Super Godly Evolution

C1453 The Vanguard

C1453 The Vanguard



While Chu Lin was deep in thought, there was a sudden clap of thunder in the darkness ahead, causing everyone's heart to skip a beat. They looked up and saw that the thick darkness had started to wiggle, and was slowly retreating backwards, as if a black curtain had been lifted.    


As the darkness faded away, everyone's eyes were filled with shock.    


Within the darkness, the first thing they saw was an endless and orderly army. They stood straight, and an ancient aura assaulted their faces. It was as if they had stood there for a long time.    


The number of troops in front of them could not be compared to the number of troops under them. However, when they saw this statue-like army, everyone felt a stifling sensation in their hearts.    


The army of undead in front of them was divided into four different parts. They looked like they were placed randomly, but when Collapsing Mountain Soldier Lord and the others took a closer look, they felt goosebumps all over their bodies.    


These were the so-called four god armies! They were Sky Mark Sovereign's trusted army!    


Hum -    


Before anyone could react, the entire world was shaking. Then, they saw the statue of the army slowly open its eyes.    


Dong - -    


When the statue opened its eyes, its pitch-black eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty light. They had been silent for a long time, and they had been longing for war for a long time.    


In an instant, a pitch-black battle intent that was like a ten thousand meter ocean surged out from the army, causing the entire world to tremble.    


Boom! Boom!    


The will of battle was like a surging wave, causing the entire world to let out an unbearable wail. Even Chu Lin, Luo Su, Soong Jianshu, and the others had shocked expressions in their eyes.    


"What a powerful will of the battle!" The leaders of the other major powers cried out in shock, their faces filled with fear. Even a seventh level Source Tracing Stage warrior would not be able to break free from this will of the battle.    


Luo Su clenched her fists tightly. Her eyes were staring at the huge army. Even someone as calm as her had a heavy feeling about it.    


Rustle -    


While these people were shocked in their hearts, the grand fighting will of the Four God Army changed once again. The pitch-black light extended and seemed to form four Light Shield that were hundreds of thousands of meters long.    


The Light Shield covered the four directions of the army. Mysterious patterns floated within, connecting with each other. It was a shocking sight.    


Chu Lin looked upwards calmly, and his eyes changed slightly. He could clearly sense that there seemed to be a huge army standing quietly within the four Light Shield pieces. However, due to the surging will of the battle, his Divine Sense was unable to detect it.    


This must be the Four Gods Array, right? Even though the current battle formation had not been fully opened, it still made Chu Lin feel that it was not simple.    


"Everyone, the Four Gods Array is right in front of us. As long as we break through that place, the remains of the dead spirits will be destroyed, and the army of dead spirits will be completely destroyed. This will be the time for us to reap the spoils of war!" Luo Su looked at the crowd and lightly smiled.    


"Miss Luo Su, are you sure we can break this military pattern array? This is the handiwork of Zhanwen Family!" A leader of a first-rate power said. Only when they saw the military pattern formation would they know what fear was.    


"Although this Four Gods Array is troublesome, the martial artists inside are ultimately not living people. Their power is weakened to the extreme, so our chances of success are extremely high." Luo Su said with a smile.    


"Of course, this needs Chu Lin, Soldier Lord and Soong Jianshu's full cooperation." Luo Su looked at Chu Lin and Soong Jianshu and said.    


Chu Lin's eyes sparkled. He looked at Luo Su and said, "Then what should we do next?"    


Luo Su turned to the other side and said, "I wonder if the three commanders of the fourth section have decided?"    


When the other powers heard this, three people stepped out from the vast sea of people. They were three men with sharp eyes. They were the most powerful generals in their family. Although they could not be compared to Chu Lin and the others, they could not be underestimated.    


"I'll leave the fourth part to the three of you."    


Luo Su nodded to confirm, then continued, "This time, when breaking the formation, it's best for the commander to enter alone. The number of troops is up to you, but the Four Gods Array is strong when it comes to strength. The experts of the Sixth Level Of Source Tracing should not enter, or else it will make the Four Gods Array even more difficult."    


Chu Lin was startled, then he looked at Qian Tong and the others. In other words, Qian Tong, Collapsing Mountain Soldier Lord and the others could only wait outside this time.    


Collapsing Mountain Soldier Lord pondered for a moment and nodded. He looked at Chu Lin and said, "If that's the case, then Chu Lin, Soldier Lord, if you can use it, we will follow your orders. You must be careful!"    


Chu Lin nodded and thought about how to lead the troops.    


"Do you have any other questions?" Luo Su smiled.    


Seeing that there were no other opinions, Luo Su immediately said, "Then we can begin. This suggestion was initiated by our Profound God Tao. Then, our Profound God Tao will be the vanguard and lead the way for everyone."    


Once she said this, she immediately turned around and led the army.    


"Wait a moment!"    


However, just as Luo Su was about to return, a voice suddenly sounded. Everyone was stunned and looked over. They saw Soong Jianshu looking at Luo Su with a sneer.    


Luo Su frowned and was quite unhappy, "Soong Jianshu, what do you mean by this?"    


"Miss Luo Su has sacrificed so much for us, and she has also selflessly contributed a lot of information. If you are still the vanguard, it would be disappointing. So let me be the vanguard." Soong Jianshu chuckled.    


Chu Lin was shocked. His eyes flashed. He immediately understood that Soong Jianshu was questioning what kind of advantage Luo Su had taken.    


Luo Su's pretty face turned cold.    


"Miss Luo Su doesn't agree? Then I am even more curious why you insist on being the vanguard." Soong Jianshu sneered.    


The surrounding gazes swept over and everyone looked at Luo Su with doubt in their eyes. This was because Luo Su was the one in charge of this matter from beginning to end. Everyone also felt that Luo Su must have hidden something.    


Under the sharp gazes of everyone, Luo Su coldly snorted, "What can I hide? Since Commander Soong Jianshu wants to go, then the vanguard position will be given to you."    


Luo Su still maintained her cold face, but everyone felt that Luo Su's tone was filled with coldness.    


"Haha, then I will be the vanguard to scout the path for everyone."    


Soong Jianshu did not care about Luo Su's attitude at all. He let out a strange laugh and exchanged glances with Lu Ming who was beside him. He waved his hand.    




Under Soong Jianshu's command, the huge army suddenly had a will to fight that shook the heavens. A huge army rushed towards the sky. Even the landslide guards of Profound Spirit Realm couldn't compare with this army. This was the Nether Cloud Tribe of Dark Cloud Palace.    


However, just when everyone thought that Soong Jianshu was going to lead the Nether Cloud Tribe into the battle, Soong Jianshu chuckled. His cold eyes swept across Chu Lin and waved his hand once again.    


* Hong...... *    


Another majestic will of battle surged. Everyone was shocked. They could clearly see another army of ten thousand people. They followed behind the Nether Cloud Tribe.    


This was the other army of Dark Cloud Palace. Soong Jianshu actually wanted to command two armies to attack the Four Gods Array at the same time!    


Soong Jianshu's actions had shocked everyone, and they started discussing amongst themselves.    


"Soong Jianshu can actually control two armies!"    


"This must be a technique he has been hiding for a long time. If it was during the battle with Chu Lin, This is a technique that he has been hiding for a long time. If he used this technique, Chu Lin would definitely be defeated."    


"This Soong Jianshu is indeed extraordinary!"    


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