirt and dust as they fled.    


In just ten seconds, those Demon Alligators had all disappeared.    


Chu Lin looked at Qian Tong and laughed. "It seems that my pressure is stronger than yours."    


Qian Tong rolled her eyes, but in her heart, she had no choice but to admit it. Chu Lin, who possessed the Xuan Lin True Spirit, was indeed heavier than her in terms of the pressure of the Ancient Beast.    


A complicated feeling emerged in Qian Tong's heart. When she first came to Great Universe, her strength was far greater than Chu Lin's. Now, in just a year, he had caught up to her and blossomed with a unique radiance.    


Another fifteen minutes passed. Chu Lin and Qian Tong slowed down their speed. In the layers of grey fog, they could clearly see the outline of a huge ancient palace.    




The two of them shot out. The surging fog disappeared into thin air, and Chu Lin's field of vision gradually widened.    


In front of him were dilapidated ancient ruins, dilapidated pavilions, and pavilions. A vast and ancient aura spread out, as if it had passed through an ancient world, causing people to hold their breath.    




Qian Tong immediately reacted and urgently said, "Let's split up and attack, we must be quick!"    


The two of them did not delay and spread out. Chu Lin went into a dilapidated hall. The ground was filled with all kinds of white bones.    


Even after a long time of time absorption, there were still remnants of a miserable aura in the hall.    


Chu Lin's face sank slightly, and he sighed lightly, "I have offended everyone."    


The human figure jumped to the top of half of the stone pillar and grabbed with his hand. Energy quickly gathered in the palm of his hand. Dust rose in the hall and gravel rolled. Gray auras emerged from the corpses and turned into a grey light that was sucked away by the vortex in Chu Lin's palm.    


That gray aura was the Eternal Molt. It was formed by the essence of energy and this unique geographical environment after the martial artists here died.    


The gray aura was formed from an energy vortex. When the gray mist aura converged to the limit, a gray light would rush out of the energy vortex.    


Chu Lin grabbed it with his hand. A bean-sized, round pill kept spinning in his hand. This was the Ancient Remains, a special product and an important resource from the fall of the ancient era.    


Chu Lin waved his hand and kept the Eternal Remains. He continued to absorb the grey Qi. When the fifth round pill was grabbed by Chu Lin, all the bones in the hall turned into colorless powder and fell to the ground.    


Chu Lin sighed lightly. He waved his hand and the powder gathered together. Chu Lin squeezed it with energy and stacked it into a blank bone tablet.    


In the next hour, Chu Lin found a total of ten palaces. The number of grey pills in his hand also increased to more than fifty.    


Chu Lin's footsteps were light as he walked towards the next place. Just as he was about to extract the Eternal Molt, his body suddenly stiffened, and his energy instinctively erupted.    


His eyes were staring straight into the hall. There were only a few corpses in the hall, but there were only a few of them. In the deepest part, there was a figure sitting quietly.    


Chu Lin's eyes narrowed. Could it be that there was still someone alive here?    


Chu Lin took a deep breath and continued to observe. The grey figure was not a skeleton. Chu Lin could clearly see an old face under the robe, but there was no life on his body.    


Chu Lin could sense a very strong ancient aura from the figure, but at the same time, it was the same. There's also a very strong sense of crisis.    


The dead of Extreme Ancient Era had yet to turn into bones. Something was clearly not right.    


Chu Lin didn't dare to continue walking towards the depths of the palace. He carefully stepped back bit by bit.    


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